37 Replies to “Is There Nothing That Obama Can’t Do?”

  1. Really just mailing it in here, a couple yards towards the near sideline for both photographer and B. Hussien and he’d be wearing the halo he richly deserves.

  2. The photoshop POTUS in action again. EVERYTHING is all about BHO the supreme narcissist in chief. My NSA message is &^%# him and the MSM he rode in on.

  3. Hey folks, is that the NATO insignia on the field? What’s the message here? Who is Mister Presidente playing for?

  4. If you look closely, there’s a miniature man riding the President’s thumb!
    Barack Obama must be a GIANT!

  5. All jokes aside though, I think we could cut the guy some slack, as I suspect many of us might tweet said pic given the opportunity.
    Quite frankly, the vitriol at the link(not here), is exactly the same nonsense we saw directed at GWB. Exactly.
    IMO, the American Right at this time is completely unhinged; and I consider myself to the Right of most folks in any country; but, not so much part of the American Right. The Super Bowl is an excellent metaphor for American politics at this time; and Obama is throwing the TD. With an abysmal governing record, Bushesq approval ratings, scandal on top of scandal, Obamacare, economy, and a Senate ripe for the picking, the GOP have managed to lose a National Election, and managed somehow to make absolutely NO HEADWAY with the American people while the President is under such duress. Heck, Justin Trudeau is doing significantly better with significantly less dirt on his opponent! With what appears to be not a single decent prospect for 2016, except perhaps Jeb Bush who is likely unelectable; Hilary seems a shoe-in, and I doubt the GOP will make the necessary gains in 2014 to win the Senate.
    It is absolutely mystifying that for a decade at least now, the GOP has not yet learned how to craft a concise message; never mind learned how to get that message out to the folks. Instead, the best American conservatives can muster against the President is that he looks ‘gay’ when he throws a ball. JMO

  6. It could be down to the willy factor, Hilary might win just to see Slick Willy around the White House with nothing much to do.

  7. Indiana H., in my view, it’s time for the Republican old guard, ie., John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Peter King et al, to retire. The best and brightest (Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Trey Gowdy) could WIN. They’re principled.

  8. Putin would have done it at the actual game-
    With his shirt off, and flexing his abs.

  9. Indiana, it’s the BIBLE stupid, the religious rite wingers always drag the bible out, or bible based ideology. When a national election is “happening” abortion/birth control should not be one of the issues, yet the lefties throw a tampon in the discussion ring and bingo, all major issues that should be focused on are ignored. |This very fact turns a lot of ppl off, and so they don’t vote, or they vote for the other side. These minor issues are personal and should rise NO higher than state/provincial level. The 2012 election was a perfect example, with that airhead college student and her whining about state/insurance paid contraceptives. Do even think of how many women would be turned off by that issue. Up, learn to lay the bible down when you involve yourself in political issues, I, and many more conservatives and centrists are atheist/agnostic and believe in the rite to choice. That does not mean we support abortions, we support “choice’, which the thumpers keep dragging out, but only for their own pet beliefs!!!!

  10. Perhaps the issue is that the so called right isn’t even close to the middle anymore and the severely normal conservative voter has abandoned the republicans in droves. What is the point of voting when you’re going to be disappointed no matter which side wins?

  11. Did the POTUS just get himself photobombed?? On his OWN website??
    At first glance he looks to be holding a gun in his right hand….
    … A far cry from the pen and phone he bragged about. Now, if he’d stick to just wielding a football, we might be a lot better off….

  12. I don’t disagree; as it was politically beneficial for the CPC in Canada to throw the social conservatives under the bus. I believe that PMSH’s claim at the beginning of the last campaign that “a Harper government will never bring-up the abortion debate” IS what locked the majority for the CPC.
    That said, your comment is besides my point. My point is that NOBODY has a bloody clue what the GOP stands for EXCEPT for what they are portrayed as in the media; that being a bunch of yahoos blasting-off about the President having his photo taken at the biggest football game on earth. Heck, wasn’t Rob Ford at the Gray Cup? They are a bunch of political dunderheads, who if at this time get into office, will probably make things worse for conservatism. JMO

  13. First thought that came to mind after seeing the picture (and empty stands) …
    If the president throws a ball and no one is around, is he still a poser?

  14. I disagree. I believe a fair majority of voters agree with the majority of what I perceive is the GOP platform. The issue is in leadership(lack of), messaging, talent, knowledge. I speak to many Democrats regularly(mostly mexican,black,women) who have the same views on issues; but, believe the Democrat messaging. For example: want lower taxes – vote Democrat; want freedom and liberty – vote Democrat; want sound foreign policy – vote Democrat; want a stronger economy – vote Democrat; want a healthy environment – vote Democrat; support human rights – vote Democrat.
    In the eyes of the voters; the Democrats own these issues.

  15. I’m sorry, was there a football game yesterday? I don’t get TV or radio or newspapers, so I can ignore things like that. There’s nobody to rub my nose in the Big Media Event for weeks ahead.
    Restful is what it is.

  16. Ahhhh, to put on the pads again, line up with the rest of a D line and meet at the quarterback…

  17. This Obama dude is not somebody important, is he? I mean, imagine if he was like some kind of elected official or had an important responsibility such as maybe being a dogcatcher or God forbid mayor of some small town.
    He’s just some Hollywood jackass I suppose?

  18. I agree… but even though the pic is a composite of a half dozen other pics and people’s bodies, he still looks like a bit of a poof, doesn’t he?
    Out there in the middle of an empty stadium standing on a Nato sign while he pretends to throw an American football at nobody and for no reason is not exactly manly… is it?

  19. Not a Barack fan, but I am left-handed and my initial reaction to that photo was to remember that he is yet another left-handed president (Ford, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Obama – no idea about any possible significance, but it’s strange).
