39 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. “You’re the Reason Our Kids Are Ugly” Or as Barack and Michelle call it, “our song”.

  2. Wow, EBD, that Walker character is everything he accuses others of being. As long as people like him have a breath in their bodies, they will not listen to any differing views. I like how he claims that he rants against the rich not helping the poor (and he quotes Jesus), but he never says that does anything personally to help. The fact he won’t even look up the references given by a rational debater shows his mind is cast in concrete. Pathetic really, and I hope I have saved others from reading his drivel.

  3. @EBD: The author of the article is clearly a true believer but his arguments are so shallow that a reasonably knowledgeable person rejects them. One of those commenting proceeded to do so and eventually was informed that his views would no longer be welcome.
    What I don’t understand about the AGW crowd is their rejection of nuclear power as a means of solving what they see (i.e., CO2) as a major, world-as-we-know-it-ending, problem. You’d think that if it was that bad that nuclear power would be right up near the top of their list of solutions. But then their naive embrace of “non polluting and free wind power” and “solar power” is startling as anyone paying attention knows that the technology to make these truly effective is lacking.
    My position is that we DO need to stop dumping so much CO2 into the atmosphere. And we can do it without punishing the middle class and poor with huge electric bills. I find it ridiculous or maybe even criminal that no country in North America has a clearly stated (to my knowledge) an encompassing and cohesive energy policy.

  4. Here is an interesting article,
    Today, it is one of the favored activities of so called journalists in the US and possibly in Canada, damning Putin.
    In this case, it is the protests against him in Moscow.
    Let us understand that none is without sin. Putin of course has his.
    The information on Putin is highly problematic, he is being made fun of as much as any republican.
    What is more interesting than the article are the comments, some of comentators seem to be more informed than the “journalist” that wrote the article.

  5. CBC’s top Canada story tonight ;
    ” The roots of Rob Ford: New book explores mayor’s upbringing ”
    Robyn Doolittle, a journalist at the Toronto Star, is the author of Crazy Town: The Rob Ford Story.
    A billion dollars a year doesn’t get you much.
    But, on the bright side, Olivia is fist-pumping mad.
    One Toronto book, one Toronto book, what wrong with you?
    She may have said, ‘ Rob not crazy, my Jack crazy. Lots of time he leave mad and come back all ‘love me long time’. We never went to bed angry, always a happy ending’.

  6. David,
    Define the key elements of the “encompassing and cohesive energy policy” which you feel countries need to establish.

  7. The Green agenda in general is an anti-“Big Anything” agenda. They seem to believe that if we all went and lived like the Amish, the world’s problems would be solved, and everything would be in harmony. A lot of them are positively evangelical about it. The whole agenda appears to be more like a religion than anything else. The Neo-Technic Church of the Presumptuous Assumption?

  8. North of 60, Ken not only do they want us to live like the Amish they want 7 billion less of us destroyers of Mother Earth. Actually there are a few groups that wish the extermination of all humans. I say we should tell them to show us how it’s done by leading by example.

  9. Oh yeah!?! Well look at the evil you deniers are wroughting!
    How do you sleep at night?
    ‘For months after Hurricane Sandy… retired art teacher Marcia Bard Isman woke up many mornings feeling anxious and nauseated. She had headaches, and inexplicable bouts of sadness. She found herself crying for no apparent reason.
    “I would feel really sad, and that’s just not me,” she said. “I felt like the joy was out of my life. I still haven’t recaptured it.”
    What Isman is experiencing is one of the little-recognized consequences of climate change…’

  10. When I was a kid:
    “Jimmy, where is your homework?”
    “Uh, my dog ate it.”
    “Now Jimmy you know that won’t work.”
    “Yes, mam. I’ll do it tonight and bring it tomorrow.”
    “Jimmy, where is your homework?”
    “Uh, climate change ate it.”
    “Well, OK, but don’t let it happen again.”
    “Yeah, right”.

  11. “not only do they want us to live like the Amish they want 7 billion less of us destroyers of Mother Earth”
    A lot of them think that population control will happen all by itself if “Big Everything” stops running the world. In their fantasy world all women would only want to have one child. It’s right up there with their delusion that wind and solar can power the world.

  12. @Niall Mor: You said “Define the key elements of the “encompassing and cohesive energy policy” which you feel countries need to establish.”
    I want to emphasize that my statement was not really about what I would do but rather that the role of government should be to provide it’s citizens with an assessment and a policy. I was not suggesting that government should take charge but rather that government should recognize and support a policy of what could be done based on that assessment. I believe a clear statement of the facts and a practical map to the future would go a long way toward ending the acrimony in the debate about the fate of the world.
    I would offer my own version but the space allotted along with the interest of the readers here would wane before I got close to finishing …
    In general, a policy would start with a clear breakdown of what is the present energy usage, what will be the the future needs (a future of say 30 years out and an OVERALL increase in need), and then proceed to realistically map out a path to getting there. (“realistically” being a key term). And yes, the fact of CO2 increasing rapidly would be a consideration. So would conservation of energy. Of course it would be controversial but then what isn’t these days.
    As an aside, I am a believer in technology as way around our problems. It’s happened too many times before to ignore the saving properties of new technology. Perhaps in 30 years we actually will have operating fusion generators for our electricity or solar panels with an efficiency of 80% or more. The world will be changed by either of these.

  13. No, dizzy (11:39 pm), neither of the two comments – both of which I agree with – were mine. Clue number one: both are from frequent SDA commenters who used the exact same nicks they use here.
    If I had bothered to leave a comment there, though, (and I very, very rarely comment on other sites, have never once commented on the CBC/CTV/Sun/Fox sites, for example) it would probably have closely resembled wallyj’s and Ken Kulak’s, because they’re among a select group commenters who I virtually always agree with.
    If you’re ever wondering in the future if a particular comment you see at one of the tens of thousands of sites out there is mine, just look for “EBD” under it. That’s the nick I use.

  14. A few days ago occasional SDA commenter dizzy linked to an article in The Week by Damon Linker in which he enthusiastically suggested, with nothing to back it up, that the National Review will likely not survive the Mann Lawsuit, and is probably doomed.
    Here’s Mark Steyn’s response.

  15. All your kidz R ours:
    “A six-year-old boy has been excluded from his primary school for four days amid a stand-off between his parents and the school authorities over its healthy eating policy.”
    “Riley Pearson’s parents were called to a meeting at Colnbrook Church of England primary school after a bag of Mini Cheddars, an oven-baked snack, was discovered in his packed lunch following the introduction of the new policy which stipulated that packed lunches should be a ‘healthy and balanced meal.'”.
    The boy’s mother:

    “We just do not see how they have the right to tell us what we can feed our son. If anything, Riley is underweight and could do with putting on a few pounds. Having a balanced diet also includes eating some carbohydrates, sugars and fats. It is not about excluding some foods it is about getting the mix right.”

    The Headteacher:

    “We cannot talk about individual circumstances but there is one family who are not prepared to support the policy. We are in discussions with them about how we move it forward. We have excluded (the pupil) for four days due to lack of support for the policy.”

    These Big-State Busybodies must be stopped at all costs.
    h/t David Thompson

  16. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/industry-news/energy-and-resources/obama-wont-rush-keystone-decision-white-house-says/article16659928/
    The White House said Sunday it will wait at least another 90 days to make a final decision as it awaits vital input from other government departments and agencies, raising the possibility that the U.S. President may avoid a decision on the controversial project until after the November U.S. midterm elections for fear of alienating Democratic voters.
    Post one of these links with a long list of “decisions” and “world events” that were quicker than the Keystone decision, such as : WWI, WWII, Great depression, first gulf war, etc..

  17. What they fail to realize(the sheeple that is) is that if we go back to living off the land, no cars ect… it will be the doom of Women’s Liberation.
    Ecotards (the sheeple) do not understand that cheap energy is directly correlated to the liberty and freedom of women. In the past, women didn’t miss out on hunting trips because they are nauseating to hang-out with for long periods of time. No! They stayed home to tend domestic duties because that is what their natural abilities lent to in those days.
    I’m a man. Assimilation will be easy for me.
    You do realize CO2 is plant food right? Your POV is rationalizing at best. There is no evidence to suggest that the world’s wildlife does not benefit from MORE CO2 in the atmosphere.
    Don’t Believe the Hype – Flavor Flav
    That said, I do agree with you about nuke. To answer you question; the goal of the ecotard commies isn’t to solve the ‘crisis’; hence, the enthusiasm for solutions that solve nothing.
    You should not endulge them by accepting their faux premise that humans expell too much CO2. The entire cause is a commie plot.

  18. It is truly amazing how people can twist a religion to suit their personal prejudices and beliefs!

  19. There is a finite amount of hydro carbons on earth; and they will all get used. Period! Then, we will use something else.
    So, we should use as much as we can, for as long as we can. It is ridiculous to scale back our use(share of the pie,) to allow others to use it(China/Russia) while we beat our heads against the wall using 19th century technology.
    Our money is as good as anyone else’s; so, as long as there are sellers, we should be buyers(save me the claptrap about ‘fair share’ as our fair share is what we can purchase). If anything, to prevent others from using it and getting an advantage over us. Unless I missed something:
    Life is like the Super Bowl. You are either a Bronco or a Seahawk. – IH

  20. David – what you have described is known as “Demand Planning” – “clear breakdown of what is the present energy usage, what will be the the future needs (a future of say 30 years out and an OVERALL increase in need”.
    It is not policy. The reason I asked the question was to see if you had any concept of what constitutes an energy policy. You do not. And you really should also educate yourself on CO2.

  21. Things have changed over the last 40 years. If we take away fossil fuels, someone will have to get back to doing the domestic chores, but it is not necessarily the women.

  22. @Niall Mor: Perhaps, just perhaps, it is me. But then it might be you who doesn’t understand what an “energy policy” is or should be.
    However, (in fact) I know quite a bit about CO2, having been educated as a biologist and having (in fact) experimented with plant growth under increased CO2 levels. And yes, in general, plants like it….
    But you don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. And if you can’t see the increases in CO2 are large, have been very recent and rapid, are mostly human caused, and have the potential (if nothing else) to cause adverse responses to global temperatures then really we don’t have much to talk about. Knowing this does NOT make me a “climate alarmist” …. the current label for the hand wringing crowd. However, it would appear the YOU are in your own “Climate Hell” by refusing to look at the facts. Very likely nothing I can say will change your opinion.
    Keep your head in the sand, I don’t care…..
    P.S. http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/Carboniferous_climate.html#anchor83826
    Make of it what you will.
