Snatching At Defeat

Victor Davis Hanson:

On almost every contemporary issue there is a populist, middle-class argument to be made against elite liberalism. Yet the Republican class in charge seems ossified in its inability to make a counter-argument for the middle class.

It’s almost as though people are sending them a message: Not only is the GOP losing a fundraising war to the Democrats, it is also losing a fundraising war to the Tea Party element of their own party.

17 Replies to “Snatching At Defeat”

  1. The republican establishment are staying on the sidelines so Obama can safely complete his super bowl pass to the MSM.

  2. If only it were an American-only phenomenon. The CPC, of which I am a member, is not good at articulating –
    really, anything much, except that they are doing a great job on the economy. With the exception
    of PMSH and a couple of others, they are STUPID. And then we get to Ontario – the submoronic Tim Hudak is
    probably incapable of winning an election against a field mouse, but isn’t decent enough to get lost.
    I wonder if the Democrats will campaign against the GOP by saying, more or less, “why vote Republican? They
    always do what we want! Just save yourselves time, money, and a pile of draamaaa by voting
    Democrat”. The only problem is that it is true, and Democrats don’t like truth.

  3. I wanted to post a comment but couldn’t.
    I wanted to tell them in the US to study the Reform Movement. The Repubs lost the last election because Conservatives stayed at home.
    You see, unlike liberals, who can vascilate between various shades of socialist, Conservatives can only vote conservative; and if the “conservative” party thinks i8t should get to the “middle ground” AKA move left, then they will stay home.

  4. The problem is that the right thinks they only have to “move to the centre” to get elected. Of course the left moves further left.
    Why would anyone vote for a pseudo “moderate” when they can vote for the real “moderate”.
    And don’t forget the universities and media define the moderate position, which also moves further left. Why? State funded! Any state funded organization is automatically, and by definition, socialist. And you don’t get ahead in the CBC by demanding the CBC be privatized.

  5. The O’Reilly interview of Obama should result in his impeachment for his failure to defend Americans under fire in Benghazi. He said the he was not told it was a terrorist attack, that is a lie… He lied to every question! O’Reilly did well!
    Republicans must find the guts to impeach the fool!
    They have to be careful with Obama-Care as the only saving grace for Democrats is if they can blame Republicans. The truth has not been fully told. They failed to ban Hospital double billing of insured patients (used by the States to pay Medicaid & the Uninsured), such that a 6K deductible will be deleted by 2K worth of care & the 100K limit will be reached by 33K of care. The system went from bad to insane!
    A person is better off uninsured and billed for actual cost

  6. The comments above prove that politics has become meaningless bafflegab that only the extremists pay any attention to. Until 2015 politics in Canada is nothing more than mental masturbation.

  7. I used to vote conservative or not at all..
    Oh boy I get to vote for Stephen Harper again or else Jon Bon Jovi is gonna be PM..
    What is that!!
    Thats not a platform, its blackmail..
    Lower taxes and smaller government and the freedom that it brings!

  8. Heh, that interview with O’Reilly was… interesting. Obama actually tried to blame Fox and others for his problems. Just think about that: He’s basically saying “I’d have gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for you pesky conservative media outlets and your meddling tea partiers!”

  9. Republican Party is probably just as stuffed full of yellow little fart-suckers as our “Conservative” parties are up here.

  10. The Dems tamed the establishment Repubs a long time ago. They are willing to take the crumbs the Dems sweep off the table. All the folks in the Washington establishment badly need to review the history of the French Revolution.

  11. “Surely there is a populist case to be made — or is the Republican establishment to manage a permanent, sober, and judicious out-party, as it is demagogued to death by the privileged?”
    There are enough Republicans in the same boat finance and influence -wise,that the two Parties represent different factions of the elite. So between the Republican and Democrat Parties, which one represents the middle class? Neither.
    VDH asks a lot of good questions,and begs to know why the Republicans don’t demand the answers from Obama and his group.
    The answer is obvious,they simply have lost touch with the people who made America into the Nation that it was forty ears ago. The middle class of America is as foreign to the Rep/Dem elites as the Kalahari bushmen,and as long as they’re as demanding as those faraway people, don’t expect much change in the way America is “done”.
    The Americans would have been better off electing that crazy guy, but,like Canadians,they’ll always choose the safe alternatives, Republicrats or Democrans.

  12. I agree. The main problem as I see it is that the left owns the media and has for half a century, and the conservatives do not know how to fight this and get their message out to the people.
    John Lewis, you got something there.
    All is not that quite that grim though, as PM Harper’s team did a fairly good job during the last two elections, as did Premier Wall’s team.
    Btw, I thought Bill O’Reilly took Obama to the cleaners and made him look like simpleton.

  13. I’ve been saying this for the better part of 8 years now.
    It is also why I said in 2011 that Newt Gingrich was the only GOP candidate that could defeat Obama; as, he is the ONLY person who can articulatly present the arguement for the free market and smaller government. Period!
    Fortunatly, I get the feeling that Newt is considering a second run; cause as I said, there is nobody ‘on deck’ right now that has a clue how to win the next election.
    Newt/Palin 2016

  14. No! It is not the problem! It is an excuse!
    With all due respect, we would not accept the perpetual excuses from our kids; so we should not make them ourselves. The GOP has no excuse for being dominated on other sources of media(social media). As a party, they are troglodytes, and have absolutly no vision.
    Unless you are an ideolog, like myself, and most that comment here; then I can see no reason to support the GOP at this time. As I’ve said, they have absolutely NO PLATFORM of any kind! They are the exact same as Trudeau’s Liberals(but without the likeable part). Oh yeah, and NO LEADER! Sheesh; Mitt was the nominee last round; but you could hardly argue that he was the “leader” of the GOP or conservatives or the TEA Party. Catch my drift?
    What exactly is someone who isn’t predisposed to our point of view to vote for in the GOP?
    Like I said yesterday; the GOP has no message; and not a clue how to get it out.JMO

  15. I live here.
    I won’t say too much derogatory about Americans, they are great folks; but they are the most self-absorbed folks I’ve ever met, and have not a clue, nor a desire, to know anything about what is happening outside their borders. The Left is oblivious to the current and historic fate of Big Spending Oppressive governments; and the Right is oblivious to the fact that there are foreign countrie that are economically successful, and tilt conservative/libertarian. In fact, the Right is so oblivious, they still think its the 80s and that Regan is President, and Pierre Trudeau is the PM of a socialist Canada; because ALL of their Talking Points are from that era.
