13 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

  1. From the link…. Hire Laura Griffin as a guest blogger!
    Logically and economically wind is a terrible way for large power grids. It is a feel good thingy for some urban dwellers. I hate them and will tell everyone to follow the money.
    The cost to build, the cost to maintain, the ROI, the “greenhouse” gasses “saved” do not add up.

  2. This story persists with the Orwellian terminology wind farm and windturbine farm. Farms are for growing crops,human and animal feeds, raising livestock and other commodities associated with agriculture. Wind factories are industrial power plants associated with deluded green energy zealots.As such they have zero connection with agriculture or farming.

  3. Well, I live 2 miles from the edge of a 50-odd turbine wind installation, and I have noticed no noise or other adverse effects, aside from it uglying up the skyline. So I am a little skeptical about the opponent lady in the story and her claims of “electronic hypersensitivity”. But noise, particularly infrasonic sounds, could be a problem, I will agree.
    The real objection to wind farms is that they are founded upon fraud, multiple frauds, in fact. Fraud number one is CAGW. I accept the physics, that additional CO2 in the atmosphere may reduce back-radiation of solar heat, and thus tend to warm the planet. I don’t accept the premise that water vapor will augment that warming; obviously the contrary is the case, and water vapor buffers the warming, as it has buffered the planet’s climate from the git-go. Second fraud is that the wind generators are somehow “green”. We know otherwise. Huge pollution from the Chinese mines for the rare earths in their magnets, vast quantities of CO2 produced in making the steel and concrete that make up the structures. Of course, CO2 is not a pollutant, unless you have been taken in by fraud number one. Not to mention the fact that wind turbines kill birds and bats. Third fraud is the notion that these wind turbines make economic sense. They would never even get get built without the aid of government subsidies in the form of feed-in tariffs. They aren’t making money from the wind; they are mining the pockets of the taxpayers.

  4. gord, it has been well proven that between 4 cps and about 9 cps can have a detrimental effect on humans (and other living animals). Back in the 50T’s or 60T’s the French experimented with a military device that operated in the 7 cps range, very deadly in was, just not practical. Also, in Sweden or Denmark, there was a case of employee absenteeism that seamed to “suddenly” appear in a office building. The consultants that were hired to in vestige noticed a new building up wind that had a “weather” vane guided exhaust, they approached the owners of the new building and got permission, at no expense to the owners, to change this vane, and sure enough without telling anyone the absenteeism in the subject building dropped back to normal. The vibrations coming from the vane were around 5 cps, so, yes, oscillations and their harmonics CAN be a factor.

  5. If it wasn’t for the fact that they are unreliable, inefficient, ugly, bird shredding, money sucking, industry killing poor imitations of real power plants and was a stupid idea in the first place to save us from a non existing problem of non existing global warming,….I might warm up to them if I could see the logic. Unfortunately the logic is missing and since brainwashed politicians seem to have the inability to ever admit they made a mistake, the economic destruction will continue until they are forced out of office and all subsidies eliminated to the industry. We need to plan for the future, not how to survive under the green slime of Agenda 21.

  6. Raze the downtown Eastside in Vancouver, which is a diseased HELL HOLE, and erect an urban windfarm. I’m sure the fuzzy-wuzzy green cult led by mayor Gregor Robertson can figure out a way to do it.

  7. There are lots of reasons not to want wind turbines, but “it’s like living in a microwave” is NOT one of them. There’s no radiation, ionizing or otherwise, involved with wind turbines. This exemplifies the problem of amateurs going on line, reading some piece of drivel and getting the neighbours hysterical about some fantasy.
    Yes, wind is an uneconomic source of electricity, and its highly unreliable and has significant local sound and visual impacts. But it’s not about radiation.

  8. Note that the poll avoids asking a question that gets to the nature of the real problem of them being inefficient & an expensive waste of taxpayers/ratepayers money.
    The question regarding them not being located near a community is a bit of a red herring, the poll was likely influenced by a proponent of windpower.

  9. I agree wind generated energy is a scam on almost every level.
    Google ‘Duke Energy bird deaths’ and see what happens to birds who are unlucky enough to encounter a wind farm.

  10. There are enough economic and environmental reasons not to build any industrial wind turbines, as listed above. The health concerns, while harder to document are nontheless apparent. Ont has several dozen farm homes adjacent to wind plants which have been abandoned. Rational people do not abandon houses they have used for 30 years or more, or rent “sleeping houses”, or move in with relatives, all because they imagine turbines are making them sick. It certainly isn’t to get ahead of wind companies; the Ont government and its health and environmental agencies stand full square behind wind companies and against its citizens. To this day Ont has never even conducted a researched health study, or interviewed several hundred chronically sick citizens. Something is making these people sick, but Ont shows a studied indifference to their plight.

  11. Is anyone monitoring the Leader Post poll to ensure the figures are actually being tallied?
    Or was that NDP fiasco enough for others to learn by?
    and note, the RM is willing to do this, because “it’s good”. The left, that has redefined the word “good” is emboldened by these types of success’. It has nothing to do with what was once defined as “good”.
    “Good” is a moral value, and has nothing to do with governance.

  12. A friend of mine is contemplating moving because of the windmills that have been placed in east central Alberta. If it is calm and there are no windmills turning he is fine but if the one’s closest to his house are moving he suffers from vertigo.

  13. Smell that stench?
    It’s either scamming rent seekers look-
    ing for greedy fools or the devil himself.
    Not always easy to decide which is worse.
