31 Replies to “Are We Still A Member Of This Thing?”

  1. This was probably staged. Everybody knows that UNICEF money goes to buy actual military gear. They would not be so stupid as to blow their cover like this.

  2. it is amusing that the UN has recently criticised the RC church for
    pedophilia when so often the UN African “peace-keeping” forces have
    built themselves reputations for pedophilia and adult rape.
    Membership in the WHO is important, obviously. It is a UN organisation
    but I am not sure whether UN membership is essential to membership in
    The other essential international organisation is the General
    Conference on Weights and Measures (Conférence générale des poids
    et mesures), which Canada joined in 1907, and which has
    no connection with the UN.
    So as gutter talk is now the norm, apparently, in international
    diplomacy, f**k the UN.

  3. “Photographs of the misappropriated supplies surfaced at an awkward time for the United Nations.”
    So at some times “misappropriation” would not be awkward if photographed. Got it.

  4. Actually it would be a lot less awkward for the UN if misappropriated supplies were not photographed at all.

  5. UNICEF should have sent ‘The Adventures of Dora’ backpacks.
    Or ‘Cinderella.’

  6. John, it occurs to me that there’s a few other international organizations for which membership is essential. IAEA is one, without which we cannot be a member of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and thus sell no nuclear technology or uranium to anyone else. WTO is another.

  7. They fought the Muslims for 50 years. The Muslims gave them the boot and now they are killing each other. Somebody should tell these idiots that they won and they can have peace now.

  8. Likkmuff
    yup they are that stupid. A friend of mine is related to Butrus Butrus Gali, and the stories he’s told me confirm said stupidity.

  9. “The UN is asking for money to provide “food, medicine and other lifesaving supplies” to the nearly 3.2 million people suffering from “devastating” humanitarian consequences, according to its top aid official in the country.”
    Translation: “the UN is going to continue to take money from us suckers in the developed world,to give to dictators and their hanger-on in the third world.”
    Those backpacks DO look fetching against the camo of the Heroic Sudanese People’s Army of Resistance,or whatever the hell they call themselves.

  10. Hey, c’mon. Every new country worth its salt has a civil war to shake things out a bit.
    The US was slow off the mark; it 70 years to get one going.
    The Irish had one almost as soon as the Free State was declared.
    The Ukrainians look like they’re almost all set to go now too.

  11. I wonder if people (children) were hurt or killed for these (Troops?)uniform equipment. How does one let the UN become advised of this? just wondering; cheers;

  12. ALL international aid to foreign conflicts is commandeered by the local crooks/militias/gangs. ALL. Why should one be surprised. I am opposed to “international aid” without international enforcement.

  13. Our brother in Ottawa has coined a great phrase “faster than an African Warlord on a UN Food Drop” – please feel free to use it.

  14. Being an active member/supporter of the UN is like being a member of an international crime syndicate which is too inept to run a proper protection/extortion racket. At least when you paid the mob for protection you got it. Probably the worst thing that can happen to a nation is to be “helped” through difficulty by the UN.

  15. Arguable the IMF is scarier but it’;s hard to tell because you really have to be cretinously incompetent to get their attention.

  16. Two points:
    1. I read something the other day (here at SDA maybe??? or a link???) about that poor starving African kid that you donated you pennies to as a kid through UNICEF a long time ago….remember that???? Well now there is 100 more poor starving African kids as a result of that.
    2. Monies were raised at the Multinational Forces and Observers North Camp at El Gorah in the Sinai to purchase school supplies for the kids at the orphanages in Egypt. An hour after delivery, those same supplies and donated items from MFO member countries, and the soldiers themselves, were on the black market.
    Africa just isn’t worth saving. Of course all those bleeding heart left wing commie pinkos would argue otherwise but then they haven’t been there.

  17. From the very same organization that puts the most egregious human rights abusers in charge and on the UN human rights watch dog panel.
    Yes – why are we still a member of this!!!??

  18. To show what a rat hole the UN has become, one only has to look at how they embraced Mugabe. If they set the bar any lower they would have to dig a hole.
    I’m just guessing but this report is what must have made Bloomberg decide this organization would be perfect for him if he wanted to rule the world. He fits right in. The power trip he’s always dreamed of.

  19. This is now the scariest sentence in the English language (or any language); I’m from the UN and I’m here to help you.”

  20. The spirit of the dysfunctional useless UN is the very same spirit that has infested our own western societies.. Progressive / liberal ideals where the people imposing it are not the ones benefiting from it.. So both ends of the fake UN deal end up walking away..
    Here the people imposing it also are the ones benefiting from it so there is no shortage of fake human interest stories to support it..
    Think about the difference between liberalism here and liberalism there.. In my eyes its telling just how liberalism works..
    If both sides have to be bribed in order for it to work its not working at all.. This is why the UN wants all your money..

  21. Not only do we not want to belong, we want to distance ourselves from the UN, otherwise we could find ourselves with battalions of troops from some totaly foreign country on Canadian streets to impose order following a UN law being imposed on Canada. Don’t think it could happen? Vote the Shiney Pony in and see what happens.

  22. “I wonder if people (children) were hurt or killed for these (Troops?)uniform equipment. How does one let the UN become advised of this?”
    To what end?
