13 Replies to “Frankly, My Dear”

  1. “I want” is the battle cry of every activist group on the planet.They all “want”, but have no intention of ever earning anything they want.
    So we have to provide it or be accused of discriminating against whatever particular group they allegedly represent.
    Sandra Fluke,like most activists,represents herself, despite her claims to speak for women everywhere.
    And as the author states,she’ll do just fine living off the taxpayers for the rest of her life.

  2. Poor little girls! They want a big daddy government to take care of them, but someday, big daddy may give them a spanking.

  3. I just don’t see the need for feminism in modern North America. In places such as Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, sure, but here? We can’t escape, nor should we want to escape, our BIOLOGY. The biological imperative. Men seek to spread their seed; women want security for their children and themselves. Women will never be happy if they ignore how they were made.

  4. Well the battle of the sexes is now full blown open warfare and I for one have thrown down my guns and surrendered.
    Change your own tire, chickie.
    Bush fire flaring up in Afbagistan? Send in the shrews! You go girl! Stick it to those bearded apes like ya know ya wanna! Grrrl power!
    And, the truth is…I can get up off the couch and make my own damned sammich AND do a better job of it too! Cankles like Maureen Dowd at the NYT are asking themselves why they need men and I am quite happy to let those cunned stunts come to the answer on their own. Truth is, dearie – no that I can cook and clean my own damn self…who needs YOU?
    Thank you God, for giving me a wife that is a lady in every sense of the word, and spare some mercy for my brothers in arms that haven’t had my luck…

  5. The “Wymins” movement was invented to allow mentally/spiritually damaged angry women, who are intellectually/socially/politically repulsive, access to the corridors of political power. Once there they engaged in a form of gender fascism which the radical fring hoped would percolate down and create a destabilizing effect in western social cohesion.

  6. Here the repellent harpies make their nests…
    Clawed feet and swollen, feathered bellies; they caw
    Their lamentations in the eerie trees.
    Prescient fellow, that Dante.

  7. Feminists that proclaim they don’t need men should get a mandatory reality check.
    Things invented by woman.
    Things invented by men.
    Seems to me that men need feminists like fish need a bicycle, but real men and women need each other. Real men and women never started this pissing contest either.

  8. Well said. Men and women were made to complement each other. That involves respect.
    Feminists are missing that quality.

  9. I was speaking with my best friend in the world, a Turkish philosophy professor, who lives in Turkey. Her definition of feminism is still equal rights and protection under the law for women. I explained to her that feminism in North America does not resemble that at all.
    We had a great discussion about it and she understands. Because she is a thought leader in Turkey and well known on television, she is in a position to make a real difference there.
