7 Replies to “Iran’s Bomb In The Basement”

  1. America was the wall of deterrence. This dilemma was kept in check……then Obama got elected. ’nuff said!

  2. The Obama Foreign Policy will be remembered for one thing – the era of nuclear proliferation gone viral.
    Nuclear armed combatants in the current round of the muslim civil war, Shia vs Sunni, Persian vs Arab.
    Way to many nutters and religious zealots armed with easily delivered weapons of mass destruction.
    Not going to end well.

  3. WW3, when it comes is going to be fought with WMD. Hunker down people, and locate away from population centers. In a WW3 lots of civilian casualties, and FEW military casualties. CHANGE!

  4. The USA can still turn Iran into a glowing parking lot but unfortunately, it won’t happen until they turf Obama out of office and by that time it will be too late. With Iran it’s pay now or pay later. Now would be best. Now would be the time to draw a line in the sand. I mean a real line, not a Obama line. OOOH look….Justin Bieber….

  5. As Glick points out, the worse nuclear threat is proliferation involving non-state actors, IOW Al Qaeda and its affiliates along with Hezbollah, and various other Sunni and Shiite Islamists. The state of Iran is deterred from direct use of their nuclear weapons arsenal; which IMO they presently possess – if they track earlier Israeli development.
    Whether or not they would allow Hezbollah to act as their proxy is debatable; the West would not wait for proof of their involvement to act decisively and brutally, resulting in war and leadership change. The leadership of Iran knows that. The problem is deterrence will have failed, with devastating results.
    Right now, chemical weapons in Syria are more of a problem, IMO. Their threshold of use is much lower than nukes, and Obama’s red line has already been crossed anyway, signally weakness, which is a grievous error in these circumstances.
    How the Obama administration doesn’t understand they have invited escalation from many WMD fronts continues to astound me, though it shouldn’t surprise given his inner circle’s utter inexperience and ideological paralysis.
