More Pavilions At Folkfest

George Jonas; (link fixed)

It was in the past 40 years that the immigrant of dubious loyalty emerged, followed by the disloyal native-born, sometimes of immigrant ancestry, sometimes of Islamic conversion. The new immigrant seemed ready to share the West’s wealth but not its values. In many ways he resembled an invader more than a settler or an asylum-seeker. Instead of making efforts to assimilate, the invader demanded changes in the host country’s culture.

Democracy, Immigration, Multiculturalism — pick any two.
h/t Victor M.

12 Replies to “More Pavilions At Folkfest”

  1. Link works for me, must be my positive attitude.
    George Jonas is the best columnist at NP, and here he clearly lays out the problem of multi-culti, without regard to political correctness.
    The man should be awarded the Order, but I wouldn’t want to see him in that company.
    We can expect howls of outrage from the usual suspects,CAIR or whatever the hell they call themselves now,and of course, my favorite Muslim, Syed Soharwardy, who will undoubtedly launch an HRC complaint over this column.
    Trudeau must have truly hated Canada or he was not the brilliant intellectual Liberals claim he was. The effects of m-c were obvious to most Canadians from the day he announced it as official policy.
    Why couldn’t “the Quebec genius” see that too?

  2. Bill C24 indicates they are aware of a problem but are too afraid or politically correct to tackle it. One look at what Muslim immigration is doing to Britain and Europe in general should wake them up, but they are too afraid to look. The truth could hurt someones feelings and we have laws against that.

  3. If the site is asking you to subscribe, try clearing out your cache, history & cookies, you should be able to access it then. I subscribe in order to support the existence of at least one prominent Canadian newspaper that’s right of the Soviet era Pravda, but never sign in to the site because their sign in process is a pain.

  4. Heard the immigration minister yakking about stringent new immigration rules.
    Gasp – they’re gonna insist that they know one official language.
    Yeah, right.
    But here’s the kicker: there is a backlog of 300,000+ citizenship applications.
    To help clear this they’re gonna move away from the three step process and toward a one step process.
    Translation: Talk tough and open the floodgates for alien net tax consuming foreigners to clear the irksome paperwork.
    The foregoing may sound heterodox for a hard core libertarian but I’m a realist: you can’t have a welfare nanny state and open borders.
    If you like your country and culture, you can keep your country and culture. Period. But not with this all party unified immigration policy.

  5. “But accommodation only escalated demands.”
    This statement was well down in the text, but there is a vital element in this whole situation. At the risk of digressing I just have to put in my two cents worth. As an immigrant over fifty years ago, I worked in Nova Scotia, the city of Toronto and Sault Ste Marie.

    One deemed it wise to fit in, for the residents seemed a little sensitive to being compared with where one was from. It was decided to start a Highland Games in Sault Ste. Marie. A steering committee with “input from the public” met in the Steelton library.

    I had viewed a Highland Games in Scotland previously. A Scotsman mentioned the lack of a program for 100 yard foot races. He drew a blank stare. He then said that is the main thing about the games, that helped draw the crowds.

    A voice came from the committee, not unkindly, I should add. A mock Scots accent was employed. “Ye are nawt in Scawtland noo, Jawk”

    The games fizzled after three years- “not enough money to be made”.
    Today the local YMCA has women only swimming sessions, first time in it’s history ….. oh well, so it goes.

  6. “By now multiculturalism has made it difficult to safeguard our traditions and ideals against a new type of immigrant whose goal is not to fit in, but to carve out a niche for his own tribe, language, customs, or religion in what we’re no longer supposed to view as a country but something between Grand Central Station and an empty space.”
    Well said, George Jonas!
    Another goal that is apparent from the actions of certain immigrants is to EXPAND THE TERRITORY of the country that they left. Taking over the world, many countries at a time. Western countries imbued with compassion are obviously seen as suckers. We ARE suckers, if we don’t protect that which we say we value.

  7. If you listen to the Liberals/NDP, the things we take pride in and value are the very things that will destroy us in the long run. Islam has shown itself to be incompatible with anything except….Islam. No feel good public relations campaign will change that. As you said, we are suckers and our children will pay the price.

  8. Jonas is one of the best thinkers in this country, but he only addressed half of the issue. “Multiculturalism” is one problem; “bilingualism and biculturalism” is the other. We’re a split-personality country. We should be able to say firmly and confidently, “You have five years from the day you arrive to pass a stringent citizenship test, in English, or home you go. Our values are Common Law, Paramountcy of the Individual and Private Property.” But we can’t; we have to add “or French” to the first sentence. And we can’t articulate any real values or culture, because we have to add “or, Civil Law and Collectivity*” to the second sentence.
    (* – brings up the spell-checker, because it’s not even an English word.)

  9. peterj >
    “If you listen to the Liberals/NDP, the things we take pride in and value are the very things that will destroy us in the long run.”
    Well said.
    It’s no accident that millions of useless third world peoples are imported into the west causing more harm than good. Plenty of Socialist Europeans are now slowly waking up to the national nightmare they’ve created, and finding out that there is no turning back.
    I have to laugh at all the Socialist western MSM trashing of Russia and the Sochi Olympics. Obviously Russians aren’t communist, non-white, or polluting the environment enough for the western MSM to gush over like they did in Beijing.
