11 Replies to “Or how about William Howard Taft?”

  1. Looking forward to Bush being blamed for the Obamacare fiasco. But will have to be patient, they haven’t nailed him for Benghazi yet.

  2. Got a friend in California who is usually pretty level-headed. Spoke to him this week, we got talking about politics, and to my total astonishment he started blaming Bush for all the problems Obama is having lately. It was Bush this, Bush that.
    It must be something in the water there.

  3. After Obama won his first election, but before inauguration, there were idiots running around saying Bush should step down a month early so Obama could get in there and fix the economy. 30 days made a difference to them back then, but 5 years mean nothing now?

  4. So Bush gets to blame Clinton for 911 unreadiness, the WMD issue in Iraq, and pretty much everything else that went wrong in his 8 years as POTUS. And Clinton gets to blame Reagan for Lewinsky. And Reagan gets to blame Carter for Iran-Contra.
    This is fun, this leftist logic.

  5. I used to have the numbers for the bush presidency. I no longer have them but I will say that before the dems took congress in 07 America was on the right track with deficits dropping and unemployment below 5%. I would guess after barryo is finished American’s will crying in their beer if they can afford a beer.

  6. Yes, Bush is still to blame for the economy, and will continue to be until it either turns around and Obama gets the praise for “fixing” it, or there’s an election where a Republican becomes president. Then it will be the new guy’s fault.
    Time for the Conservative media to branch out a bit, you could source the whole works from the comments at Small Dead Animals.

  7. CNN …. Certainly Not News …. and pandering to the audience of simpletons.
    44% of what demographic? CNN viewers I’ll bet.

  8. Nothing new here the liberals in Ontario are still blaming Mike Harris although he has not been around for over 10 years LIberals everywhere refuse to accept any responsibility for their mistakes.

  9. Well if Bush is to blame, the corollary would be that Bush could actually do something about it. Obama plainly can’t or won’t take responsibility for fixing it. So it would seem that bringing back Bush would be the best option.
