O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas

Hear my prayer: California voters in 2008 passed a ballot initiative that require larger enclosures for egg-laying hens. Farmers in California worried the new rules, which would increase their costs, would put them at a competitive disadvantage with egg farms in other states, so the state legislature passed a measure in 2010 to require out-of-state producers to comply with California rules.
Link fixed — sorry!
h/t Edward T.

19 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

  1. I wonder if the brains that came up with this law thought of HOW they were going to enforce this law outside of California??? No use making laws if you can’t enforce them

  2. The California law violates the US Constitution regarding interstate commerce and will be struck down, if it hasn’t already been.

  3. In related news, California branches of Denny’s no longer offer ‘Grand Slam Breakfasts’. Instead, they now offer the “Triple Play” – pancakes, bacon, and sausage. No eggs.

  4. There’s a hidden space in the word “california” in the linked URL that’s causing the link to break.  The space is between the letters “i” and “f”.  Click on the link, then when you get the 404 page, just go to the navigation window, remove the space and reload the page.  All will be well.

  5. Untold numbers of babies having their brains vacuumed out of their skulls, some mere minutes before being born into productive lives.
    What do the people worry about in California, the comfort of laying hens.
    The voter in California must truly be evil. Sodom and Gomorrah type evil.
    When being admitted to hell, the comfort of chickens will surely help.

  6. religious wackjobs sure do know how to emulate the leftards in dragging the unrelated nutty beliefs into a discussion, now don’t they
    is Sodom and Gomorrah a RC retreat were they have choir boys for gayitivity!!!!

  7. Well, the California legislature has successfully p1ssed off the two largest gun makers in the USA, S&W and Ruger, who will no longer off their wares for sale to the public.
    There are also a large number of equipment manufacturers who stopped doing business in California when the new CARB rules on off-road machinery came out. The ones who still sell to California charge almost 50% more for their newest models due to emissions equipment which isn’t required in Canada or any US state other than California. How long is that going to last?
    Eventually CARB will come out with some insane new rule and one of the major car makers will do the math and figure out it isn’t worth it to sell cars in California. Then the rest will follow suit, and Californians will finally get what they’ve been voting for all this time.

  8. I’m not a very religious man, but I have no qualms with those that are.
    You can’t see the correlation of stupidity between killing babies and pampering chickens? You don’t need to be religious to know and understand evil. (Well, most of us anyways.)
    55 million American babies aborted since Roe vs Wade and you believe it’s simply a religious conversation? With your level of condescension and hubris, I’d be careful calling anyone a wackjob.
