Reader Tips

A b***h-slap is a blow, often launched reflexively rather than with malice aforethought, that is delivered with either the front or the back of one’s open hand – it has to be an open hand – with the intention of humiliating or getting the attention of, rather than injuring or incapacitating, the deliveree. Tonight, for your viewing pleasure, here’s Hollywood Bitchslaps, Part Two.
Hey, c’mon, it’s free.
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

28 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Just cuz it’s funny….
    My wife searched for the answer to this predicament, ‘My daughter has to dress up as a 100 year old women for school any suggestions?’ Amongst the answers… “Give her a hump and a cane and a wart on her nose. What kind of sadistic teacher does your kid have?”. But the best…
    “The hard part is the posture and the walk. The posture is crimped, your daughter can have you apply some duct tape to her back in such a way that forces her to scrunch a bit. Yes, it is uncomfortable, that’s the point. It will require her to stand in a way that is not normal for a young person. The walk can be achieved by putting tiny stones in her shoes. It will force your daughter to walk in tiny, mincy steps. Just like a 100 year old lady… apply elmers glue to the back of her hands and let it dry. It will crinkle up and look like old skin. You can do the same to her face, but that is pretty uncomfortable. Try out any of the above suggestions on yourself first and make sure your daughter can handle the discomfort foctor.” Source:”Old make-up artist for for film and tv.”

  2. That’s interesting: I’m a huge fan of the British comedy “I Am Alan Partridge”, and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out how they made his skin look so convincingly wrinkly in the opening shot of series 2. It was shot about five years after the first series, but Partridge is supposed to be about fifteen years older. Now I know: Elmers’ glue, or some similar substance that shrinks as it dries. Neat!
    RT: For you dog lovers out there, read about the passing of Jasper the dog here, and read the dog-love in the comments here at American Digest.

  3. Not just graven, but delicious!

    “Two craftsmen (work) on a chocolate statue of Pope Francis at the Sigep International Exhibition trade fair in Rimini, Italy..”

  4. You were right, it was hard to read. Clicking brings it up to a readable level.
    Who would I vote for? Certainly not Barlow, as beside being disingenuous with his answer, he seems to lack principles as to what sort of Conservative he is. As someone on SunNews suggested, Barlow is more progressive than conservative.

  5. Juxtapose! Ukrainian protest edition:
    “In Europe, the view that America is part of what has gone wrong in our world, rather than a force to help make it right, has become all too common. In America, there are voices that deride and deny the importance of Europe’s role in our security and our future. Both views miss the truth – that Europeans today are bearing new burdens and taking more responsibility in critical parts of the world; and that just as American bases built in the last century still help to defend the security of this continent, so does our country still sacrifice greatly for freedom around the globe.” – Candidate Barack Obama in Berlin, July 2008.
    “F*ck the EU.” – U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Europe Victoria Nuland on Russian audio recording, February 2014.

  6. Can a new regulation plead the Fifth? In a manner of speaking, yes:

    “The Obama administration’s Treasury Department and former IRS official Lois Lerner conspired to draft new 501(c)(4) regulations to restrict the activity of conservative groups in a way that would not be disclosed publicly, according to the House Committee on Ways and Means.

    “The Treasury Department and Lerner started devising the new rules ‘off-plan,’ meaning that their plans would not be published on the public schedule. They planned the new rules in 2012, while the IRS targeting of conservative groups was in full swing, and not after the scandal broke in order to clarify regulations as the administration has suggested.”

  7. Wednesday, February 5, Toronto Sun, Tarek Fatah.
    [A student at Berkeley]: “I’ve been told by one of my professors I will be required, as part of my grade, to start a Twitter account and tweet weekly on Islamophobia. I can’t help but feel this is unethical. This is his agenda not mine.”
    “The professor conducting this exercise was Hatem Bazian as part of a course titled, ‘Asian American Studies 132AC: Islamophobia’.”
    Where is the Free Speech Movement when you need it?
    Some criticism is more thoughtful than others, but since the term ‘Islamophobia’ was virtually unheard of until after 9/11, it’s hardly unreasonable to conclude it was concocted to silence even rational responses to that monstrosity.

  8. “You know we’re big proponents of freedom of speech, but…”
    Daniel Greenfield: State Department Denounces Israeli Video Mocking Kerry as “Unacceptable”
    “If another country demanded that Saturday Night Live or Gawker stopped making fun of its leaders, it would be rightly put in its place. The Obama Inc. demands that Netanyahu stop Israelis from criticizing Kerry are equally inappropriate.”

  9. Since 2001, the U.S. Dept. of Education has been building a massive arsenal through purchases orchestrated by the Bureau of Alcohol,
    Tobacco and Firearms.
    The Education Dept. has spent over $80,000 so far on Glock pistols and over $17,000 on Remington shotguns.
    Back in July, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also purchased 72,000 rounds of .40 Smith & Wesson, following a 2012 purchase for 46,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point by the National Weather Service.

  10. Move over environmentalism/gayism!
    Here comes communism’s Equality Games. Everyone gets a medal.
    No winners. No losers.
    “Klutsis was shot in 1938; others disappeared into labour camps. Rodchenko kept the faith and in 1933, although he was out of favour, he took a series of propaganda photographs extolling the digging of the White Sea Canal: 200,000 political prisoners died in its construction.”
    “Ready or not, Sochi Olympics now on the world stage
    “SOCHI, Russia – The largest and most expensive Winter Olympic Games in history likely will be remembered for palm trees, reminders of Cold War tensions between the United States and Russia and high-flying flips in new events that offer X Games thrills.”
    “Patriot games: the innovation and drama of Soviet sports”
    “As the Sochi Olympics begin, a new exhibition examines the first collision of art, sport and politics in Russia.”

  11. It is worth mentioning too that Barlow was defeated by Daniel in the last Alberta provincial election and now he is trying his luck at the federal level. These journalists are just born with a need to service the public. He is just trying to help us understand what a great job the RCMP are doing with their policing mandate in Alberta. Another interesting part to this is that Daniel was going to review the RCMP mandate in Alberta if her party was elected and it happened that Daniel’s riding is the only place that doors were spashed in. You connect the dots.

  12. AGW-Neo Progress Report.
    “Friday Funny”
    “wws says:”
    “two guys with a ruler blow up the White House global warming video claims”
    “Now that was well done! This is the way to get the idea across to the every day voter – showing the dishonesty inherent to the warmists argument, combined with a healthy dose of ridicule. NEVER forget to emphasize how ridiculous the warmists arguments are – they hate that more than anything else you can do, because they know they have no answer to it. And they cheat on even the small details – like tilting the entire chart and hoping no one will notice. That needs to be shown again and again and again.
    People don’t want to sit through graphs, and lectures,and charts, and long-winded explanations – but they love to laugh. These got the important points across, while giving their audience a laugh. Perfect!”

  13. There really are some nutbars out there.
    “A woman has become the first person in Britain to be jailed for trolling herself – after bombarding her own Facebook page with abuse.
    Michelle Chapman, 24, launched her bizarre online campaign after falling out with her father and new stepmother, a court heard.
    She created bogus Facebook accounts for the couple and other family members and sent herself hundreds of vile sexual taunts.”
