Reader Tips

In tonight’s entertainment en route to the tips Cheryl Crow, Vince Gill, Eric Clapton, and English guitar legend Albert Lee put a little extra zip into Don Williams’s laid-back 1978 hit Tulsa Time.
Some might call it light rock ‘n’ roll. I call it a head-bobber.
The comments thread is open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

21 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Joe Biden on the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination: “There’s no obvious reason for me why I think I should not run.” (sic)
    I can think of one: He’s Joe Biden.

  2. Lotsa guitars on that stage, EBD.
    I always get a charge out of seeing the American national treasure, Jerry Douglas, working his magic with a slide.

  3. McCain is suffering POW syndrome, he stands for nothing but cheap shots. Putin is the better man.
    Sad McCain is my Senator & Obama is sulking in the WH. It was another Democratic President (Carter) that boycotted the USSR in 1980, now these clowns are doing everything to hurt the Olympics in Russia.
    Obama Sending 2 Lesbians to represent the USA is childish. I hope Putin drops him if Obama has the guts to meet him face to face.

  4. Chrysler demanding subsidies? Why does this remind of Atlas Shrugged?
    “I call it a head-bobber.”, and or a foot tapper.

  5. Now that would be neat. Putin punches out Obama after giving him fair warning. I’d pay to watch that MMA event. Even if he took him down and choked him out…even an arm bar would be cool. Am still laughing.

  6. Avalanche, Robby?
    “Skiers warned of terrain traps in Scotland’s mountains”
    “Heavy snowfalls over Scotland’s mountains have almost buried buildings at ski centres in Glencoe and Nevis Range.
    Falling and drifting snow has also almost reached the tops of some ski tow pylons at Glenshee Ski Resort.
    Earlier this month, it was claimed that the upper runs of three Scottish ski resorts had more snow than Whistler in Canada.”

  7. The sustainability and global-governance-promoting organizations are made up of people who buy into global warming and who want to change the world according to their idea of utopia. I now see how Obama came to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. The Earth Charter Initiative, like other global ‘sustainability’ organizations, hands awards out to those who further THEIR ends. (I find it interesting that one of the current council members advises Gorbachev.)
    Elizabeth May is a former council member of the Earth Charter Initiative
    (“Elizabeth May, Canada”)
    (Notice some other familiar names)
    “North America
    – Maurice F. STRONG, Canada, (Co-chair)
    – John Hoyt, United States of America
    – Elizabeth MAY, Canada
    – Steven C. Rockefeller, United States of America
    – Severn Cullis SUZUKI, Canada
    Current council member from Mexico:
    Mateo A. Castillo Ceja was the head of the Coordinating Unity of Social Participation and Transparency in the Ministry of Environment of Mexico. Previously he served as president of the Ecological State Council of Michoacan, Mexico, and, with many others, has instigated processes of social participation in the development of environmental public policies for a sustainable Mexico. He is an altruistic person who takes part in the world humanitarian movement. *He is considered a national expert in the implementation of local Agenda 21.*
