37 Replies to “Let Them Wear Jumpsuits”

  1. I’m no fan of the Obamas, but some of the criticism of the first lady seems somewhat churlish. It is not at all unusual or unexpected for women in her position to wear expensive gowns to social occasions. I’m not saying it was the wisest move, but people seem to jump on her every move in the same way the lunatic anti-Bush people used to 10 years ago.

  2. Well Steve, when ya consider these two monkeys were all for making jokes about putting lipstick on pigs, I think holding the Obamas to the same standard is fair play.
    Also, these two cretins like to rail against the excesses of rich people and then promptly indulge in it themselves. I can forgive the progtards for not seeing the hypocrisy and double standards – but the rest of us should know better and not make excuses for churlish behaviour. There is no doubt the Bush family are much better people than the current leaders in the Whitehouse.

  3. who in their right mind would spend that much tax payer $$$ for a dress?? give me a break. She deserves ALL the criticism she receives. Another one of those “entitled” to anything she wants. People have been without work for months and some years, and when they see this extravagance they must just cringe and get pretty ticked off. IF you want to keep your Dr. and your health insurance plan, you can keep it. PERIOD.

  4. Given Mrs. Obutthole’s penchant for unladylike behaviour, Ken, I suspect she would be more likely to speak in the vernacular of her people and say, ‘Let them eat c*ck!’…

  5. poor Moochell, so hard done by, no wonder she hate America
    Steve go eat another big mac, and send the money you save to help poor destitute Moochell raise above the poverty level!!!

  6. If it any consolation the $12,000.00 gown looks better than the Walmart chic dress she wore to meet the king of Spain a number of years ago….

  7. Nobody does Nouveau Riche better than a progressive and Mrs. Obama demonstrates that again and again.

  8. Had a laugh yesterday when Rush Limbaugh said Michelle’s skirt was bigger than the French President.

  9. Steve, I think that you are right both that women in Michelle’s position wear expensive gowns to social occasions and that there are some on the right who jump on her every move the way lefties did to W when he was President. I think that it is appropriate for a first lady to dress well for social occasions, and that means spending considerable money to do so.
    I don’t have any idea what women’s clothing costs, so I paid a visit to the website for Saks. It looks to me as if Michelle could have bought a perfectly suitable dress there for $1,000 or so. I wouldn’t be bothered if she had paid, say, $2,000 or even $3,000 of taxpayer money for the dress, but $12,000 does seem out of line to me.

  10. Don’t forget, the design industry is much like the art world, and there is a community of impoverished people who will benefit from the expenditure. They may sell just a handful of such dresses over a year, but there are many expenses, including minimum wage office slaves who are supported by this. I do,however take issue with the Obama’s hypocracy. They are arrogant and self serving. The classic champagne socialists.

  11. She spent an awful lot of money on a dress that makes her ass look even bigger than it already does.
    $9000 would buy a lot of food stamps.

  12. The Obama’s are communists.
    They’re always beaking off about ‘fairness’ and ‘social justice’ and ‘equality’, not of equality of opportunity mind you… which is what people who pass this off by comparing the Obama’s to past Presidentials or other world leaders mean, but the Obama’s and their Prog ilk are always going on about equality of result and how BAD it is that rich people have it better than others.
    Like Michael Moore, they built their damned careers on it for Pete’s sake.
    Stone cold commie elite hypocrisy is the basis for criticism here.
    The Obama’s have never had a real job and they suck at the job they’re ensconced in now except for putting on airs, they’re world champs at putting on airs.
    You can dress Progs like them up but they won’t be getting any invitations to Royal weddings because they just don’t know how to behave themselves(no sense of propriety) or know/care what correct protocol is.

  13. “people seem to jump on her every move in the same way the lunatic anti-Bush people used to 10 years ago”
    It was 5 years ago, not 10, and turn about is fair play*.
    What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
    The Progs poisoned political discourse and until they apologise and promise not to do it hence forth then they better get used to the New Normal that they created.
    *where were you during the Reagan years(Nixon years before that) if you think they only started acting that way with Bush II?

  14. Probably who ever created the dress knew full well that there was virtually no limit on an over charge. As an assemblyman of New York City said many years ago- “I saw my chances and took ’em”.
    It would be interesting to have an evaluation of the work done and the material employed, then a fair profit employed.
    As for the First Lady, she can look very fetching, when tastefully dressed. She can also look very pleasant when she really smiles.
    It might be a somewhat sad reflection to consider what any human being then wants- when they seem to have everything.

  15. BINGO….
    I laugh when these two talk about the poor and our debt. Then turn around and pull this game.

  16. The thing is that Michelle Obama has been pushed on us for years as a beautiful, brilliant woman who is also a fashion icon. I enjoy mocking her almost unbroken run of nightmarishly bad fashion decisions, but that’s only because the MSM keeps insisting that I find her breathtakingly stylish. If it weren’t for that I wouldn’t care less.
    Stop telling me she’s super-smart and inspirational, sycophant media, I’ll stop pointing out she isn’t literate at a 9th-grade level. Stop telling me she’s Jackie-O and I’ll stop pointing out that she can’t dress herself.
    Laura Bush was/is a very pretty and understatedly elegant woman, but I don’t recall anyone insisting that I pretend she was a Elle Macpherson (or whoever).
    And then of course this stuff doesn’t help: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2012/09/omg-now-michelle-obama-wants-you-to-skip-eating-to-fund-the-campaign/
    All in all, I feel pretty comfortable criticizing Barack’s wife.

  17. Yup she hate America.
    I even remember the “first day in her life she became proud of America”
    That was the day she found “Liberal welfare on crack”, and became the Queen of Handouts.

  18. Steve … I agree to a point that this piling on may be over the top. BUT with the stinking hypocrisy that she emanates on a regular basis … who cares?
    Besides … as someone else pointed out … lipstick on a pig. Moochelle is the quintessential “Do as I say not as I do!” liberal busybody.
    This brigs to mind the early days in their occupation of the White house when she put on a show of digging a vegetable garden … in a $800 knitted wool pant suit and wearing a pound or two of gold bling. She’s an idiot and a parasite of the first order.

  19. It looks like a design I could put together in an afternoon bunching up a few yards of material and stitching it to highlight her behind, looks better going than coming.

  20. My God, you can rip this woman a new belly button!
    Remember when Sarah Palin used some funds to purchase dresses, ect and everyone accused her of wasting money and being a diva? Yeah….
    And then everyone praised Michelle Obama’s alleged frugality by purchasing J. Crew clothes.
    The Obamas are African dictators. They live large while the proles are unemployed.

  21. “Remember when Sarah Palin used some funds to purchase dresses, ect and everyone accused her of wasting money and being a diva? Yeah….”
    I remember. Wow, the press was nasty about that, as they ignored Pelosi’s mega-buck scarves and everything else any Dem lady wore.
    Ann Romney always looked so classy – loved her wardrobe. But they criticized her, too.

  22. In some countries, the female heads of state and the wives of the heads of state are expected to showcase their country’s fashion designers when they travel abroad. This is done more or less successfully, but it is an expectation. The French would have been insulted had Mrs. Obama NOT worn a specially designed outfit.

  23. Actually, the dress started out at around 6 grand but after the fees for extra material and alterations to enable her big arse to fit inside the thing the price doubled. Typical government cost-overrun.

  24. Frances >
    “The French would have been insulted had Mrs. Obama NOT worn a specially designed outfit.”
    …..along with the Saudi’s and Chinese who are insulted if Mr. Obamba dosen’t bow and kiss thier feet.
    I get it.

  25. No, the French would would not have been insulted. I’m sure their president was given a box set of DVD’s or an iPod. Be stingy with others, but not oneself.
