Operation Empty Chair


National Intelligence Director James Clapper Was asked by Senator John McCain during a Senate hearing whether he had seen the documents, published by an array of media outlets including CNN, as potential proof of atrocities by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s government.
Clapper said he had, and that he believed they were real.
“They’re terrible. And when you consider the humanitarian disaster in addition to the 2.5 million refugees, the 6.5 million or 7 million that are internally displaced, the 134,000 plus people that have been killed, it is an apocalyptic disaster,” he said.

Heckuva job, Barry – Only 11% of chemical weapons removed from Syria

15 Replies to “Operation Empty Chair”

  1. Given that all of Obama’s scholastic records are sealed, it is possible that 11% is his average grade.

  2. Unfortunately this is nothing new in the Mideast.
    Daddy Hafez killed somewhere between 10,000 and 40,000 at Hama in February 1982. (and the world ignored the killing) He was successful in crushing the Muslim Brotherhood for over 25 years. Shia Iran and the Sunni gulf states have turned this into a real not-so-civil war with foreign fighters and arms.
    And after seeing what happened to Muammar Khadafy, do you think Bashir will ever quit?

  3. Regarding Mr. Clapper; how long has it been since a person in a Cabinet position has resigned if they did not agree with the position of the government they are part of? cheers;

  4. Obama is going for a record. He has failed on Syria, has given a hall pass to Iran and gave a disastrous speech in Cairo. He can’t wait for the entirety of the Islamic world to go off all at once.

  5. Somebody else’s civil war is nobody else’s problem, unless the refugees are pouring into another country.
    That said, I don’t think Syria or even Libya were civil wars, they were insurgencies by terrorists(al Qaeda) and supported by other nation states.
    If the U.S. has another civil war like the first 2, I’m sure there will be other nation states funneling heavy weapons to various and sundry factions in the U.S.( and there will be a lot of factions) to ensure that the civil carnage goes on for a long time and causes maximum casualties/disruption.
    It would serve the U.S. right for interfering in other nation’s affairs for no good reason.
    Lastly, why should Assad give up his chemical weapons when it was al Qaeda that used them last year?

  6. Somebody else’s civil war is nobody else’s problem, unless the refugees are pouring into another country.
    That said, I don’t think Syria or even Libya were civil wars, they were insurgencies by terrorists(al Qaeda) and supported by other nation states.
    You mean nation states like Isreal, Europe, Nato or perhaps the US? You probably knew that all ready but lacked the balls to say it. The west is in it full bore supporting terrorist actions through out the world and it is not for you interest or anyone here either.

  7. I’ve said plenty of controversial things on blogs, Shawna.
    Canada out of NATO, Canada out of the UN!
    NO, I don’t think IsrAel has been arming al Qaeda, do you?

  8. I mentioned other possable countries involved in Syria so why do you feel the need to defend only Isreal. And in case you have not been paying attention, Isreal has been lobying hard to get the US and other countries fully involved in both Syria and Iran.

  9. Kerry says
    “Ya Assad, unless you comply all options are still on the table and if you don’t comply were gonna-ah–ah–ahh- were gonna call you a mean ole bastard and one more thing the next time you call MOOOOOOOOOOOOOshell a troll-well, you

  10. Whatever McCain and Obamba are pushing for the rest of the civilized world should be running in the opposite direction.
    Leave Syria to the Syrians! Including refugees.
    All of these Arab sh*tholes have their own way of sorting out their own problems and have been doing so for thousands of years before our busybody ass’s decided to stick our noses in their regional and cultural affairs.
    Western destabilization of the Middle East serves no one but the EU (British, Dutch and especially, Italian and French oil in North Africa), US oil & gas companies, the corrupt UN, along with the Kingdom of Saud, and any friends of global oil, shipping, and manufacture elites.
    Ask yourself; are you a personal friend of any billionaire elites? Didn’t think so.
    *Note: if you think that any of these Globalist dickheads is on your side because they carry the same passport as you do, you definetly need to get out more.
    Therefore anyone supporting “saving the little brown people” needs to ask themselves “what the f*uck is wrong with me, I’m some rich foreign psycho’s b*tch and loving it”.

  11. “Isreal has been lobying hard to get the US and other countries fully involved in both Syria and Iran”
    No, IsrAel has NOT been lobbying the U.S. and other countries to become involved in Syria. Israel can easily defend itself from Syria. You must be reading too many neo-Nazi news sources.
    This thread and this discussion has nothing to do with Iran which is another topic altogether. Conflating Israel’s concern with Iranian nuclear aspirations together with Syria is ridiculous.
    Only an anti-Semite would intentionally link the two.
