12 Replies to “CRA Audit: Environmental Defense Breaking The Law”

  1. The audacity of these Radical Leftists shouldn’t be surprising but still is. They clearly knew all along that they weren’t allowed to be politically active yet they still did.
    If you ever hear the phrase “non-partisan but political active”, you know you’re dealing with a Leftist. One wonders if these zealots were given lie detector tests whether they would pass with flying colours when spouting such verbal diarrhea.

  2. Bad timing doing this at a time the US federal regime is still in the news cycle for using the IRS to punish its political enemies. The commies hiding in these eco-political “charities” will make big mileage screaming about Harper using CRA as a political weapon – and it will work and CRA will be told to back off doing what needs to be done (putting these commie agitation groups out of the charity business and tagging these foundations as rent-a-radical protest industry for big business to damage their competition).
    Of course you will never hear CBC recall how Chretien used CRA to go after the charity status of the western wildlife orgs who were donating to the SCC court challenge of his draconian duck gun registry act.

  3. Commie screaming “OPPRESSION!!!!” was inevitable no matter what the news cycle. It’s the only play they know, other than concentration camps.

  4. “Bad timing doing this at a time the US federal regime is still in the news cycle for using the IRS to punish its political enemies”
    Most Canadians do not realize that Obama and his thugs have found the IRS to be a useful weapon to bludgeon their opponents. The big news networks (other than Fox) have, for the most part chosen to ignore or downplay such revelations as they are in the habit of doing for most Democratic shenanigans.

  5. When they filed their T3010 did they make false claims? From T3010:
    (a) Did the charity carry on any political activities during the fiscal period, including making gifts to qualified
    donees that were intended for political activities? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Yes No
    If yes, you must complete Schedule 7, Political Activities.
    (b) Total amount spent by the charity on these political activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5030 $
    (c) Of the amount at line 5030, the total amount of gifts made to qualified donees. 5031 $
    (d) Total amount received from outside Canada that was directed to be spent on political activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5032 $
    If you entered an amount on line 5032 you must complete Schedule 7, Political Activities, Table 3.

  6. Maybe the CRA needs to go much deeper on the audits of these so called charities whose main objective is to kick the ladder out from under anyone who is trying to be successful. In the race to replace Ted Menzies we have a hard working honest group running, but also in the mix, is a silver spoon Tides foundation puppet who admitted to Ezra, cashing a 195000 dollar cheque from Tides to help stop a pipeline from being built. When this group of villageless idiots were successful in stopping the pipeline they were also succcessful in causing at least 60 Albertans in the Pass to lose their jobs, along with many ancillary jobs associated with the Devon energy gas plant, not to mention the jobs that would have been created building the Sullivan Creek pipeline. The people behind these slimey charities have one objective as did Marx, and that, does not include the average hard working tax paying family mans job.

  7. Phantom I’ve even filled these out and believe me, the people at the other end composing and filing these forms must be refugees out of the apparatchik collapse from the old Soviet system. That this should happen to the green extremists is poetic justice; a taste of the kind of medicine they have in store for the rest of us.

  8. I hire it done, myself. Takes a trained professional quite a while to dig through mine, I’m sure the apparatchiki would eat me alive.
    I agree with you, this is poetic justice. The very existence of the Income Tax is due to Leftist thought, and the vast mesh of conflicting regulations, loopholes and legal skulduggery was created by 70 years under Liberal rule.
    To see their creatures brought low by their own apparat, this is sweet indeed.
    Chew on it, Lefty scum.

  9. Nold, Looks like you’ve got ’em in your sights, Mate!
    I’ve volunteered in many non-profits over the years, and every single one, without exception, metamorphosed into a veiled ‘for profit’ media company.
    If your local gardening club sells calendars to get funds, then it sells them for more than they paid for them, making them a for-profit media company. If you local firefighters association produces an annual report, replete with fluff pieces designed to garner donations, it hopes to garner more ‘wages’ than it spent drafing the ‘zine, so it, too, is a for-profit media company. And, if your organization is a 501(c) focusing on “raising awareness” about “environmental issues” which produces media releases for republication in for-pay media organizations but which also solicits ‘donations’ from the same organizations that re-broadcast its manufactured missives…then your organization is a for-profit media organization.
    BTW: same goes for all so-called “non-profit” education campuses. Teachers are de facto broadcasters of media (like books, movies and other scripts) and their employers foundations and tuition collections regimes generate these media corporations profits for them. Call them colleges, schools, seminars or “spaces,” it does not matter one whit. They are media companies…and they expect to show a return for their efforts, which we in the reality based community call “profit.”

  10. What?
    How dare the CRA launch an attack on parasite grand central?
    Charities, NGOs, Regulatory Boards are the heart of the liberal parasitic system.
    Look at our so called charities, contrast with those organizations who paid “speaking fees”to Just-in.
    The annual charity list and the amount of canadian generosity they pay to themselves, tells me all I need to know.
    Brilliant scam, even Fantino was in on it.
    Salvation Army is the only honest national charity.
    Hopefully the CRA will not stop with just these fake environmentalists.
    Of course, let me guess…. there are no fines or jail sentences for systematically defrauding Canada, in this manner.

  11. Yes! I’m afraid the law applies to you, too, leftists! You are not victims; you broke the law!
