For Your Late Night Listening Pleasure

Came across this song at JCPenny. Couldn’t hear it very clearly, but definitely heard the Charleston beat in it. Was shocked to find it is a new song and actually (GASP!) showcases talent!

As for something that does not showcase talent as much as it does ranty, curse-laden late night listening pleasure, you can download the latest Clarey Podcast (and the rest of the archive) here.

8 Replies to “For Your Late Night Listening Pleasure”

  1. JCPenny?? I thought that economists frequented Goodwill and Second Chance haberdashery emporia.
    JCPenny, whoa, either you sold something recently or gotten a PayPal tip!

  2. You can tell it’s a recent song because it doesn’t really go anywhere, it doesn’t have much structure.
    It sounds terrific though, so it has promise.
