13 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. I read the whole article, and the only conclusion I can reach is that Stephen Gordon is a terrible writer. Its completely incomprehensible. I merely assume that Trudeau’s Liberal economic policy is cr@p, because I can’t understand from Gordon’s blather what the policy actually is.
    Perhaps that is a feature, not a bug. If we understood the policy Conservatives might finally learn to riot.

  2. The obvious (to anyone other than Shiny Pony & his enablers) point is that what’s really been squeezing the middle class since the days of Trudeau-Pere is the middle class having to carry most of the cost of turning Canada into a Welfare State. As Dominic Frisby points out in his recent book, “Life After the State,” the main reason middle-class families only have 1 or 2 children is that that’s all they can afford since they are subsidizing welfare mothers to have 6 kids. And of course, the 1 percenters that Shiny Pony wants to eliminate already pay over 50% of all income taxes in Canada, so getting rid of them would leave an even larger tax burden on that same middle class that politicians of every stripe are so nauseatingly strident about wanting to protect. Here’s an idea – Just leave us alone!!! Every time you bozos try to “help,” you just make it worse.

  3. I posted this on McLean’s as a comment:
    The previous Liberal Government ruled when the world’s economies were in the greatest period of prosperity in history, especially the USA. They taxed the s**t out of us. The CPC ran into 2008-9, a near depression that the world has not recovered from. Don’t compare apples to cabbages.

  4. “I read the whole article, and the only conclusion I can reach is that Stephen Gordon is a terrible writer. ”
    Thank you. Glad it wasn’t just me.
    The article made me think of what might happen if you sent a weak-kneed sissy to conduct an autopsy on a telly-tubby.

  5. Not sure I agree with the terrible writer part. I think the reason that Gordon couldn’t be more specific is because there was no specifics in the video. As a person who votes strictly on economic issues (specifically pro- leave me alone economics), I found nothing of substance in this video. I want to know exactly what their plans are. Considering Trudeau’s upbringing, anti-Alberta quotes and his province of birth, I assume the plan is to bleed the west dry and give their money to Quebec and other have-nots (people and provinces). If not, then the LPC might want to clarify their plans.

  6. “I think the reason that Gordon couldn’t be more specific is because there was no specifics in the video.”
    And ‘that’ would have made quite the story in itself…for a writer, of course.

  7. LC, I didn’t see the video because I can’t watch Little Justine. My blood pressure can’t take it. The very idea that this vacuous dilettante could be Prime Minister threatens my supra-tentorial vascular integrity.
    However, if as you say there were no specifics in the video and just a whole lot of smoke being gently blown about… a good writer would say it was a video of Little Justine blowing smoke again.
    We all know the LPC grand scheme is to flood Ontario and Quebec with immigrants who will vote Liberal, to crush the Western provinces with tariffs, regulations and “transfer payments”, and to play nicey-nice with every socialist dictator and rat-b@st@rd in the World. Oh, and pay for it all with borrowed money.
    That’s in addition to all the personal and Party level nest-feathering, of course. Brown bags fulla money gots to flow, baby.

  8. “Canadians don’t vote governments ‘in’ so much as they vote governments out.”
    Leadership races are popularity contests like selecting prom royalty, not the valedictorian. JT’s popular, charismatic, and he’s got a name people recognize. Ta Da !!
    The Conservatives have nobody like him. Will they guarantee his election by using attack ads instead of telling us what they would do with another mandate?

  9. I vote for what’s best for me because I too have seen how past federal governments have operated. Maybe I’m being optimistic but perhaps there are more like me than you think – families and seniors looking out for their own economic interests, even if they say otherwise (only libertarians are honest about looking out for #1). I know polls say otherwise, but the LPC really haven’t put out anything that voters can look at and compare with the CPC and NDP. To be fair, I have no idea what the CPC is offering either since the income splitting confusion.
    Since the deficit should be gone and there will be a budget surplus, it will be a battle of who offers the best deal to the biggest block of voters while maintaining fiscal restraint. Not only the promise but who the voters think will keep their promise. Any whisper of an increase in taxes or NDP coalition (Dion and Ignatieff) will be the unshakeable curse for the LPC. I don’t think giving money to provinces to promote “growth and build infrastructure” as indicated on the LPC video is going to sell well either. Too much cronyism, waste and fraud have occurred making voters cynical of this type of promise. Except Quebec oddly, they have the most corruption yet they never change their attitude towards big government…weird.

  10. Economic growth? The middle class is supposed to recover from economic growth which is the same as recovering with smoke and mirrors. We haven’t had any real economic growth since 1970 when people were as well off as they ever will be. Our toys are different but we are no better off. Now the Chinese – they’ve had economic growth.
    Canada is kept going by importing underpaid brown skinned people to do the jobs Canadians won’t do because they are underpaid. They used to call that slavery. Now they call it work visas.

  11. “… what’s really been squeezing the middle class since the days of Trudeau-Pere is the middle class having to carry most of the cost of turning Canada into a Welfare State”
    This sums up the entire situation neatly in one sentence.
