Reader Tips

In tonight’s entertainment en route to the tips, a WWII-era short film, Mitzi Mayfair, Carole Landis and Martha Raye are three self-described ‘hot chicks’ who’ve been through the mill; they’ve traveled all over the world, and learned a lot of different things, but there’s one thing that no guy has been willing to tell them: What the heck does “SNAFU” mean?
The comments thread is open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

35 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Sydney Williams:

    Three people died in riots in Caracas last Thursday. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro predictably blamed the deaths on “neofascists financed by the United States.” Nothing was said about empty shelves in stores, food shortages, or an inability to buy a car, gasoline or toilet paper…

    Read “Lessons from Caracas” here.

  2. This is an older article, but quite an eye-opener. It appears that there is a lot of under-the-table funding of green companies that eventually go bankrupt, but not before the small clique of power-brokers (Gore, etc.) and their cronies get their share. Big government dollars are funding many of the green companies via grants and contracts.
    A certain portion of this money gets funneled back to the Democratic Party. It would not surprise me if keeping the green money scam afloat is one of the reasons for blocking Keystone. I am certain Obama is not motivated by actual concern for the environment, and I think the environmental voting block is also not that big a factor (who will these people vote for? Republicans?). But with the prospect of continuing to access big dollars via phony green companies . . . well, that would be a strong motivation for stalling Keystone.
    For a while I was suspicious that Obama was holding back on Keystone as a concession to the Saudies. Now I think his motives may be closer to home.

  3. Works for me. I’ve had it with the Harper “conservatives”, they had their chance and while they did some decent things they blew it when they got a majority and kept playing it safe. Stick a fork in em’ they are done, can’t see them changing now.

  4. Twenty-seven-year-old Kayla Michelle Finley of Pickens [South Carolina] was arrested last week and charged with failing to return a rented video cassette…when a video store owner said she failed to return a video she rented in 2005. Pickens County Sheriff’s Chief Deputy Creed Hashe says Finley rented the 2005 movie Monster-in-Law…

  5. That’s one of the best Tips Musical numbers in a long time. I assume everyone knows that SNAFU is just as true today as it was back then.

  6. I am not sure if the following that I got in an email qualifies as a Reader Tip, but here goes.
    “Left” and “Right”: A little Bible study
    Remember what Jesus said:
    “Goats on the left, sheep on the right.”
    To Peter, “if you want to catch fish do it from the right side
    of the boat.” They did and filled the boat.
    Origin of Left & Right…
    I have often wondered why it is that Conservatives are called the
    “right” and Liberals are called the “left”.
    By chance I stumbled upon this verse in the Bible:
    “The heart of the wise inclines to the right,
    but the heart of the fool to the left.”
    Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
    Thus sayeth the Lord. Amen.
    Can’t get any simpler than that.
    Spelling Lesson
    The last four letters in American……….I Can
    The last four letters in Republican……..I Can
    The last four letters in Democrats………Rats
    End of lesson. Test to follow in November 6, 2014

  7. While historic winter storms have battered much of the US, California is suffering its worst drought on record. So why is America’s most valuable farming state using billions of gallons of water to grow hay – specifically alfalfa – which is then shipped to China?

  8. tallied the top donors in federal elections between 1989 and 2014. Koch Industries — privately owned by the Evil Koch Bros — is on the list, to be sure, but doesn’t appear until the 59th slot, with $18 million in donations, 90 percent of which went to Republicans.
    So who occupies the 58 spots ahead of the Evil Koch Bros? Six of the top 10 are … wait for it … unions. They gave more than $278 million, with most of it going to Democrats.
    These are familiar names: AFSCME ($60.6 million), NEA ($53.5 million), IBEW ($44.4 million), UAW ($41.6 million), Carpenters & Joiners ($39.2 million) and SEIU ($38.3 million).
    In other words, the six biggest union donors in American politics gave 15 times more to mostly Democrats than the Evil Koch Bros.

  9. Interesting tidbit buried in the UN Nork report released yesterday, reported by the “Daily Telegraph”.
    Kim Jong-un is apparently selling alcohol to some member states of the Organization of Islamic Co-operation (covertly, of course):
    “In testimony before the UN commission, a former official of the regime who managed to escape said Mr Kim was acquiring the hard currency required for his spending spree through the underground sale of alcohol in Islamic nations and through trafficking in ivory from Africa to China.”
    Given the OIC’s muscle at the UN, is this why the report was especially harsh on the DPRK?

  10. I’m not the one holding the reins of power, PM Harper and the Conservative Party have pushed middle of the roader libertarians like me away from them and will bear the consequences for catering to their bible thumping base. Reap what you sow, right? I don’t have to vote for the shiny pony, I just won’t be parking my vote in the CPC camp and neither will many of my friends, co-workers and family , I live in Alberta too just so you know. They have nothing to offer the public at large anymore. Sick of their lame infomercials and childlike ads. They had their chance to do something big and blew it, she’s up in smoke so to say.

  11. Justin Trudeau rolling papers? Nope, won’t buy them because I don’t do drugs. However, when the JT toilet paper or shooting targets hit the shelves………

  12. Guess poor Senator Brazeau is having a tough time finding employment….or keeping employment. He was fired from Frank Magazine now he’s apparently working/managing an Ottawa strip club.

  13. SNAFU has been defined, but it has a few relations:
    TARFU (things are really f’d up)
    and of course,
    FUBAR (f’d up beyond all repair)

  14. Have to say Obama’s stint in the White House has FUBAR’d relations with Canada for his continued stupidity over the Pipeline. Canada needs to ignore the issue, quit talking about it to his administration, silence is the best strategy at this point…they’ll find out thy’re the biggest losers.

  15. Hudak Who Hudak?
    “Lyndia says:
    “Perhaps Hudak is a nerd and I wouldn’t have a beer with him but he is not part of the UAW or the OFL. I will take my chances because I know the other two will bankrupt my family.”
    “Sandy says:
    February 18, 2014 at 10:55 am
    I know Hudak personally. The man works 20 hours a day seven days a week and still people say he has done nothing. Unbelievable. No wonder Ontario remains Liberal/NDP.
    Jack, I am surprised at you hinting that the party should get a new leader. Not going to happen. It takes a year to get a new leader.”

  16. Debunking the myth of Kitty Genovese.
    Although it’s been well-debunked for years now, the article is still worth reading, just as a re-reminder of how a false media narrative can become an “everybody knows” “fact.”
    h/t American Digest dot org.

  17. “Offshore wind farm scrapped due to fears over birds”
    “Plans to extend the world’s biggest offshore wind farm, the London Array in the Thames estuary, have been scrapped due to fears it would harm seabirds, in the latest blow to the government’s hopes for the industry.”
    “In further setbacks on Wednesday, another massive project was scaled back and a leading executive suggested that turbines were unlikely to be manufactured in the UK under current policy – raising fears that overseas firms will remain the main beneficiaries of Britain’s heavily-subsidised industry.”

  18. “Earth in near miss with enormous asteroid” (G-M)
    With each passing day, I find myself more willing to consider a shocking, unexpected, counter-intuitive possibility. Gentle reader must indulge me on this point. Incredible as this may seem, reckless as I may sound, we should review the matter calmly. The evidence, for all we know, may be all around us. Consider, for example, this uncanny fact. Everyone is anticipating the end of days. Everyone — from the most materialist environmentalists to the most spiritualist collectors of “signs of the times” — and throughout the media, and even among the Commentariat on this website — everyone, including the present writer, is using apocalyptic language, rather casually. The weather forecasters have been using it through this winter, on both sides of the Atlantic. Specific schemes, derived from or inspired by biblical prophesy, are a commonplace among the Catholic devotes with whom I pray; and right across the Christian spectrum from most Evangelical and farthest Western to most Orthodox and farthest Eastern, it presents as at least a mild fever. We find some version of this resounding through Islam, too, and still farther to the East; likewise across Africa and the Americas, where catastrophes seem most often to occur. Those who look at the rapidity of change around them, the nature of the change, and its direction — although they may disagree entirely on each item of evidence — seem alike convinced of the conclusion, that the end of our world is at hand.
    That is why I think it might not be.”
    “Uncovered 16th Century Hallucinatory Images Suggest That Today’s Climate Science Is Nothing But A Persistent Human Mental Disorder”
    “Fire in the sky, torrential rains, droughts and Biblical floods – all supposedly brought on by the sins and wickedness of man. Is it really a surprise we are hearing it all once again today?”

  19. What’s “big” in your view? Problem with your strategy is that whether or not you vote for Trudeau, unless you counter him, you could well be getting him for PM. Harper’s not perfect,but he does a lot of things right. There is no pleasing everybody and I am sure many “Bible thumpers” are not happy either. I think Harper tries to take a middle course — that’s where the votes are.
