Renegade Regulator

Dear Minister Moore[…] Re: Auction of Spectrum Licenses for Mobile Broadband Services

As you know, the deadline to submit applications was September 17, 2013 and the auction itself began on January 14th, 2014. As you also know, RestoreCSA did not submit an application to participate.
Relatedly, we note that your Department granted the Canadian Standards Association (“CSA”) full Standards Council of Canada (“SCC”) accreditation for Modular Home Certification on September 29th, 2010 in spite of the absence of a CSA filing for that accreditation. Actually, the CSA wasn’t accredited for any such certifications for eight full years, between 2002 and 2010. Throughout this period however, the CSA was selling illegitimate certifications for modular homes and, worse, these buildings were not compliant with Canadian safety regulations.
We further note that your Department permitted SCC accreditation of the CSA with no public hearing and before the deadline for objections.
The CSA did not file for accreditation, yet they were accredited, and they did not comply with regulations, yet you have granted them full legal standing.

5 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Any one who is familiar with the Montreal construction industry can recognise some of the same patterns and methods of “fixing” legitimacy here.

  2. The CEC is just as crooked. Manufacturers sit on the board of the CEC. If that ain’t a conflict of interest then I don’t know what is.

  3. Just another effing scam, with gubbmint approval, to keep the small fry from getting a toehold. Any wonder that Canada trails in innovation?

  4. Mr. James Moore it is time to make the push to solidify the base. We have recognized the need to move steadily and cautiously forward within the realities of the nervous and therefore biased news media.
    But! the danger of reputation loss, as is the case for conservatives in the U.S. A., will come if bold action is not obviously taken to set aside the negative vested interests.
    The benefit established in establishing a consolidated conservative base by forgoing any real positive gain during Canada’s lost ten years of the PMJC Administrations is real. The careful leadership of PMSH has and is gaining recognition.
    The move to curtail the blatant misrepresentation of foreign interests is possibly slow in happening, but not too late. This is hopefully only the opening move in setting aside the decades of “entitled” vested interests. Cheers;
