The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire


Nancy Pelosi spoke lyrically about how Obamacare subsidies will allow people to leave unfulfilling jobs to pursue their passions: “Think of an economy where people could be an artist or a photographer or a writer without worrying about keeping their day job in order to have health insurance.”
Nothing so lyrical has been written about work since Marx (in “The German Ideology”) described a communist society that “makes it possible for me to . . . hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner.”

Just noticing now?
h/t Ken (Kulak)

15 Replies to “The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”

  1. The old USSR hit a brick wall and all its wheels fell off.
    Which is not the end of history but sets limits on left-wing political drift.
    Unfortunately left-wing political drift is still with us.
    Will every western country adopt a pseudo-communist system and go down the tubes?
    My bet is yea, verily, they will, led by clowns like David Cameron, Barack Obama, Francois Hollande and
    Alexander Salmond. The endphase will be like Britain everyone living on starvation level benefits while
    illegal immigrants get affirmative action resettlement grants and subsidies.

  2. “The old USSR hit a brick wall and all its wheels fell off.”
    Old Soviet-era Russian joke:
    Stalin, Khrushchev and Brezhnev are on a train. The train gets delayed for some reason or another and Stalin orders the entire crew shot. Of course, now the train is not moving at all.
    No problem. Khrushchev orders the crew to be posthumously rehabilitated. However, the train is still stationary.
    So Brezhnev pulls the window curtains down and declares, “Comrades! Let’s just pretend the train is moving.”

  3. “The old USSR hit a brick wall and all its wheels fell off.”
    Yeah, but it took from 1917 to 1991 to get to the friggin’ wall, and it killed 20++ million people in the process. Oh, and ruined all our childhoods too. Think Canada might be different today if the Boomers hadn’t all been facing Soviet nuclear Armageddon for 40 years? I do. For one thing, nobody would have voted for Trudeau
    I’d very much like to see this pinko cancer finally stamped out in my lifetime. 1850 until now is quite enough, thanks.

  4. Gee, Nancy, that sounds great. Who is going to pay for it all?
    When the USSR went splat against the wall it wasn’t the worlds second biggest economy. When the US slams into the wall it will be the second biggest national economy and the biggest national economy China, will be crippled as a large part of their exports won’t be bought by the US. Ditto for Japan, the world’s third largest economy. When those three economies stagnate the demand for oil will drop, lowering the income of the OPEC states and Russia, creating more instability in the Middle East.

  5. Let us see now.
    How is it that every time it was and is tried, socialism/fascism/communism fails and the masses don’t mind?
    Could it be that it is always the current crop of plebeians that see good times a few months ahead and think it is going to last. Or at least it will last until they die. To hell with their descendants. Why care.
    The socialists/fascists/communists won in 1917, they really had nothing to go on. It was an agrarian society for the large part. They really had nothing to lose. As it turned out they lost even what they had.
    Ukraine used to be called bread basket of Europe, the socialists/fascists/communists insisted they screw it up
    Of course the totalitarian police state made sure that the population remains ignorant and follow the teaching of the communist religion.
    As for police state, watch the US in next few years. Do you remember the current occupant of The White House, running the first time said that he would like to create some kind of militia. Well, he is going to do it before he finishes his second term.
    By the way militias in totalitarian system are closer to the population than an army, they can be mobilized in the morning and save the plebeians by the afternoon from the wretched plebeians.
    So, unfortunately windbags like Pelosi get a lot of press.
    That in itself is nothing.
    The thing is she spouts so much and such nonsense that one can without eggzaduration (sic) hit one’s head and say “What?”
    Or course the absolutely worst part is that the mass media will not question the stupidity of the statements.
    Sometimes it seems as though the woman breathes in and when exhaling, random nonsense comes out. Once at a press conference or some such, after one exhaust, somebody asked a question and the woman said “What’s you point”.
    This of course is the leader of the socialists in the House of Representatives.
    It must be that the socialist aristocracy eats and drinks something out of this world that makes them believe their nonsense.

  6. The current regime in Washington DC exemplifies American arrogance at its best:
    Marxism/Socialism has failed everywhere else, but we’ll make it work.

  7. Canada differs how?
    We have borrowed to fund a welfare state.
    Great for we who will not pay the bill, not so great for the next two generations, who’s choices have been severely limited by our self centred greed.
    1 in 4 Canadians is officially a parasite.
    So those other 3 must work evermore to support these ‘helpers”.
    We have healthcare,coddling mechanisms galore, but when you actually need?
    Come back next week, every week.
    That is denial of service.
    Never honestly admitted, just the specialist is not available for the next 18 months.
    Now the money is running out, with a quarter of our working population dedicated to inhibiting production, production falls yearly.
    Taxes, fees and penalties keep multiplying.
    The official need to steal rises every year.
    USSR, isn’t that the future we are working for?

  8. Think about the mindless choreographed spin that comes from Pelosi’s mouth and consider the collective stupor of an electorate that would put her in power. This is the face of civilizational suicide.

  9. The lack of functioning brains in high places is so depressing. Let’s counter this discussion with some cheerful talk about the brilliance of Obama, Rev. Sharpton, Holder,and Biden to cheer ourselves up. Or we can just talk about J Trudeau for awhile. That always warms the soul.

  10. JJM, I heard that joke before, but it is still funny as it tells the tale of the Soviet years.
    Phantom, well said and I agree.
    Lev, yes, it makes you wonder whether AFS has affected a large part of the population.
    peterj, you are funnin us, right?

  11. The taxes levied to fund Obamacare (and all other government programs) will squeeze many people and deny them the opportunity to “follow their passions”. In particular, those struggling on the border between just making it and just missing will suffer enormously.
    Pelosi’s comments remind me of the “broken window fallacy” in Chapter 1 of Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson – she’s only considering the spending, and not the collecting.
    There were plenty of artists, photographers and writers around before Obamacare.

  12. I guess I should have included some more to confirm funnin. With so many to pick from I could have gone much further.
    Senator Harry Reid on Barack Obama: “…light-skinned,” and with “no negro dialect.”
    Barack Obama: “I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go?”
    Al Gore: “During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the internet.”
    Congressman Hank Johnson on Guam: “My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize,”
    John Kerry on health care: “I’m going to be honest with you — I don’t know a lot about Cuba’s healthcare system. Is it a government-run system?”
    Yea….I was funnin.
