Y2Kyoto: Hide The Incline

Math is hard.

Note that the most recent [polar bear] status table released last week, for 2013, did not include a new total — if you wanted to know if the global total had changed (and if so, by how much), you had to add the figures up yourself. Nowhere on the PBSG website does it now list an official population estimate. What’s that about?

9 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: Hide The Incline”

  1. Greenies aren’t cratering as long as the truth remains concentrated within the “denier” blogosphere. When the funding dries up, we can celebrate. Until then, the hysteria pimping will carry on.

  2. Whats that Madonna song?
    Lie like an activist?
    Surely these trained activists, masquerading as government polar bear biologists, realize there are no polar bears, they went extinct during the medieval warm period, or one of those other 4 warm spells in the past 20 000 years.
    So they should resign from those govt jobs,to continue would be to knowingly defraud the taxpayer.

  3. We wouldn’t have this problem if there was a sane system of polar bear registration in place. I blame the Conservatives!

  4. John, have you seen the CPC’s new budget? They’re cutting back on -everything- including Greenie goodness.
    I don’t mean to imply that the war is over and we can all lean back with an ale, but it is important to note when Greenies have to actively lie, deny and “Oh look Justin Beiber!” just to get through the day.
    When the enemy stumbles, cheer!

  5. What’s that about?
    I’d guess that the batteries ran down in a calculator, the people who publish the data can’t do addition without a calculator, and they can’t change batteries in a calculator, either. In fact, the list of the things that they can’t do is too long to fit in a comment.

  6. Back in the 1950’s the polar bear population was about 5,000. Now that the population is about 5 times that number, our so called intellectually superior eco-terrorists are crying the blues about polar bears facing possible extinction. Thank God they weren’t around in the 1950’s.
