20 Replies to “A Brazen and Blatant Attack on the Freedom of Speech”

  1. Yes, of course every newsroom needs a ‘political officer’ to vet news reports so that the people are fed the approved “Pravda” version of events.
    Its the new NKVD : New Kommunist Vetting Department
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. Just imagine the outcry and the scrambling to defend the First Amendment by the left if Senator Joe McCarthy had suggested anything this bold. Oh, that’s right. There were some Journalists back in the fifties. Now, just dancing monkeys of the institutional left.
    We are now hearing noises of US Army Brass talking of taking the higher quality gunship inventory from the National Guard and replacing it with older junk (The National Guard is “normally” under the Command of and funded by the States, the majority of which with Republican governors). Coincidence? Paranoia?

  3. WTF??? Of all the crap from this communist SOB and his lackeys, this has got to be the scariest thing yet.WAKE UP, AMERICA!!

  4. This is the ‘fairness doctrine’ being implemented. It doesn’t matter that the state has changed its mind about embedding a censor in every newsroom. What matters is that everyone in the newsroom now knows they are being watched by the state and they are expected to report the news ‘fairly’.

  5. Well, look here http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/obama-meets-with-liberal-journalists/
    The current occupant of The White House, got the “journalists” to be his buddies.
    What do you think they talked about?
    One would think that the occupant made good friends with them, made them understand that they should be nice to him since he is nice to them.
    And so it was and so it is.
    The occupant had a meeting with “journalists” as he got elected the first time, though the link to this information is hard to find. Maybe it got wiped out. None the less, there were a small number of journalists that told him thanks but no thanks.

  6. If you think there are only “biased” journalists in our MSM, think again!
    MSM Editorial Rooms are really the evil empires, all the power of the MSM concentrated in a relatively few “hands” of “Progressive Editors”, or as Joseph Stalin called this sort of people, “Useful Idiots”.
    The biggest danger to our democracy is THEM: Nameless, Faceless, Unelected and Unaccountable Media Barons.
    Tom B.

  7. Copying the failed policies of Venezuela?
    Job creation, the communist way.
    Presstitutes are gonna do what presstitutes have to do to get their government bailout.
    When you alienate your customers, sales are spiralling into the hole, are you gonna upgrade your product or sell out to the highest bidder?
    The amusing bit is the bureaus continued with this idiocy after they were exposed.
    Once the fools and bandits are exposed, we have no choice but to act.
    The emperor has no clothes and even less sense.
    I’m seeing Marie Antoinette on steroids.

  8. If people soon don’t open their eyes to the new Fuhrer in the White House, all hell will break loose.

  9. That slithering piece of excrement George Soros will not be pleased with this delay, those “news rooms” were bought and paid for.

  10. Klein, that great (J)urnalist, that is NOT one of us gypsies, will be pissed because his jurnolist will become redundant.

  11. Joe Soucheray is/was a Sports Reporter. He is not a general news, political, or human interest reporter. And he is damned funny. Unlike the typical college trained, liberal indoctinated, never had a real job journo-list reporter.
    Sports Reporting means he has common sense, is capable of analyzing issues, and can see how his predictions actually paid out; as games and seasons have definite concrete results. Statistics and math actually mean something, and a good sports reporter must understand them. Unlike the typical brain dead journalism major.

  12. I might get a little upset about this if there was even a tiny indicator that the public (a) knew about it,(b) cared, and(c) was prepared to do anything about it.
