9 Replies to “This Is Not Your Grandma’s Humane Society”

  1. But they oppose farrowing crates. Without farrowing crates, piglets are at much greater risk of being injured by their mother. I’ve seen a sow attack and eat a piglet that was squealing after being squished by its mother. PETA types cry that farrowing crates are bad … yet crates greatly reduce the incidence of killing and maternal cannibalism! And then they claim immunization processes that feed deceased piglets in unidentifiable form back to the herd are also bad.
    By the way, the same people strongly support taking aborted baby tissue and injecting it into other humans.

  2. Yeah well, the element that runs these Humane societies are primarily concerned with THEIR welfare (especially financial).
    If Sid Ryan didn’t run a union, he would work for or run the OHS.
    50 years back, they (OHS) bitterly mourned the loss of a major source of revenue….seizing and selling livestock…..for alleged neglect.
    I recall their double defeat in the courts …..the farmer exonerated…..and then the civil action that followed…..
    In Ontario, the OHS retains broad powers of search and seizure without a warrant.

  3. I make it a personal policy to never listen to crazy people, and they’re always easy to spot as soon as they open their mouths.

  4. WalterF – they want to end the erring of pigs for consumption by the society they loathe. That’s why their lack of concern for the animal’s welfare visa vis farrowing crates. They are just another front of the authoritarian left’s war on western societies.

  5. I’m afraid anyone who gives $ 1 million to Obama as Maher has, is not being driven by ” thoughts “.

  6. Slightly off-topic and perhaps previously mentioned, but me wonders if this “new disease threat” began as a form of jihad…’swine-jihad’ anyone?

  7. Just like Islam forbids polio shots to children. The leftists have decided our health shuld be ruined for Marx.
