Reader Tips

Tonight we put modern music in old clothes, as Croatian cellists Luka Sulic & Stjepan Hauser perform a song by Australian screech-rockers AC/DC in front of a scandalized – perhaps 18th century – audience: Here are 2Cellos sawing off a performance of Thunderstruck.
h/t Glen
The comments are open, as always, for your Reader Tips.

27 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Keep a good thought:

    A plan to divide California into six separate US states is closer to making it on to a November ballot, with organizers gaining approval to collect signatures.

    The seemingly far-fetched initiative, sponsored by Silicon Valley venture capitalist Tim Draper, claims “political representation of California’s diverse population and economies has rendered the state nearly ungovernable.”

    And on Tuesday, the California Secretary of State’s office gave the movement a boost, saying that proponents “may begin collecting petition signatures.”

    To article notes that get the initiative onto the November ballot, the organizers only need to get the equivalent of eight percent of those who voted in the last gubernatorial race to sign the petition.

    The proposal aims to split the state — America’s most populous with around 38 million inhabitants — into “six smaller state governments, while preserving the historical boundaries of the various counties, cities and towns.”

  2. Recommended: “Going Somewhere Dangerous“, by Deana Gladwell at American Thinker.
    Brief excerpt:

    As Aldous Huxley said in his introduction to Brave New World, “Great is truth, but still greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth. By simply not mentioning certain subjects… totalitarian propagandists have influenced opinion much more effectively than they could have by the most eloquent denunciations.” I hate it that he was right.

    Because we’ve lost the schools, we’ve lost the media — journalists aren’t so much biased as they are completely ignorant of the truth, completely uninterested in truth, convinced it doesn’t exist, convinced that their function is one of advocacy not of truth telling.

    Read the whole thing here.

  3. AC/DC is to music what Viagra is to sex!
    If you need it, you are not capable. If you are capable, you do
    not need it.

  4. Local weather station is hot stuff.
    I live in a city that has two weather stations reported over the (Environment Canada) web site. About a month ago I noticed a weird discrepancy in the reported temperatures. My thermometer, in the shade on my front veranda, reports the hourly temperature of between 3 and 6 degrees colder than the hourly temps reported by EC. This didn’t used to happen. My temperature measurements used to be consistently close to the hourly temps reported by EC. Has anyone else noticed a similar trend?
    EC Too Hot.

  5. AS if we needed further proof that SDA reads Ace. This was the best part of last night’s ONT. Good call!

  6. So California wants to split up into six states? Perhaps.
    I see that this would allow California to elect 10 new senators. Certainly, this would swing the balance of power towards the Democrats. Whether this is a driving factor or just a side effect, who can tell?
    Texas has the constitutional right to split into five states, which was negotiated as part of their joining the U.S. in 1845. That would approximately balance the California effect.
    Perhaps we’ll end up with endless fragmentation among the states as furious culture warriors from both sides do anything and everything to try to grasp power. A chicken in every pot, a senator in every county. 😉

  7. Apparently there’s some sort of hockey game on… In Alberta the bars are open and can start serving booze at 5 am.

  8. Present Obumbles minimum wages.

    Sbarro Inc. says it’s closing 155 of its U.S. locations, mostly in mall food courts where traffic has declined. (part time workers.)
    The Melville, N.Y.-based pizza chain said Wednesday the closures affect 1,400 workers.

    gives the workers more time to become self motivated entrepreneurs.

  9. EBD…..Not the greatest example as every example cited by the ‘ex-reporter’ focused only on big business, big blah-blah. He gave no examples of how big government and big union dictate news stories and cycles. A typical ploy by a liberal/socialist reporter (which most are). While he did show how the process works he was only focusing on one side of the equation – actually proving the bias of most reporters (ex or not).

  10. AGW’s red-green fraud.
    “Wind farms paid £30m to shut down during high winds”
    “Energy minister Michael Fallon orders wind farms to cut compensation charges as figures show they are paid millions for turbines to stand still in stormy weather”
    “Ontario irony: Ontario Power Generation launches program to save endangered Blanding’s turtle, while govt appeal overturned environment review tribunal decision to protect same turtle from wind turbine development in Prince Edward County; will OPG contribute to appeal costs? will they support further court action?”

  11. PET Cemetery’s POT Party News.
    POT Head Liberal Justine says, Our socialist road’R’us is for you.
    “Trudeau warns the rich to start sharing the wealth or prepare for consequences” (citizen)
    “Caracas protesters vow to turn Venezuela into another Ukraine”
    “While rushing away from a rainfall of tear-gas canisters in a leafy quarter of Caracas a well-informed 22-year-old student, who wishes to remain unnamed, cries: “We could turn Venezuela into Ukraine!”

  12. Brian Lilley has an article and a video up regarding Hubie’s ‘oversight’ when claiming expenses.
    The president of the CBC negotiated an allowance of $1,500 a month to cover his trips to Ottawa. He refused to move because he prefers Montreal, maybe because corruption is part of the social fabric of the city.
    Hubie, apparently forgot about the allowance that he negotiated, and collected about 30 grand to cover his expenses while in Ottawa.
    Could happen to anyone, he apologized and repaid the money, time to move on.

  13. Left-liberalism as she is writ from Adolf to Tutu.
    “Alarmist Desperation Reaches New High: Naomi Oreskes Suggests “RICO-Style Prosecution” To Shut Down Skeptics!”
    “If you’re wondering how desperate alarmists have become in the debate against the skeptics, look no further than Prof. Naomi Oreskes at the 1:12:40 mark of the following video, where she brings up possible “RICO-style prosecution” to go after skeptics. Hey, if you can’t win the scientific debate, then just have the US federal government declare it over and to go after anyone who doesn’t agree.”
    “Desmond Tutu warns of ‘Nazi’ parallel to Uganda anti-gay law
    The Daily Star”

  14. Keen Insights from Belmont Club.
    “All that technology and the best engineering has bought us from the dawn of the human race is a chance to show up tomorrow.”
    “Nature treats humans as part of the natural world but environmentalists treat nature as part of the political world. Many a misunderstanding arises therefrom. Alas the rains and the seasons refuse to read Labor Party and Green Left manifestos and the results are often inconvenient. And so the floods came.”
    “The BBC notes the political similarity between the UK floods and the California drought. In both cases the public is asking ’how come the bear that tried to eat me wasn’t as friendly as Ben was to Grizzly Adams?’ Why is nature not the sweet idyllic place humming with classical music I see on the television specials?”
    “We can choose to give environmentalists even more power to control or propitiate The Earth. We might even try to build more flood control or irrigation systems. But in either case the outcome is not guaranteed. Least of all by the Greens, whatever they say. Humanity’s existence on this planet is an iffy proposition. Or as Tom Clancy wrote in his climactic scene: nature is a tough opponent.”

  15. It ain’t over yet.
    Remember, there has already been one “revolution” in Ukraine which fizzled after a few years of gas shortages and corruption, all orchestrated by the Kremlin. The Rooskies will simply bide their time and foment discord and strife from the sidelines, then install another puppet when the time is right. They will never, ever allow Ukraine to go it’s own way.

  16. AGW Progress Report.
    “Two of the most dreaded words in the English language …”
    “Behold, Canada, temperatures are about to take a big nosedive thanks to those dreaded two words.”
    “Polar vortex returns to the country”
    “After a brief warm up, people across the country are being told to prepare for the oh so beloved return of the polar vortex this week.
    Temperatures will significantly plummet in areas east of the Rockies throughout the week.”
    “Residents of a Toronto building without heat or hot water for 11 days; no end in sight”
    ““We turn on the stove, keep it open, obviously, and we have been boiling water just to create the steam. We try to barricade all the heat within the living room,” says tenant Coda Tinchuk.”

  17. Yup, at least another week of extreme cold on the way.
    On the bright side, in about 4 months when this is all a fading memory, the experts will declare that it was one of the warmest winters on record, millions will agree.

  18. WOW!
    2Cellos is absolutely amazing. I never would have thought that hard rock could be duplicated on classical instruments, much less just 2 cellos – but these guys really have made fusion between classical and rock come alive. Please, please listen to it, folks – if you like AC/DC, you won’t be disappointed.
