29 Replies to “Missionary Work is Hard”

  1. You must go to the last link in the article (fascinating baggage).
    Where’s my handkerchief? I’m still laughing.

  2. Either this underachiever wants to date identity-challenged neurotic women or he is an identity-challenged neurotic himself – in any event, loser ideology/politics is as boring as the people who adopt them. However it is important to invalidate such perverse ideas at every opportunity.
    I have no animosity towards a deluded individual such as our male fembo crusader here – may he have a long, tiny, conflicted existence commensurate with his tiny conflicted world view – It’s just that psychologically damaged thinking like his should be heard, rightfully mocked, corrected and then relegated to the ash heap of stupidity for fear this type of neurosis will be given any credibility/validity and infect public policy where it will damage many more people than just the lone psychotic with the creepy ideas.
    Why anyone would believe women to be a disadvantaged social subgroup is a mystery, unless they still operate in a arrested intellectual atmosphere isolated from social realities – or- they are tangential sorts seeking fulfillment from long deceased causes to resurrect. As usual, we witness another lefty “cause” which is in pith and substance irrelevant and pointless when compared to the real problems in the world.

  3. Finally, the link is working,
    and that is hilarious.
    “Here comes Back Door Thong Boy.”

  4. “Either this underachiever wants to date identity-challenged neurotic women or he is an identity-challenged neurotic himself”
    I’m going with the latter. There’s just too much bed-wetting in those lines for him to be prowling for poontang. A spanking maybe, but not nooky.

  5. from a link in the comments: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/facebook/10637968/Facebook-sex-changes-which-one-of-50-genders-are-you.html
    This is beyond parody, but sometimes we just have to. I sense a song coming on… “There must be…. 50 ways, to claim your gender.”
    “Just say you like boys, Roy;
    Or you like to spanked, Hank;
    Put away all the cuffs, Gus;
    don’t accessorize me….”
    Probably a good thing it’s time to go to work. There’s too many good rhymes out there and I’m sure to offend before long. 🙂

  6. Well, I guess the chief won’t be asking him to join the hunt this year. He can stay in the cave chewing the hides to make them softer and easier to sew.

  7. Initially, I was prepared to cut the guy some slack; back when I was coasting through my university degree in beer and partying, I did a lot of stupid stuff too.
    But the sanctimony got kind of thick. Ridicule is the only appropriate response – but not as to his sexuality (or lack thereof). I think it would be way too Freudian to assume he’s adopted the ‘feminist’ pose because of anything other than culturally convenient political correctness. (Note ‘feminist’ is in quotes here, because there are nearly as many definitions of the word as there are feminists.)
    So I mostly agree with NME666. But maybe ‘mentally deranged’ is a bit unfair, too. To the mentally deranged. How about we just go with ‘stupid’? And ‘annoying’?
    Let’s make fun of him just because he’s an idiot thinks he’s better than the rest of us. A lot.

  8. The increasing numbers of this sort of wimp in our society spell good times ahead for the Muslim Jihad. They cannot wait to hang this guy. I wouldn’t actually hang him, but I share their sentiment in the case of these pathetic little faggettes. This gender bent weirdo culture that is pervasive in our educational system, the ranks of civil service and our population in general is rotting our society from the inside out.
    This world is a rough place and there there is a need in it for rough men …. to protect the meek and women/children of our society …. the meek are out breeding our ability to protect them … plus they are throwing rocks (pink ones) at us for nor not professing our love for their weirdo gender bent cult.
    It ain’t normal and it never will be.
    Feminism has completed it’s run and it’s over … it’s not going to get better for feminists because it can’t … we are saturated with feminist nonsense. If feminists took just a small bit of their precious time to learn about what men are and what they are about and what they want and need …. there would be no reason for feminism because feminism is all about taking power from men and giving it (unearned) to women. Smart women know how to get what they want from men without a forty year feminist march to oblivion with man-hate as a banner. I think it’s always been man-envy … after all …. “this is a Man’s World” – James Brown
    You can’t beat someone up and have them say I love you” – Murray Roman

  9. The femiNazis have turned guy into a fembot, what an utter load of conflicted rubbish. This ‘fembot’ should be recognized for what he/she/it is in full on politically incorrect terminology: PANTYWAIST!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  10. ” Ridicule is the only appropriate response – but not as to his sexuality (or lack thereof).”
    Oh? You’re kinda touchy about that, are ya? 😉

  11. As Dean Koontz says in the Odd Thomas books, this guy lives on the “stupid side of dumb”. Someone should send him for basic training and save the “lad” from himself.

  12. “Boys…he’s one of us!”
    Thanks, but no thanks. If I may butcher Groucho, I don’t want to join any club that has that bed-wetter as a member.

  13. In truth it is not so easy to find women who identify as feminist, let alone men. Our intrepid missionary says,
    “Lad culture is the idea that overt acts of masculinity prove some form of superiority over others. The reality is
    that lad culture is a prominent part of university life” – news to me, up to a point, and I have only been in
    universities for 53 years. No doubt illumination will strike next year. But yes, there is a component of masculine
    competition in much intellectual work. Also male-female competition between male and female scholars.

  14. Competition makes the world go round, even when it is so intense that it becomes hatred. Yes, hatred is
    an emotion that motivates a lot of good. Jealousy, envy, and hatred have motivated a lot of important work, both
    in the arts and in the sciences.

  15. trying to sound like one of the radical feminists isn’t going to get him laid. They think all heterosexual intercourse is rape and the only reason most women don’t realize it is because they are either too stupid or have been brainwashed by the patriarchy. I have read some of the blogs promoting this idea and it just makes my brain hurt.

  16. Never heard of “lad culture” until just now. Going out drinking with the guys and getting laid was a normal part of university life back in the 1970’s. Women were liberated by the birth control pill at that time and a good time was had by all and just about anything one picked up could be cured with a shot of penicillin. The only regret I have about that era was that I was too selective in the women that I ended up with; 40 years later most of the young nubile females I considered beneath me would be viewed in a different light.
    Now we have a situation where picking up a drunken woman and engaging in coitus with her is considered “rape” as the morons in high places consider that she’s not competent to give consent. Given a choice between the emasculated “male feminist” and a drunken representative of the “lad culture”, I’d choose to hang out with the latter as they’ll grow out of that phase whereas the “male feminist” will likely turn out to be an embittered totalitarian who can do some real damage if “he” ever ends up in a position of authority.
    Males in their early 20’s are masculine, horny, engage in stupid machismo competitions and do everything to excess until they get over that phase and settle down into a normal family existence. For the “male feminist”, perhaps gender reassignment surgery would be the optimal solution as “he” doesn’t have a clue what it means to be male and the joys associated with high testosterone levels.

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