Renegade Regulator

Ontario Pays CSA for Permission to Print Provincial Law

The Government of Ontario is paying the Canadian Standards Association (“CSA”) a per-unit royalty on sales of the Ontario Electrical Safety Code (the “Code”), this Code being the body of the Province’s electrical laws. The basis for this payment is the notion that the CSA owns Ontario’s electrical laws as a result of having lobbied for their adoption into law.
We know that the Ontario Government is paying a steep royalty to the CSA but we don’t know the full figure. We do know however, that the production cost of a Code book is about $15, whereas actually buying one in Ontario costs $225…

Link fixed.

12 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. Ontario is a Liberal cesspool. Until people wake up, there will be problems piling on problems with huge dollar signs attached to carry us into the abyss for decades to come.

  2. This may sound like a stupid question, but what happens to the millions of dollars that the CSA must have in their bank accounts. If it is a non-profit organization, what do they do with the cash? I bet its hundreds of millions. Who regulates their spending?

  3. Boy! Wait till Tiger Tim hears about this! There’ll be Liberal blood knee-deep in the aisles at Queen’s Park!

  4. The link does not work for me. I get the message: The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.
    edit: Thank you Kroket, link fixed.

  5. Syd B. “If it is a non-profit organization, what do they do with the cash? I bet its hundreds of millions. Who regulates their spending?”
    Non profit doesn’t mean that the administration works for nothing. It simply means that no shareholder will profit. A lot of non-profit organizations provide very high wages and status to the people running them. That said, I know nothing of the specifics of CSA.

  6. Thanks for fixing the link. I’m very interested in this issue.
    I have forwarded it to my Ontario MPP Sarah Campbell who, though NDP, has been quite helpful with the Ontario Education issue. Also to my granddaughter’s husband who is an Ontario electrician and also very much interested.
    Something’s got to be done.

  7. Once again the Liberal Party (Ontario/Canada)or (Toronto/Ottawa) same group of self seekers continue to download their indifference to small business. Put into place a Regulation or continue an existing one for a decade or more and dig it out of the pocket of a small business owner is the answer for everything.
    Hey Voters! remember; contrary to their latest campaign they will continue catering to Large Corporations and Unions. The Liberals have always reached into the pockets of small business owners. You know the guy or gal who may take an afternoon off to play golf or whatever because there is the paperwork or rescheduling of next week’s production/inventory etc. To be done on the weekend.
    Let’s see if you take a marginal analysis of the CSA charge (obligatory purchase) the margin is over 900 %. Using academia’s Text Book approach, which very few small business’s are able to reach in the globalized competition world, the Text Book price would be $25.00 before taxes.
    Remember the McPinnochio’s lies when elected, No tax increase, just the unannounced fees, especially to small businesses. Remember the lost tax revenue for Liberal cronies with the Medical computerization; the cancelled natural gas plants to obtain three Legislative seats.
    Come on Tim Hudak stop letting the progressive/socialist agenda put you on the run. You are better than the advice from the group around you, including your wife, as experienced as she is in the nuances of Ontario politics.
    Use your own recognition of what will provide the best thing for Ontario taxpayers. Enable small business to survive and thrive. This is what will be providing the jobs and the revenue as the Large Corporations milk tax advantages from around the world and the parasitic Unions chase after them.
    Sorry for the Rant; wait! no I am not! Cheers;

  8. Their audited financial statements are available for viewing on their website, so there really isn’t any mystery as to what they do with their money. They have significant assets and significant revenues and expenses.
    It is a very odd sort of organization with many world-wide subsidiaries that look like they could be operating in the for-profit realm but for some reason are the property of CSA. They have not-for-profit status in Canada and the US but pay taxes in other foreign jurisdictions.
    At the end of the day, the only real difference between this organization and other for-profit entities is that there are no shareholders to distribute the profits to. The profits remain in the organization and apparently have been used over the years to purchase various other operating entities.
    The RestoreCSA group advocates the point of view that this intermingling of for-profit and not-for-profit and regulatory roles ought not to be allowed, and they may well have a point.

  9. Gets better every day.
    The Code is law, by provincial and territorial legislation .
    Yet to see what the law is, you have to buy it from our exclusive vendor.
    Essentially this law. as it is not gazetted on government sites and public libraries is un enforceable.
    An act of fraud by our regulators and politicians.
    Everyone who has ever been charged for an electrical permit can now demand their money back, with interest.

  10. “Come on Tim Hudak stop letting the progressive/socialist agenda put you on the run.”
    Now that’s a lot of words to say “Toronto Press”, but you nailed it Mike Sr.
    Since Harris rode off into the sunset, every policy and utterance of these so-called Conservatives has been determined by the likely reaction of the trawna media. Harris knew how to use the media, so did Turdo la first, so did Klein, and so did Rene Levesque. It starts with treating the MSM wit the contempt it deserves.
    These guys don’t have a clue.
