20 Replies to “C’est Awkward”

  1. It’s all good.
    (Makes me wonder: would Marois and PKP hold hands in a bus shelter to keep warm?*)
    * Though of course, I accept that neither probably knows what the inside of a crowded abribus is like.

  2. Redford’s problem is that she was a party outsider and no-one in particular likes her. She paid for the leadership by buying off the unions. Her support came from NDP voters and her money came Daryl Katz hoping to receive cash for the new arena for the Oilers. The back benchers see the writing on the wall and those who have remained close to the populist roots of the Alberta Conservatives might see a welcome home with Wild Rose if they jump soon enough.

  3. Couldn’t understand a word the separatiste lady said, it was some foreign language.
    As we BC’ers all speak our three official languages, Punjabi,Cantonese,and a smattering of Mandarin, in addition to Canada’s ,but NOT Quebec’s Other Official Language, I can’t be bothered to find out what she said.
    Damned decent of her to not push Pierre Karl on the head instead of the shoulder.
    Big question of the day; now that Sun’s owner has declared himself a separatiste, will Ezra Levant jump to CBC?

  4. He’s going to have to learn to nod a bit more – like the trio of bobbleheadettes behind Pauline Poutine.
    E! NDPiste! You out der?

  5. For those of you who don’t speak Frankaphoney, here is the translation:
    “Back off, Corporate Shill!”

  6. A stage full of feminist from what I could see. Do they not realize that PKP will blow them out of the water? He will take over the Party soon enough. I wish him well as Quebec should go its own way. Not a $ more past Manitoba is my attitude. That said Manitoba had better start producing as well. Their equalization draw is not that much better than the others.

  7. She was smart to take the question instead of Peledeau. He may have wondered off track and the question was about letting government contracts. Did she screwed herself with the Quebec ELLSM (Extremely Leftwing Lame Stream Media) by choosing Peledeau? The ELLSM will go hard after him and not care if they bury the PQ in the process. They have a vendetta against Peledeau.
    PQ now stands for Peledeau’s Quebec.

  8. As you spend a few minutes finishing your coffee, ask yourself, “What was that man looking at? What was he thinking? Perhaps something like, ‘Are you sure, PKP, that this is really such a good idea?’ or ‘If we get elected and I don’t get appointed to cabinet, how long will I have to look at that backside from my place in the National Assembly?'”

  9. 40 years of NDP governments are enough to do in my home Province, “spirited energy Manitoba”.
    I don’t believe they’ve touched their section of the Bakken oil fields, but I can understand that as oil is dirty,and so is the money from the thousands of jobs .
    Nope, better to remain on the dole,which over half of Manitoba;s population is on, in one way or another.

  10. Wow, she’s almost as aggressive for media attention as Jack Layton’s elbows at the bar.

  11. Heh, watched it with mute on. He’s not happy about that treatment. He’s very dismissive of her.
    Personally I think if he has designs for PQ leadership he’ll dance the separatist dance for as long as he can, but he won’t sell the cow, ever.
    He knows about the bottom line and QC’s is severely underwater. No way they can afford to leave. Just more emotional blackmail for MORE money from us.

  12. What do you want Jamie?
    She didn’t push him… he was asked a question and she went and say I’ll handle it.. i’ll take the heat.
    No problem here.

  13. Has there been any recent polls regarding the separation question within Quebec?
    What are the chances?

  14. Manitoba is finally learning what Saskatchewan took a generation to learn, dippers may call themselves progressives but an NDP government is the end of progress.

  15. I wish Quebec could become a country but it wont happen.
    There are 40K-50K new immigrants every year in Quebec. nevermind all this exodus talk.. 80% of them will stay in Quebec.
    90% of them would vote no.
    New younger generation of francophone are increasing americanized/canadianized/anglicized and no longer as likely to vote yes as previously.
    Quebec is trapped in an economic dependency that is created by centuries of anglo domination.
    It is very likely Quebec would be a somewhat poorer country without Canada. Personally I don’t care but some do.
    but anyway.. do you imagine how boring Canadian politic would be without Quebec… so please enjoy the show.

  16. “I wish Quebec could become a country but it wont happen.”
    E! NDPiste! You’re alive!
    But don’ be so sad. Non, non, non! Pauvre P’tit croute du nez.
    Me, I’m very sure – and very glad to say – that this time la, adieu to you!

  17. PKP says Quebec has plenty of resources.
    All Quebec has to do is develop them, especially all the oil along the St. Lawrence.
    Much better than being dependent on ROC, don’t you agree?
