29 Replies to “Let’s Erect A Plaque At 787 Dundas St W To Remember Jack Layton”

  1. Great question. Too bad I’ve boycotted sun news and everything owned by the separatist PKP. Good luck with that now PKP.

  2. What’s funny is that most of the LIVs who support Chow have no idea what this question is referring to. They don’t know that her flea-bag husband was caught naked in a massage parlour/brothel back in 1996. After all, their chosen sources of “news” will do anything to protect filth like Layton from being revealed as the destructive social parasites that they are/were.

  3. OR JACK & OLIVIA LIVING IN taxpayer subsidized housing in Toronto while both were Toronto City Councillors, collectively drawing more than a hundred thousand dollars per year in Councillor pay!
    WHo will remind Torontonians of that during an election?
    Not likely!!

  4. Way to cut of your nose to spite your face.
    Perhaps you can pay Ezra’s and Coren’s salary?

  5. I will miss Ezra. If he can’t make a bang outside of SunNews guess it won’t matter to me. I am sure there are other avenues to watch his exploits. He is fighting the good fight.

  6. Coren is a bit too “holier than thou” for me watch much.
    I do think he raises some good points.

  7. SunnewsTV is the best thing to happen in Canadian politics in a long time. It’s fiesty and defends Canadian values and Western Civilization like no other.
    And no, I don’t agree with every commentator’s position on everything. So what?
    Freedom of Expression and particularly Freedom of Political Speech and critical debate is a fundamental value.
    They are the only media that will challenge political correctness. The “Consensus Media” are not a free press.
    Ezra Levant was the only publisher in Canada, who had the courage to publish the Danish cartoons! The Muslim Brotherhood is well established and expanding it’s influence across the country pushing Sharia Law and getting away with it, only Ezra and Michael Coren and David Menzies address that.
    Avoiding SunnewsTV because you don’t like PKP deciding to run for the PQ is juvenile. Clearly, he has given them freedom to set their own policy. Did you notice their Vice-President Kory Tenecycke doing interviews at the Shot Show in Las Vegas?
    It’s a 44 minute documentary and also highlights Canadian manufacturers.
    The greatest violation of citizen’s rights in peace time in Canadian history was committed by the RCMP in the High River Raids. Only SunnewsTV is fighting to bring that to light and see justice is done!
    They are punching above their weight.
    They deserve loyal support from freedom loving Canadians.
    If you’re not, don’t watch. It will only upset you. I hope 🙂

  8. Awesome videos, Matt. Nice music at the end…almost wants me to destroy all my principles, and do whatever our elected officials say as they bathe in my sweat.

  9. “The greatest violation of citizen’s rights in peace time in Canadian history was committed by the RCMP in the High River Raids.”
    If you believe that, then you haven’t been paying attention.

  10. Juvenile is name-calling when you don’t agree with someone’s choices.
    We are all entitled to our own opinions still. Aren’t we?
    Where one chooses to get their news is not limited.
    I wish Quebec would open discussions on separation.
    Mr. Harper can handle that file effortlessly.
    Despite the usual media interference.

  11. Imprisoning the Japs during WW2 was indeed worse. Maybe if we had never done that, then Suzuki wouldn’t have such a hate-on for Canada.

  12. I know Olivia Chow doesn’t have the enemies Rob Ford has, but imagine if there was a media outlet that could raise as much of a furor over her husband’s visits to massage parlours as all the media, but especially the Star, did over Rob Ford’s peccadilloes.
    With Ford it was a lack of judgment, but not sure what you call Jack’s personal flaw. It wasn’t self-gratification anyway.
    I’d say Olivia knows none of the media will touch it.

  13. His hating Canada has made him rich with foreign money.To stop any economic growth in Canada for other nations economies. He’s bought & paid for. We have plenty of politicians who never went to a camp just like him.Usually in the Senate.
    Riddled with folks who would rather we died as a Nation for a political philosophy of socialism.Particularly in the Media.

  14. Our “conservative” majority government isn’t touching C-68, still lets HRC’s and hate-speech trials run on endlessly, hasn’t removed the shackles of over-regulation, and so on.
    Our Nation is already dead.

  15. What’s all the fuss about? Let Quebec go. There are so many benefits to getting rid of Quebec. No more black hole equalization payments. Fewer Lieberals elected. Hopefully get rid of the costly French language requirement. Life would be so much better without Quebec in Canada. I can’t understand why any common sense person would want it otherwise.

  16. Hahaha Kate has been championing the pockets of a separatist all along. Where’s your Sun News logo now, lady?
    Anyway, way to be an unclasdy old bag again. This woman lost her husband. I’m apolitical, but there are lines. Haha Kate’s dad died of cancer!! Hilarious!

  17. E.jack.u.layton lied up to the last day ,even chow lied about his farewell letter, I’ve seen cancer deaths, you are so out of it in the last week
    Jack and liv. Psychopathic liars

  18. Cool vids, Matt. Was that background music the Soviet National Anthem? Very appropriate when referencing Jack Lenin-er… Layton.
