
Trouble for Alberta’s first NDP premier; “Is all forgiven after Alison Redford repays $45,000 for South African trip?”
h/t marc in calgary
BUMPED FOR UPDATE: @Premier_Redford leaves PC caucus meeting Gov House in a hurry. She didn’t look happy.

38 Replies to “Pollspotting”

  1. When I left, Klein was the premier. and Alberta was on top of the world.
    All the signs were there that Ontario was doomed, but Alberta seemed to be the beacon of freedom and prosperity.
    What has caused Albertans to resort to provincial suicide with such leaders as this current flake?

  2. I want a $45,000 holiday to several choice locations around the world, but can’t afford one…but Ms Redford’s family feels ‘entitled’ to one at taxpayers expense.
    Its like walking into the bank saying: STICK EM UP and GIMME ALL THE CASH!
    then returning the cash after treating yourself to lunch, when someone spotted you at the restaurant with $100 bills strewn about your dining table and bulging from your purse.
    The fact is Ms Redford misappropriated the funds, and $45,000 isn’t merely a ‘clerical error’ that somehow can be fobbed off on the bureaucracy. Ms. Reford should arrest herself for poor leadership.
    This kind of stuff harks back to the “I’m entitled to my entitlements” kind of mentality whilst billions of dollars go missing. Since when is ‘theft a Canadian value’?
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. Like most folk, I attribute this to be a sign of a consensus…because I fits my opinion.

  4. Reports are that all of the cabinet ministers have cancelled meetings and appointments today. Redford has cancelled a planned trip to Saskatchewan today. I suspect Redford will soon find it necessary to spend more time with her family.

  5. So did the Red Rat repay the interest accruing?
    What is she getting away with that she has successfully kept from public scrutiny? How many
    contracts have been let to secret “friends”? Once a crook, always a crook, short of jail time
    (some people do repent in the penitentiary).
    Alberta was the province of Ernest Manning. Time to return to the strait and

  6. Is all forgiven? Not just no but hell no.
    She called it a distraction which means we wouldn’t get on board with her need to move on, promised to bring in rules so it wouldn’t happen again (she needs a rule to know that we don’t pay for her personal travel?) and only paid the money back, not because she was wrong from the start, but to save her own hide.
    Hell no.

  7. Seeing as how Ms. Redfraud was one of the developers of the new SA Constitution, she was no doubt looking forward to returning to her old stomping grounds to check out the vibe. As a “builder” of that country, she was no doubt believing that she aught to have been invited to the memorial service, as a dignitary.
    How better to have her beliefs met than to have the hard working taxpayers of Alberta and Canada send her off to those distant lands…although we could have saved $22,500 by making it a one-way ticket.

  8. I’m gobsmacked by Nurse Redford’s hubris. First she played the Mom / Family card – when that didn’t work she decided to play the “support our troops” card while grudgingly paying back the gross travel expense. Never clearly admitting her error in judgment, but rather to clear the way for her government to move on for the work they were elected to do.
    Similar to an accused thief in the prisoner’s box pleading not guilty but nobly accepting a light sentence so as not to unduly inconvenience the court.

  9. Redford’s problem is that she was a party outsider and no-one in particular likes her. She paid for the leadership by buying off the unions. Her support came from NDP voters and her money came Daryl Katz hoping to receive cash for the new arena for the Oilers. The back benchers see the writing on the wall and those who have remained close to the populist roots of the Alberta Conservatives might see a welcome home with Wild Rose if they jump soon enough.

  10. I wish the entitled, self-righteous pinko had not paid it back. By paying it back all her supporters will proclaim “You see what a sweet honest politician she is”, and they will insist that all should now be forgiven. Indeed if the pinko continues to get criticized after this, her supporters will say that her opponents are simply mean, and any male opponent will be called a misogynist.
    As I argued in a previous thread on a similar topic, in North America the needle, on the balance, is moving to the left my friends. The lunatics are slowly taking over control.

  11. I think the voters of Alberta have finally had enough and are “mad as hell and not going to take it anymore”!
    If Redford had ANY integrity, she would resign as Premier and sit in the legislature until the next election to find out if her Riding still wants her to represent them.
    But I doubt she has any integrity,just an overwhelming sense of entitlement.
    It pisses me off to no end that nowadays a public servant can steal to their heart’s content, then apologize and pay it back when caught, and it’s ALLLLLL okay! Not f***ing likely!
    When I was young, the thief resigned immediately in disgrace, and was often prosecuted. Has every virtue been totally debased by the whores that populate the political realm today?

  12. Wishful thinking Don. Ain’t going to happen. She wants her pension to be as big as possible – that is almost always the reason most politicians don’t resign from anything and hang on until the bitter end. It’s all about money and absolutely zero about principle.
    I can’t tell you how many politicians I have met who have privately confirmed the above theory.

  13. I am so tired of all politicians acting this way.And i am not trying to plug the wild rose party but this is the exact thing that they were running on in the last election, but i guess people are more interested in gay equality than in fiscal responsibility. It is very frustrating that people would take a comment like lake of fire for gays so seriously …but a literal financial lake of fire is somehow ok.
    To be honest i don’t think the gay comments really affected the wild rose party that much i think people were just scared to elect a knew party to power. That is understandable but i think there will be a party change in the next election. I don’t think Danielle is a solid leader, she is a good leader but she is to squishy. it won’t be long before she is at the gay pride parade. And i don’t think that will bode well. The party is conservative. and libertarian. the libertarians can go dance in the parade while the conservative member get stuff done.
    Once again i will donate my time and money to the wild rose party in the next election.

  14. Don, You would think that Albertans would smarten up but my concern is how much the metro areas are filling up with Libtards from back east.
    I recently met a couple from Alaska in Maui. They told me that their ‘Heritage Fund’ is now $45 billion. They each receive a ‘dividend’ of $1000 per annum. Their ‘Fund’ provides a significant portion of the State budget.
    I can appreciate comparing the two constituencies is a mugs game just found it interesting.
    Is the situation with the Alberta Conservative Party that different from the federal CPC? The CPC thru Harper had better start talking to Canadians or their tenure in Ottawa will be done. Attack ads on Turdeau are not going to do it this time around. Latent nationalism has to be a major plank in this election. Promote a ‘vision’, use the nationalism.

  15. “You would think that Albertans would smarten up but my concern is how much the metro areas are filling up with Libtards from back east.” They voted for screwups in their previous province and now seem to want to replicate the politics in Alberta. They don’t seem to get what created the atmosphere in which they had to migrate to find work.
    It is high time for the Agenda 21 red fraud to resign.

  16. ‘Fessing up and making amends after you’ve been caught means nothing. The true test of character is doing the right thing when nobody else will ever know what you’ve done. On that basis Redford has shown that she does not hold taxpayers money as a sacred trust, to be used only for the betterment of those taxpayers.
    Question. What business does any Canadian Premier have traveling to South Africa? The federal government deals with other national governments. Seems like she wanted the trip for personal reasons, another entry in her scrapbook.

  17. Re: “Premier_Redford leaves PC caucus meeting Gov House in a hurry. She didn’t look happy.”
    Is it possible that she intends to flee the country to avoid arrest?

  18. Quote “… I put in place measures to ensure that this never happens again …”
    Right! Nelson’s not going to have another funeral.
    The Alberta Conservative Party has a broken leadership selection process. First it gave us Special Ed and now Redford. Until they retool how they select their leaders we can expect another dark horse to come out of nowhere as the compromise candidate. Picking a leader based on who he or she is not does not inspire confidence nor result in performance.

  19. You were always a big Red Ed booster. Honest? Hardly.
    High speed rail is an economic money pit everywhere in the world where they have it, and they have it in some places that have fairly dense populations compared to Alberta.
    Any North American politician who champions high speed rail is corrupt, they champion it for one reason only and it ain’t honesty.

  20. “What has caused Albertans to resort to provincial suicide with such leaders as this current flake?”
    The same thing that has happened to Ontario: To many voters who rely on government for a paycheque or to wipe their arses, and too many Conservative voters who would vote for a commie as long as she was dressed in Blue.

  21. I hope she doesn’t resign. The Wild Rose have nothing like her for their next campaign.

  22. She didn’t have to pay the money back when she was caught.
    She only has to pay the money back, because of the caucus revolt. Power, over anything, even money apparently.
    Those photos of Alison scowling? That’s the real her. The photo of her at the Calgary Herald? That’s the real her.
    It’s not skin deep.

  23. Anybody heard from Dave Rutherford? What would his chances be of leading Wild Rose? He certainly had the ears and pulsed with a far more conservative leaning heartbeat than Redfraud and just like Ralph, would be able to communicate and keep the leftward media scrambling and in getting in their faces and routing out the Hegelian dialectic questioning.

  24. No really, gordinkneehill, syf was always a HUGE Ed Stelmach booster.
    Always with the “Our Fair Share” line and calling the Captains of the Alberta economy “Big Oil’ as though they adversaries.
    And yes, syf’s biggest commendation about Red Ed was always how honest Ed was.
    So no, syf wasn’t being sarcastic.
    I’d be surprised if syf wasn’t related to Ed Stelmach the way he supported him through thick’n’thin.

  25. Danielle Smith is doing a fine job of running Wildrose. Dave Rutherford would make a good MLA though.

  26. Ya know, you could have been right had she not gotten on the whole watermelon AGW crusade. Now she’s just another politician who says she’s conservative but can’t walk the walk.

  27. Redford will probably get elected again.
    She represents people much like herself. Rich socialist aristocrats in Mount Royal Calgary.
    They mostly make their riches from the government contracts and by government contacts.
    Nothing particularly uncommon in the cabal of the politicians, “journalists” and those connected.
    The politicians made sure that it’s not illegal it only stinks and politics live in pigsty being oblivious to stink.

  28. Red fraud had the teachers union all buy memberships and vote for her. Took about 6 months before she boned them

  29. I have faith, Albertans can recognize Kleptocrats.
    Hell most can even spell it and describe one.
    In BC and Ontario the city voter is one.

  30. “Redford leaves PC caucus meeting Gov House in a hurry.”
    Why the hell didn’t someone catch and arrest her before she got away?
    They better cancel her passport and post pictures at border crossing, what have the RCMP found on her personal computers so far?
    Lets move it people, before she creates any more victims.

  31. Calling Bartinsky, would Bartinsky please pick up white courtesy phone. Time will out man time will out.

  32. Your phrasing is absolutely correct. I’m NOT related to Ed Stelmach, but he sure beats the present alternative.
    Not sure where the other stuff came from, but I do kinda like the idea of high-speed rail along the Edmonton-Calgary corridor. That sure beats sitting around airports for three hours on a return trip.
    Sincerely hope you’re not always this angry. I’d recommend chilling out before your head explodes.

  33. “I’m NOT related to Ed Stelmach, but he sure beats the present alternative.”
    So you don’t like your relatives much but wish Ed Stelmach was the alternative. Strange.
    “That sure beats sitting around airports for three hours on a return trip”
    How does sitting around a train station for three hours beat sitting around an airport for three hours?
    Oh wait, you must imagine that passenger trains, if we had them, would run more frequently on a 200 mile trip than planes, lol.
    My mistake. snicker
