29 Replies to “Oh, Shiny Pony!”

  1. Democracy is one man one vote.
    Justin Trudeau [Son of God, but not yet God] is the Man and he has the Vote.
    Lump it and like it!

  2. Even after this?
    “I still believe that the Liberal Party of Canada remains the most forceful defender in this country of social progress, fiscal responsibility and national unity.”

  3. Mr. Paikin obviously misunderstood what Humpty Du – er, I mean Mr. Trudeau meant by the phrase “open nominations.”

  4. Exactly…or should I say, Zachary.
    Which reminds me of an old joke about a Chinese doctor and a homely woman….

  5. Zack Paikin has found out first hand what I have been shouting from the roof tops for months – The Pony kid is NOT the boss he does what his political managers tell him to do because he is inept at policy and strategy planning.
    He may genuinely want to do politics differently but he can’t – primarily because the most regressive, lowlife political fixers this side of hades are running the Librano express and it attracts more unseemly insider scum every day to run it from closed door bunkers – and this is how the Shiny Pony regime will function – PET Jr. as the face boy for a corrupt political machine which would make LBJ blush, actually running things.
    Secondly, If Zack sees politics as a “career” he had best become a fixer and not a candidate because in the current atmosphere of post democratic era politics, the faces come and go but the entrenched non partisan political fixers remain – same as senior bureaurats and administrators – THAT is the real government, THAT is the real power – face boys and puppet MPs are the show for the LIVs, technocrats and fixers run things . It’s why partisan politics is such a pointless distraction.

  6. Paikin seems sharp but is 22 years old as I understand.
    That he is regarded as one of the bright stars and minds in the Liberals speaks to the lack of meat on an old, tired skeleton of a party.

  7. Good point, especially the ‘national unity’ quote part. Who can forget that under Jean Chretien the LPC stole nearly 1/2 $Billion and gave some of it to the Parti Quebecois.

  8. “politics as a career” is a malignancy that is inexorably killing democracy. I believe that term limits for all elected offices would be a beneficial tweak.

  9. “…primarily because the most regressive, lowlife political fixers this side of hades are running the Librano express and it attracts more unseemly insider scum every day to run it from closed door bunkers”
    Stephen Bronfman is hardly a lowlife. And the rest of the gang that will run little Pierre,are the power elite that have run Canada since the 1960’s. This won’t be anything different than business as usual under Desmarais,the Bronfmans,Bombardiers,Irvings,McCains,Aspers,etc.,etc.
    Once he becomes PM,Justin will learn pretty quickly who really runs things and those industrial billionaires mentioned above are sure as hell NOT about to allow a schoolboy like Trudeau to f*** things up.
    I feel sorry for all the dumb youngsters out there who think Justin will bring “hope and change” to Canada, their naivety is touching,and sad.

  10. Zoolander Trudope memorizes scripts, thats what actors do… he neither understands the context of the scripts written by his radical handlers nor does he care. Junior Trudope is the Librano trojan horse with shiny hair and a convenient name, a dictator loving dick, just like his deranged old man. Why Jr’s radical handlers don’t want open nominations in this riding is anyones guess, but you can rest assured that Zoolander Turd is clueless on the subject until he receives his script and memorizes his lines, and even then, he’s still clueless… Jr is a whiter dumber Obarry.

  11. Liberals fighting Liberals,it’s comforting in this crazy world to see that some things never change.

  12. I don’t see where JT has broken any promises. Liberal nominations have always been open . . open to tinkering by the party elite.

  13. Never underestimate the power of money fixers to arrange the desired result…with Justin “I admire dictatorships” True-Dope-ia. (a grok truism)
    The quickest way to political defeat is to get between billionaires and their money…a little bit of realpolitik.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  14. Ahhhh Shiny Pony.
    Daddy’s ambition and narcissism.
    Mommy’s brains and hair.
    In other words, a perfect little Liberal.

  15. True. Its why politicians fight like cornered weasels when term limits are brought up against them.
    We have made being a Politician a gate way to social entitlement, richs, Never ending employment paid by tax payers. By people who don’t even come close to living like the population.
    With the inevitable result that we now have a greased well monied Political class that is becoming hereditary.
    Their allegiance not the people they are supposed to be accountable for.Its the political packs that they hold in reverence, since its them that are the kick back money mules.
    Not all of course, but enough to corrupt the system. These fat porkers have no Party only an appetite for others money they want.

  16. Watching some commentary in editorials, blogs, etc. The theme of those in defensive mode is that Zach is actually a conservative bent on mischief.
    Innes has also been similarly assigned the same designation, by liberals.
    This would seem to support a contention that there is some kind of left/far left divide in the LPC with the current leader in the far left camp.
    Zach is merely a side event the party managers will pay no attention to. The other nominee being banned however has bigger ramifications in that the riding being contested is in the Toronto beach head that the liberals are struggling to keep the NDP out.
    Ergo the LPC is trying to keep out anyone with a blue hue, those I refer to as blu-libs. This political ideology inhabits many parties, in conservative parties they are referred to as red tories that will switch sides depending on who they think had the best chance of winning at the hustings.
    This minor revolt is a result of the party leadership attempting to eviscerate those they consider not of pure enough (far left enough) to sit as a liberal….laurentian elite.

  17. Just out of interest, doesn’t anyone know if Zack is related to TVO’s Steve Paikin?

  18. You can’t call the Librano power brokers stupid (well, you can, but that’s another issue). After the debacles of Dion and Iggy Pop, they looked at what happened south of the border, and copied it. They plucked a relatively lightweight politician who has some things going for him (Obama – good looks, white/black mix, Harvard pedigree, Trudeau – good looks, impressive political pedigree to some) and can easily be controlled, and pushed him as the great new hope. Just as black voters reflexively backed Bambam (even after street stunts when Breitbart, et al, told black voters that Bambam would bring back the draft, end abortion, etc., they still said they would vote for him), the Libranos know that college kids, single moms, and other low-information voters will back him.
    Hence the Tories new voting act. They want to do everything they can within the law to stop these low-info voters from having a say. I don’t blame them.. the problem with democracy everywhere is we let the parasites vote themselves our money. Universal suffrage will be our ultimate damnation.

  19. Steve Bronfman?
    You mean the same Steve who sat on the board of Seagram while his cousin turned it from a 6 billion dollar to a 3 billion dollar investment?
