Renegade Regulator

Sheila Copps, from the comments;

I didn’t know I had so many small dead fans. On a serious note, as was mentioned in a previous comment, the CSA is a national organization. The federal industry committee is being asked to take a look at what has been going on. Perhaps your readers could send support for this suggestion along to the Honourable James Moore.
For more info, check out the website.

24 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. “I didn’t know I had so many small dead fans. ”
    Do Sheila’s new fans remember Sheila?
    She is a massive supporter of massive government.
    She is all-in with the eco-loons.
    And as a politician she was a masterful LIEberal.
    All is forgiven folks? Seriously?
    Just because she finally says something that makes sense is no reason to trust her. She is still a Librano through and through.

  2. So we should reject her influence on this issue because she’s not ideologically pure?

  3. The only person with whom I agree 100% of the time is myself… and even then sometimes there are gray areas.

  4. It seems she’s asking US to join HER in supporting OUR cause. What could be wrong with that?
    Pass the tequila Sheila.

  5. “…I didn’t know I had so many small dead fans…”
    No eh? Hell, we even put your photo up!

  6. Don’t look a gift horse (cow??) in the mouth. When some one is on your side of an issue, support them! Talking to you Markon.
    Just a Guy, try greecian formula for those grey areas:-))))

  7. I can’t say if this helps or taints the effort to take down a politically immunized regulatory profiteer, but I’m in for the ride.
    Regulatory over reach and abuses are a symptom of big government, just seems odd a member of a political regime which were accomplished masters at big government over reach and abuses, now wants to crusade against them – oh well no one knows insider crony weaknesses like an old Librano.
    I raise a glass of Tequila to you Ms. Copps, you go girl!

  8. Sheila displays a little vigor and backbone every once in while, recall she took on the ‘Cretch-meister’ over his promise to rescind the GST and won on a by-election.
    I don’t have any tequila handy, but I’m sure we’ll find something to toast on
    St Patrick’s Day.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  9. “…she took on the ‘Cretch-meister’ over his promise to rescind the GST and won on a by-election.”
    Errr, that’s not how I remember it.
    She made a promise to resign if the GST wasn’t abolished. And Da Liddle Menteur from Shawinigan went back on his word and did not abolish it. So, she was caught.
    However, before she tendered her resignation, her flunkies first conducted a poll…which determined that she would be re-elected if she did resign. It is open to speculation whether she would have resigned if her poll had indicated that it would not be the “safe” thing to do.
    Nothing noble about that.

  10. She’s the thing that pushed the notion that there was no such thing as Canadian culture and then pushed the multi-culti crap.
    Trust nothing she’s involved with.

  11. As long as she’s in agreement on fighting CSA, use her for all she’s worth. Doesn’t mean you have to be eternal friends or even trust her.

  12. That’s right Jamie. The taxpayers paid for a phoney baloney by-election so that Sheila could claim that she did what she promised.

  13. Yeesh. If trying to be your enemy’s friend does not make them your friend, what is it when you accept your enemy as your friend when she acts that way? Profound. And one of the most interesting paradoxes I have ever seen.

  14. And Sheila, I disagree with you on every level. Your views are, in my view, distrustful to society. But it is interesting how you have embraced this CSA accountability thing. You are a political animal. You cannot be doing this out of some sort of noble or moral imperative. For surely as a politician, you have none. So what is your motivation?

  15. Sheila Copps is a politician. Does anything good come out of Ottawa?
    Here she at least should be thanked for seeing a real problem than doing something about it.
    Politicians are only the Game players that are visible. Its the Union
    bureaucrats that regulate the real show.
    That block or make laws with the connivance of a Judiciary that think they are infallible.
    Never like any of her politics, but than I don’t half of Harpers either.

  16. She is not only a politician but a second gen. Politician like j Trudeau or jack Layton , and early indication of an eventual rescinding of democracy , like the Roman Empire

  17. “and early indication of an eventual rescinding of democracy”
    They’re unlikely rescind democracy.
    Even Putin puts on a pretense of democracy.
    Why? Because if they’ve got a False Democracy, it immunizes the masses from being susceptible to rising up, overthrowing Totalitarian government, and replacing it with True Democracy.
    Not always but it does help, especially if the masses have few opportunities to compare their way of life or governance with better living in other nations.

  18. I would like to know how Sheila got away with having her junior staff members pick up her Bar bills & then using her signature to authorizing repayment to the staff member?
    I guess Canadians are really stupid! eh.. Revene Canada too.

  19. Dear Sheila,
    You have no friends here.
    Further, just because you “discovered” this issue well after it was already being acted on does not mean you own any moral high ground. Keep your snot nosed liberal comments and lectures to yourself.
    Yours in Disdain of your overinflated self opinion,

  20. There is some very basic political play here. Thank you Sheila as RestoreCSA needs some heavy-hitters to make the bureaucrats pay attention. I can understand their enthusiasm and I’m sure they have a wheel-barrow full of bricks just waiting for your leftie arm. (Are you left-handed?)But the ultimate responsibility for overhauling the corrupt CSA lies with the gov’t which is currently Conservative and its ministers are foolishly playing hot potato with the file instead of somebody – anybody, manning up, taking possession, and rectifying the matter regardless of whose head’s roll.
    This gives you, oh Sheila of the blue agave the perfect opportunity, and I know you’re savvy, to stick it to the Harperites and return from the Mojave.
    And I hope those bricks are CSA approved.

  21. The CSA problem isn’t a left-right issue. I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt in recognizing that an out of control agency is screwing people over. I’ve known about the problems prior to the RestoreCSA website launch through a business acquaintance.
