34 Replies to “Take Me, Obama”

  1. Believe it not I actually know someone in Canada who bought for himslef and his entire family Obama t-shirts when His Highness was elected. He then bought a few more to hang on the walls in his house in picture frames. I kid you not.
    It *boggles* the mind.

  2. She is wrong, it does matter who is POTUS and who is elected to office.
    Until Barack Hussein Obama, I did not think that the rogue things that he has done were even doable because of the U.S. Constitution.
    Hopefully, the Tea Party will be able to take enough new seats this November to make the constitution a force in U.S. politics once again.

  3. Radical far left organization I used to work for were hyper-Obama supporters “en masse” (oh yeah, the kool-aid was flowin’). During His first term they even had Obama’s Reverend Wright as a keynote speaker at their yearly event. I nearly choked last year when the far left owner of the company spewed disgust to 600 staff about Obama and his complete uselessness. Bawhaaaaa haaaaaa. Hopey-changey meets lefty intolerance at its best.

  4. Oz, I agree totally it does matter who the leaders are; unfortunately now that there are more “takers” than “makers” it’s darn near impossible to get good ones elected.

  5. Welcome to libertarianism, honeybunch. Please don’t take this the wrong way, but there’s a lot of us said all this back in ’08 when you were helping elect the most vacuous POTUS the US has ever had. Now remember and repeat after me:
    “All Obama’s statements come with an expiry date.”

  6. To paraphrase a wise person:
    Libertarianism is great, so long as you have a good strong government to enforce it.

  7. Yes. This girly made the video so that she could(in her own words) ABSOLVE herself from the responsibility of having elected BHO.
    She further compounds her error and attempts to extend her self-absolution by saying ALL politicians are the same and that the system is broken.
    Not true at all.
    well maybe true a little because LIV idjits like her are allowed to participate, therein lies the systemic error
    We here all knew that Barack Obama was a lying feckless anti-American Commie ideologue before November 2008.

  8. One advocates either the libertarian position, or the authoritarian position. It’s that simple.
    I see a lot of stooges for the state here.

  9. Obama was (note past tense) not so much an individual than an attempt by the scum who control the Dem machine to put us all on the dependency “plantation”. A Judas goat for holdout middle class Black America and a focal point for progressia white guilt. The phenomena of politically expedient modern racism (race baiting and exploitation of minority bigotry) is nicely explained in C.L. Bryant’s opus – “Runaway Slave”, a documentary narrated by Rev. Bryant.
    C.L Bryant is an interesting man who has been part of the Dem. Dependency plantation (as a regional officer of the NAACP) who woke up to the fact that black leaders and organizations were coopted by the Dem machine to control the black community by herding them into Dem welfare dependency and ten put on the Dem vote plantation – essentially trading an old tyranny of slavery for a new form of it under Dem plantation dependency on big government.
    “ Our forefathers didn’t go through all they went through to have some bigoted white progressive call them black, they went through their struggle to be called free Americans. Being “black” is not being free it is a moniker of the new partisan plantation that has slaves harvest votes for the master’s party.” – Rev. C.L. Bryant

  10. Like a typical groupie she bought the whole nine yards in ’08 but now she doesn’t like Obama, but doesn’t blame him, its the system the whole system of government that he is a part of that is at fault. She’s still as brain dead as she was in ’08. Yes little girl while democratic government has faults, the president steers it in the direction that he wants the country to go and the present government of the US clearly reflects the ideology of this president. Someone should tell her that the ’60’s that she pines for. but never experienced with its love & peace symbols & flowers in gun barrels is over. The reality that the world lives in today is a real ugly place and wishing for some kind of peace and love where we all get along isn’t going to change reality.

  11. The government should not provide any service that can be gotten from the private sector.
    So, now that mercenaries and security and police forces, road-builders, arbitration companies, etc are all available in the private sector, I see no role for government whatsoever, other than a coercive parasite that eventually kills it’s host, that is.

  12. Used to love that kind of girl, pretty, enthusiastic, not entirely stupid and could be talked into literally anything.
    But I married a girl with brains and character. I know, how shallow of me.

  13. I put it differently. There are two views of government: That proposed by Plato, that the wise state controls all; the other is libertarian. I call Plato’s Republic Socialism.
    Such political states such as feudalism, fascism, etc. fit ion this spectrum with different mixes in different areas

  14. It does, however, seem that every time that a group is given the power to tax and pass laws, then that group always, without fail, abuses that power.
    If society gives 1 group the power to subjugate another group, one group will be subjugated.

  15. Oh well, she’s had her 15 seconds of fame. Now she can go back and vote for the next dickhead.

  16. She is kinda cute, but a prime example of the failings of unchecked democracy.
    and Oz, no it doesn’t matter who or what is in government any more, government (politics) has become an industry that supports it’s self first and foremost to the exclusion of actual governance. Even the Harperites are liberal lites, and they could very well lose the next election even tho they are such. There is no place left for true “conservative” governments as it wouldn’t attract enough votes. Too many conservatives a PCs. As to liberatarianism, dream on, it would fail even faster than Obamaism, as it should!!

  17. “and Oz, no it doesn’t matter”
    Yes, it does matter. For one obvious example, the Keystone XL Pipeline would have already been approved had Mitt Romney been elected President.
    I’m sure a lot of people here could give other similar examples or examples of how Obama’s almost daily now governing by executive fiat would have been curbed had enough Tea Party candidates been elected to the Senate and Congress.

  18. But I gather she thinks it’s all right for Putin to invade part of Ukraine and Obama should say nothing. Obama should say something, but more importantly do something like putting missiles in Poland.

  19. But now she can sleep at night, absolved of the consequences of her gullibility.
    Laurel and Hardy live.
    Look what you made me do…
    Yes it matters who we elect, more importantly it matters that government fear its citizens, otherwise it becomes an all consuming cancer.
    Look to the post office and motor vehicle branch… oh yeah, government is needed..By whom?
    How do you negotiate with entitled parasites?

  20. Now that was interesting. If not horribly true.
    Before Johnson Blacks where making real strides in standards of living. Than Johnson created the Welfare culture.
    Democrats even have the solution to the black population problem.
    Abortion paid by citizens by force.
    Than again they where the slave party, just more innovative today in chattel management.

  21. Hey! Her Obama hope & change changed into Peewee Herman and she is pissed!
    She has a point! Every American likes to believe that our Government always acts with Honor, Intergity, and Honestly. The Obama State Dept seems to fall short.
    Then we have McCain, the snitch of the Hanoi Hilton, rushing to carry Obama’s water in the Ukraine. Yes! he was booted as the Arizona Republican Senate candidate and it didn’t take him very long to switch.

  22. “Hopefully, the Tea Party will be able to take enough new seats this November to make the constitution a force in U.S. politics once again.”
    Of the 62 tea party members in the House of Representatives, 44 voted in favor of NDAA with only 11 against it.
