26 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. actually unbelievable low since its a log scale. low , not even moderate. felt inside but probably not outside.

  2. When the scientist explained a logarithmic scale to the journalist did the journo’s head explode?

  3. I imagine when Big Windbag full of sh*t Al Gore falls on his arse over his global warming scam it will register as at least a California rumble.
    We’ve set an all time record cold temperature for this date in these parts, we’re still waiting for the warm-up. For many of us it’s down to two seasons, last winter and this winter.

  4. A prima facia case in how the liberal bureaucrats are systematically dumbing down the Western education systems.

  5. Since mid-20th century, use of the Richter magnitude scale has largely been supplanted by the moment magnitude scale (MMS) in many countries. However, the Richter scale is still widely used in Russia and other CIS countries. Quake measurements under the moment magnitude scale in the U.S.(3.5 and up on the MMS scale) are often erroneously quoted as the Richter scale by the general public, as well as the media, due to familiarity with the Richter scale vs the MMS.

  6. Actually, TOS speeds were arithmetic:
    Warp 1 = speed of light=c
    Warp 2 = 3c
    Warp 3 = 6c
    Warp 4 = 10c

    Warp n = (Warp(n-1)+n)c.

  7. If my math and Wikipedia / Google research is correct on a scale of 1-10 a 4.7 is roughly 5012 time bigger than a 1. To put that in perspective if it was a 5.0 quake it would be twice as big (as release energy) then the 4.7 (10^0.3 = 1.9953). If it jumped to 5.7 it’s 10 times a big (10^1 = 10).
    This all being said I would place the benefit of the doubt on that the reporter didn’t know it’s a log scale and still was still asking a dumb question 😉

  8. “He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever.”
    Chinese proverb

  9. The simple answer to “On a scale of 1 to 10 where does a 4.7 earthquake fall?” is “It doesn’t.”

  10. Q. “On a scale of 1 to 10 where does a 4.7 earthquake fall?”
    A. The Earthquake had about 20 IQ points more than you.

  11. Hey folks, maybe it wasn’t in a mathematical context, butt rather in a social severity context, thusly 4.7 is not that sever!!!!

  12. I think they had a sense from cultural context that it was a good question. We know a 9 is a catastrophe and a 1 is nothing more so than a regular 1-10 rating. Not that it would surprise me either if they had no clue.

  13. Yet another example of Fechner’s Law (which is known not to be exact):
    sensation = log_{10} stimulus (+ constant).
    Other examples are the decibel scale and the magnitude scale of stellar brightness.

  14. ‘a log scale’ is something used to weigh wood
    Reminds of this Newfoundlander that went out to buy a chain saw…
    Sorry, off topic.

  15. For most reporters, a ‘a log scale’ is something used to weigh wood.
    Really? I thought it was the scale socialists used to measure their morning ablutions turd.
    Some obscure composting term.

  16. The Richter Scale is logarithmic … each 1 point higher is 10x bigger than the number below it.
    In a 4.7 quake you MIGHT notice the ice cubes in your drink rattling ever so slightly on the table, but only if you were alone and paying attention, NOT checking your smartphone.
    In a 5.7 quake you’d be looking around at everybody else who would also be looking around at you and the bottles and glasses falling off the shelves.
    In a 6.7 quake you’d be diving under a table for cover, praying, and preparing to pucker up and kiss your rosy @$$ goodbye.
