25 Replies to “Home”

  1. God bless our troops and their families.
    To those who died: Eternal rest grant unto them Oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.

  2. Good! Maybe on their last flight out, they can send a Tomahawk through Hamid Karzai’s compound!

  3. Actually, I favour talking a Yank inta havin’ a “whoops” with a MOAB…..
    Close only counts in horseshoes and MOABs…..

  4. I’ve been out of the business of C-17s for several years now, but did I miss something when we sold one to Canada? I understand the CC being the designator of “Canadian”. But did Canada change the “17” to “177?” Somebody let me know, please.

  5. BZ to all the Canadian personnel, civilian and military, who participated in this mission, and did some good, despite the ill informed machinations of the media and others, like “Corporal Taylor.” I will continue to wear red on Fridays in memory of our fallen comrades.

  6. Good. Now the hard part comes, when our government has to step up and support the military personnel in a typically UN-Canadian way.
    I don’t want to hear any more tales of veterans needing medical, psychiatric, or financial help,and not being able to get it.
    If the government was to treat the veterans with the same respect they do a politician with six years service,that would suit me just fine.

  7. Glad this is over for our forces; very grateful of their sacrifice and efforts, my condolences and remembrance; also glad that this gov hasn’t piled us into another mess like this was, thanks to the liberals.

  8. Well at least Canada owns our C 117 Globemasters to transport troops and do other “heavy lift” chores.
    We no longer have to go hat in hand and pay the Russians to do that stuff.
    AND now, it’s time to re-locate our troops to our Northern most reaches.
    Putins’ Russia is flexing its territorial muscle with undersea flags in the far North.
    Will ISREAL offer Canada nukes, to counter VLADs expansion mode into Canadian Northern space??

  9. Lots of reflection watching the plane come in to land escorted by the jets. Traffic slowed, many pulled over.
    Joe, you are absolutely correct in your observation that we must protect the North.

  10. Well thank God that’s over. Taliban Jack was right about one thing Canada should have left many years ago.

  11. And now the cons say they don’t have a social contract with the troops. Cons love the troops when it’s a photo op but not when they have to live up to their responsibilities.

  12. And the NDP, Bloc and Liberals would have them charged with war crimes and then screw them on pensions etc. too, Not Impressive.

  13. I’m glad the vast majority of our combat troops withdrew years ago when the PMO saw that Obama was disinterested at best and effing-up on purpose at worst or we, like the Americans, would probably have had three times more casualties/deaths by now.
    I had two cousins’ sons (so 2nd cousins?) injured in IED attacks: one thought the place was an irredeemable Islamic dump; and the other thought they were doing real good there. I hope the latter but think the former.

  14. At least when Conservatives are in government the troops have boots. And trucks. Not so much with the Liberals, eh?
    Now that the Canadians have gone home, Taliban all over @sscr@ckistan are breathing a big sigh of relief.

  15. Welcome home, thank you, and God bless.
    Not Impressed should keep his bloody Liberal mouth shut. The Liberals treated us like crap for the three decades I was involved.

  16. God bless our servicemen and women and welcome home – enjoy the love and blessings of your families.
    Many have picked up and continue to repeat the meme of Ottawa abandoning or ignoring the needs of veterans.
    My experience is quite the opposite – at least in regards to older vets. My dealings with VA on behalf of my father (92yrs old) have been nothing less than exemplary. VA staff have been solicitous, helpful and professional.
    When my parents needs have changed, VA has been most willing to provide further financial assistance for home care, yard work etc., even while lessening the requirement for receipts and reporting. They apparently (and rightfully) trust our greatest generation to not abuse their fellow Canadians and to remain as independent as possible.
    BTW, having been raised in similar fashion – I would be doing that yard work were I not three hours, plus a long ferry ride away since it should first be the responsibility of family and not the government
    and taxpayer.
