The Mystery Of MH370

Ten days have passed and with no solid leads, only one conclusion can be drawn from the disappearance of a Boeing 777 and its 239 passengers and crew — the tales we were told of spy satellites that can “read a watch face from space” were, and still are, complete and utter bullshit.
That is all.

80 Replies to “The Mystery Of MH370”

  1. Actually, I remember them saying they could recognize unit patches on military uniforms from space. Of course if the military unit has removed it’s patches, the spy satellite camera can’t read them.
    Point is, the satellite camera has to be looking at the thing it wants to see.
    I read on the net a few hours ago that the search area is >1 million square miles now.

  2. Nearly all the valid evidence points to a heist of valuable cargo involving the flight crew, killing passengers with a climb to 45k, then to either a landing or unintentional crash. The engine monitoring by satellite would know which it was but not where. The US Navy likely knows whether it crashed or landed and is searching for conclusive evidence.

  3. Catastrophic failure at 35000 ft. The rest of it is BS. It is a big a$$ed ocean and despite the reports of fisherman sightings, it was late at night and most fishermen were asleep when it happened. Satellites? Recordings? Transmissions? Has anybody seen the raw data? Didn’t think so.

  4. Actually a satellite can read a watch from space, it just has to be a mile wide.

  5. If the Malaysian opposition party is really influenced by a Muslim brotherhood leader and if the family of the pilot moved out the day before the flight left, the pilot was in on it. I suspect it is in Iran or Yemen. I’m afraid the passengers are very dead.

  6. The Chinese have been awfully silent. Hostage situation somewheres they’re trying to keep silent? I’m leaning towards suicide by weirdo pilot.
    It is rather pathetic the hundreds of billions we yanks spend on defense/intelligence/satellites cant tell us where this thing is or where it might be. Its not like its an ultralight.

  7. New theory, plane is in Iran or Pakistan the passengers are still alive and the plane will be used as a bomb flown at Israel. The Israelis will be shown that the passengers are still alive and will be forced to shoot it down. Just for the bad press.

  8. A satellite can’t see what is hidden under cover or in a building – the International police authorities are operating under the theory the plane was hijacked and landed in a pre-selected destination – possibly to be filled with explosives and used as a flying bomb. Boeing 777s are fully wireless controlled. Anyone who could disable the location beacon on that flight is sophisticate enough to hack the wireless control system – at least that’s the theory floating around the agencies investigating the disappearance – the pilots are the prime suspects – so far.

  9. the hundreds of billions we yanks spend on defense/intelligence/satellites cant tell us where this thing is or where it might be.
    The government knows where it might be, they simply don’t see a reason to share it with the public

  10. explain the claims of 7.5 hrs of engine data received by the chaps at Rolls Royce

  11. Think About It..
    “Captain Zaharie’s wife and three children had camped out at their second house in Subang a day before the disappearance.”
    ‘Malaysian Airlines Pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah ‘Attended Fraught Political Trial’ Of Anwar Ibrahim, Hours Before Take-Off.’
    Islamic pilot Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah flew the plane with the assistance of 72 Virgins..

    If I get on a plane and the pilot announces:
    “My Name is Capt. Muhammad Zaharie, and I hope you can enjoy this flight.”
    I am getting the f*ck off,
    even if it involves opening the rear door..

  12. If it WAS a terrorist attack of any sort, terorists always rush to claim “credit”, which has not happened here.
    If it WAS one of the pilots, most suicides leave a note behind; that hasn’t happened here or authorities would have quit looking by now.
    If it blew up in mid-air for ANY reason ALL systems would have gone ‘off’ at the same time, but there is a 14 minute delay between one system going off and the other system going off.
    The remaining possibilities are the stuff of action/adventure movies.

  13. Zippo,
    Read that as well. Like to hear someone dipute why it couldnt happen. How close do you have to fly behind and above or behind and below another plane at height to not be disguishable by civilian radar?
    Even if it didnt happen we about 2-4 summer action movie plots have been generated out of all of tis speculation.
    Until there is evidence that of it crashing you have to assume it is hidden.
    Wonder what it would take to make the plane completely “silent”, the unsubscribed telemetry service from Boeing still answers when pinged.
    Lots of agencies saying very little, and I suspect the Chinese are mighty pissed and more than a little embarassed. The latter is the more worrying one for whomever did this, evidence makes accident unlikely.
    As for watch face viewing. We’ll never know will we. Gogle Earth gets you to identifying your own car in your driveway. Military I assume is multiple levels beyond that. Question is what do you see at night? And what is the resolution of that sattelite(s).
    Smart operator if he satyed in darkeness the whole time, turned of all comms and lights (Can they do that? Turn off the flashing wing lights?)
    And I wouldnt trust the PAKS on their statements. All the said was there was “no evidence”. There was no evidence OBL was in Pakistan. Question is whether the target is Israel or India or U.S. or Europe? Do the Paks renengineer the plane so it looks like soemthing else, including Squawker. Or is it just painted grey and all electronics removed.
    Sorry to hope for debris, but right now that would be the best case scenario.

  14. speculation on the meaning on “fully wireless controlled”: In older cars there were physical wires that connected the gas pedal to the carburettor so that when you pressed down on the pedal, more gas was supplied. All of the moving parts were physically connected to what they controlled by wires, gears, shafts, levers; the force applied by the driver was re-routed along the physical connection to physically control the steering arms or brake pads according to the pressure applied by the drier. Newer cars use an electrical signal to send the message “the gas pedal has been pressed, apply more gasoline to the engine.” In both cases listed there is a physical connection between the control (pedal) and part controlled (butterfly valve / actuator or whatever). In the 777, IIRC, there aren’t wire or fibre leads from the front of the plane leading to all of the mechanical or pneumatic controllers. They run on a wireless network to carry signals around the plane.
    If this is correct, then a hacker who breaches the plane’s firewall could control it and lock out cockpit. To me this is a less likely explanation than “a member of or the entire flight crew did something”. Regardless, the likelihood of any of the passengers ever being seen alive again is very low. I hope it is a lone nutball suiciding instead of a planned act of evil.

  15. “[The] tales we were told of spy satellites that can ‘read a watch face from space’ were, and still are, complete and utter bullshit.”
    Well, yes and no.
    First, as someone has pointed out, the search area is vast. “Spy satellites” are not positioned and configured to simply look at everything below them. They’re placed in specific geo-orbits to target specific places. They don’t just look at the whole world. IMINT is not like NSA/GCHQ/CSEC SIGINT; it doesn’t just suck everything in the ether in.
    Resolution is another matter. Nations with spy satellites don’t want everyone to know how accurate their satellites are either. The Chinese – if they are using their “spy satellites” – will have released pictures in which the resolution has been quite deliberately degraded.

  16. If it WAS a terrorist attack of any sort, terrorists always rush to claim “credit”, which has not happened here.

    Terrorists have backed off telling everyone what they are doing-
    Safdar Dawar, who leads an organization of tribal journalists in Pakistan, gave a superb description of what life is like for every innocent person: “If I am walking in the market, I have this fear that maybe the person walking next to me is going to be a target of a drone. If I’m shopping, I’m really careful and scared. If I’m standing on the road and there is a car parked next to me, I never know if that is going to be the target. Maybe they will target the car in front of me or behind me. Even in mosques, if we’re praying, we’re worried that maybe one person who is standing with us praying is wanted. So, wherever we are, we have this fear of drones.”
    Said Fahad Mirza, “We can’t go to the markets. We can’t drive cars. When they’re hovering over us, we’re all scared. One thinks they’ll drop it on our house, and another thinks it’ll be on our house, so we run out of our houses.” Some refuse to leave their houses. Funerals are sparsely attended. Friends no longer visit one another’s homes. Yet no one ever feels safe anyway.
    Some go crazy from the stress.

  17. Yeah,I’d be bolting for the door too….that’s just how it is and it’s just what the militant, extremists of an Islamist cult want, spread fear and cause as much disruption in the free and democratic world as possible. Question is, how are we going to stop it and still allow them to live among us through open and trusting immigration?
    Afraid on this front stupidity reigns supreme and it could be lethal over time.

  18. Resolution of satellites? Look at lower Manhattan in Google Satellite (resolution varies from place to place –
    out in the boonies it is less). One can see individual people, and make out the makes of cars. It is fun
    to take a look at the WWII carrier docked in lower Manhattan (I forget its name). It has an SR-71 on board!
    BUT one has to know where to look. It’s the same situation as with a high-power telescope.

  19. any intelligent and informed individual would (should) be able to figure that out for themselves, that it needs explaining points straight to LIV-ism:-)))))

  20. “complete and utter bullshit.” Well, maybe.
    Let me reinforce John Lewis’s comment.
    For an example of satellite imagery detail I simply went to Google maps. Only using Google Lite at maximum magnification, I examined the Lougheed Mall parking lot in Burnaby, BC. and observed that I could identify that there were cars in the parking lot but would never be able to identify their make and model. Next, I examined an industrial area at the intersection of Byrne Rd. and Lowland Dr. in Burnaby. The imagery was much better and if the cars were viewable from the side I could have identified most car’s make and model.
    Google maps in Lite mode hardly represent state of the art imagery but the resolution is very good. Certainly good enough to search for a particular plane. The real problem is the actual search. If you said there was a yellow pick up truck in Burnaby and tasked me with the job of locating it, it would take a very long time to go over every square foot of the city. If you asked me to locate a plane somewhere in an area the size of Canada (and this is what we are talking about here) it would take a long time indeed, even with a lot of help.

  21. There are only so many satellites and most likely they were all focused on the Asia’s crisis points such as North Korea, Iran and the Crimea. When you’re looking through a rifle scope you can see everything in a very narrow field clearly but everything outside the field is invisible.
    A bunch of us at work were kicking around ‘why do you want a stolen airliner?’ It may be worth $100 million but you can’t sell it or any of the parts as they are all serialized. You can’t operate it for long without spare parts and you need large runways found at international airports. Our consensus was that you would use it to deliver a nuclear weapon by mimicking a legitimate flight. It is easy enough to repaint the outside and the ‘tombstone’ data for the transponders can be changed by a savvy avionics technician so that the ADS-B system reads a different airline and national registration. The flight number i.e. MH370 can be changed in the cockpit to anything you desire in a few seconds. Posing as a passenger flight you could fly right to the airport at Tel Aviv and detonate it over the city.
    It turns out we’re not the only ones thinking along those lines.

  22. Its not an SR71 its an A12 and it’s on the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum.
    Stealing a plane for a weapon sounds like a feasible plot, but why do it full of people? The passengers and crew not part of the plot just add risk and focus of other governments/agencies.

  23. ead a simple theory on wired that was a Google+ re post from a Canadian instructor. He thinks it was an electrical or tire fire where it’s standardized to pull the buses (happened in swissair crash too) to isolate the fire which would cut the transponder. The pilots turn is inline with the nearest long runway over friendly terrain. The crew were overcome by smoke and the plane continued on out over the south Indian ocean where it eventually went down. This also explains the radar images he says.
    This strikes me as the best theory I’ve read and usually simple is the way to go. But ratings are better when you talk about it being stolen and used as a WMD.

  24. Nah, doesn’t work in reality. Every flight has a filed flight plan and secondary radars along the planned flight route expect to see the aircraft at specific times/places according to that flight plan. Having on
    Can’t duplicate a scheduled flight – two aircraft on same departure/route/time and one off flights – such as cargo or private charters still need a legitimate flight plan origination point and reporting way points all along the way.
    Any aircraft flying along that gets painted by secondary radar and doesn’t get a proper Mode S transponder response that jives with a flight plan gets called a target.

  25. “complete and utter bullshit”
    Should probably edit that post, Kate. It’s kind of embarrassingly obvious you don’t really have any understanding of these matters (several others above have explained why).

  26. Nice theory, better Hollywood script.
    370 would have to catch up and tuck up real close to appear to be a single radar return.
    The catching up part is the problem.
    Both are 777s.
    Both have same speeds and cruise is very close to max.
    Possible . . . maybe if 370 was above and behind and did a diving turn to get a speed boost.
    Likely . . . nahh. Still have the Inmarsat contacts hours later from a totally different area.

  27. I always thought the plane on the aircraft carrier was an SR71 so, after reading your comment, I had to check it out and, by gosh, you’re right!
    You learn something new everyday.

  28. This is the thing that is baffling to me. 10 days on and I have heard nothing yet of debris floating to the shores of western Australia or Sumatra. By now this should have happened. Until something like this happens MH370 theories as presented will be all be likely.

  29. Read it as well. “Debunked” by a few friends of mine. First off there are alarm sensors now in the wheel wells since the Nigerian disaster. Two, there are post air flow (not oxygen) masks to avoid smoke. Three, there was no mayday which is SOP with smoke. Four, if the tire did catch fire it would have spread and eventually the plane would have come apart suddenly. Way before the fuel would have run out.

  30. This whole thing is looking more and more like a hijacking gone wrong. Whatever the intentions were …. something may have intervened to change it … like other members of the crew or perhaps there were passengers with some balls who rebelled a la “let’s roll” Todd Beamer.…. then the plane went down in the ocean.
    That makes most sense to me.

  31. I’ve always been sceptical and consider remote viewing a quackery science, but here’s an opportunity to put it to the test. On last night’s Coast to Coast broadcast ( ) this was aired. If any of it proves true, I might see it in a better light.
    “remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames shared a map which he believes shows the location of the missing Malaysian jet. He suggested that the airliner’s pilot, Zaharie Ahmad Shah, committed an act of piracy, planning to take the jet to Somalia. He ended up struggling with the co-pilot, and the plane was inadvertently downed after it went through a rapid uncontrolled decompression, said Dames.”
    He went on to say the co-pilot should be considered a hero for his attempts to save the flight, but all were lost.

  32. Jay, the electrical busses are split on all large aircraft. There will be a #1 and #2 buss that are normally tied together. In the event of an electrical fault on #1 buss, the abnormal current draw will trip the buss tie opening it so that power does not flow from #2 buss to #1. Also the generator and battery contacters to #1 will be opened, isolating the #1 buss from the electrical system. No more electricity to the faulty buss, no more heat. In this case all the radios and systems fed by #1 buss are now useless but #2 buss is a duplicate of #1, it will feed VHF Comm #2, GPS #2, FMS #2, transponder #2, rad alt #2, Hydraulic System #2 etc. You can fly all day long on only one buss
    I’ve never bought the ‘sudden decompression incapacitated the crew’ theory. Payne Stewart died on a biz-jet – airliners are certified to much higher standards and their pilots trained in simulators for emergency procedures. The standard now for big jets is that each pilot has a quick donning mask such as a Zodiac-Intertechnique MF10 or MC10. I’ve done operational tests on them and they can be donned in less than 5 seconds with one hand. Basically, the mask is stowed in the side panel, a pair of red tabs stick out which you squeeze together releasing the cover, O2 inflates the rubber harness to such a size that it fits easily over your head, you place the mask over your nose and mouth and release the red tabs and the harness deflates, securing the mask to your face. Toggle the mic switch from boom to mask and you’re in business. I’m told that Air Canada policy is that if one pilot is going to leave the cockpit, the remaining pilot straps in and dons his mask. Part of any purchase of an airliner is that Boeing or Airbus will train your flight crews in the simulator, it’s to the manufacturer’s benefit that the crews don’t crash their airplanes.
    With all the facts that are in now, I think the disappearance of MH370 was a deliberate act. I can’t help thinking that the initial take-over took place over water far from any cell towers to prevent any passenger who was awake and aware from sending a message. The transponders were turned off but the hijackers did not know about the maintenance monitoring systems which are proprietary to Boeing and Rolls-Royce.

  33. well no, it’s not as good an explanation as the author would have us believe, as crew is trained to send distress signal almost immediately, and they did not, fact they gave a cheery sign off just before sudden left turn. As to experience pilot turning left and heading towards another airport, a good hijacker may also have contemplated a “fake”, just to throw ppl off. Tho it does address the “simplest answer has the greatest chance of being the correct answer”.

  34. It appears there are eyewitness reports(reliability always questionable)that a “jumbo jet” flew unusually low over the Maldives at approx 6:15 the morning MH370 went missing. Multiple witnesses claim it was travelling north to southwest.
    This would seemingly fit with the timelines of the disappearance and length of time communications lasted with satellites and fit exactly the southern route indicated by them.
    Also, there are claims that the pilot had simulations for Maldive runways on his simulator, though I believe they have yet to investigate his history on the machine, so that is hardly proof of anything…..yet.
    I found all this on the internet… it’s gotta be true!

  35. It’s an SST.
    Also, I would pick a passenger plane because I would need a reason to board the plane in the first place.
    As to the missing plane:
    Note this is an ER version which can fly anywhere 8,888 mile range.
    (Chabahar to Vancouver 7318 miles)
    This plane had enough fuel to circumnavigate India and land in Iran by staying over water, away from any shores and most radar until reaching Iranian air space. This also corresponds perfectly with the length of time the engines were signaling.
    Two Iranians with false passports who claim they are not going to Iran should be a big hint.

  36. I have a lotta confidence in the IDF ( and Mossad)…..if they are antsy…..
    Interesting times…..

  37. In 1965, a captain in the RCAF was invited to give a presentation to our University Flying Club. He brought a film about airborne surveillance. One shot showed a golf ball rolling across a green and into the hole. The picture had been taken from a USAF reconnaissance plane flying at 40,000 feet. “This is Declassified Information” he explained. “Use your imagination as to what is possible now. Girls – think twice about sunbathing in the back yard.”
    So if we click forward fifty years, and use our imaginations, I wouldn’t doubt that a watch face could be seen from space. But you have to find it first. Check to help out.

  38. The preponderance of evidence still points to a deliberate act, which may or may not have been successful. Unless of course one wants to assume that the chaps at Rolls Royce who were monitoring the engines are somehow involved in a vast conspiracy. However, if one wants to believe in conspiracies, then it’s just as reasonable to assume it’s all being orchestrated by the Illuminati from their alien base on the dark side of the moon.

  39. Still begs the question, why a 777? A piper club with a EMP or Nuke can do the same damage, and if history proves anything you can fly into Moscow square with a Piper and bypass all security.
    Heck, why not just fly a single F-14 with a bomb strapped to it?
    Why not a 737?
    Too many theorists around, but the closest theory if it was hijacked is not have a bomb, pretend there is, and still have the passengers in the plane flying to Israel scenario.
    Then the IDF pilots willl face the ultimate test – shooting down innocent civilians. Shades of 911 choices.
    I know the pilots would, but the psychological repercussion on the country as a whole would be greater than any bomb.

  40. Kate posts a pic of two F-18’s escorting a CC-177 just above this post.
    In peaceful Canada no less.
    Yet, no one here wants to speculate that ANY of the military forces in the area could have done the same with a rogue B777?
    A B777 that lost secondary radar contact and communications while near Vietnam airspace, en-route to Beijing, and not one military airborne defense unit in the area gives a $h!t.
    Not even the Malaysian Air Force.
    So where is the wreckage with 329 bodies?
    Apparently where the Malaysian military doesn’t want it to be found.

  41. Everyone is being extremely quiet about the cargo and the 50 blocked seats aren’t they?

  42. Regarding the cargo and seats. That is a conspiracy theory only as there are on any flight someone of ‘importance’ or whatnot.
    Remember the Korean 747 that shot down over Kamchatka? One of the passengers was a senator or something with the CIA and then it went crazy they actually programmed the 747 to fly ‘in error’ over Russia to photograph the Russia military base.

  43. The theory is quite plausible.
    It would be even more plausible if evidence
    could be found in earlier flight records that
    this mystery incident was just an ad hoc variant
    of something used before. If it is one of a
    regular secret bag of tricks used by various
    criminal enterprises and countries to ship
    untraceable hot cargoes for their own account,
    the fallout should be monumental. Perhaps that
    is the secret the hijacker wants to point towards
    by his bizarre actions.
