25 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Knocked senseless and they drop him from the stretcher…strapped in and take a header into the pavement!
    Nevermind insult to injury, they were going for injury to injury.
    Ouch that’s going to leave a mark.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. You can tell they were Ranger announcers because they were more concerned about the stretcher collapsing than the cheap shot by Messier that put Modano on the stretcher. [It wasn’t a shoulder hit it was a brutal elbow. In today’s NHL he would have received 5 games for that one.]

  3. Vladimir Putin and the Lessons of 1938
    “I explained over and over that no, Putin wasn’t really a democratically elected leader; our elections were a stage-managed charade. That yes, he really was a bad guy who was supporting rogue states abroad while in Russia he was persecuting dissidents, locking down the media under state control and subordinating the Russian economy to the Kremlin and his small circle of cronies.”
    worth reading

  4. I thought it was pretty funny and well done. I sense someone has an irrational hate on for realtors.

  5. Grew up in that area. These are normal ice conditions for this time of year. The ferry isn’t getting jammed off of sydney for days like it has in years past.

  6. I grew up there as well, 28 years before I headed west. The ferry gets jammed off of North Sydney when prevailing winds are from the NE, which don’t prevail often in the winter. Has nothing to do with ice volume. The ice in the gulf flows from St. Lawrence out into the Atlantic, North Sydney is on the north eastern tip of Cape Breton Island which has the ice flow past it out into the Atlantic and gets packed in the “ice free port” with a prevailing NE wind. The new ferries they recently purchased are not good in the ice like the MV Smalllwood and Caribou designs for crossing the Cabot Strait. The new ferries get stuck in the flow and require ice breakers.
    The Cabot Strait ice flow is thick and of record volume, this coming from my dad who lives there and deals with the coast guard ice breaker personnel, fishermen and Marine Atlantic employees on a daily basis and just happens to be a weather and sea condition expert, although he has no formal educational training as such. 70 years living off and around the land and sea will do a lot for a person when it comes to recognizing what is going on around you. He says record ice this year and a cold arse spring, I’ll take his word on it. Upside, good run off and cold temps for the Atlantic Salmon rivers on the SW coast. Can’t wait to hit Crabbes River over the Father’s day weekend with me fly rod and the Salmon running.

  7. Mann Overboard.
    “IMHO, the Mann’s days are numbered as a hero of the climate movement.”
    “Wow, even MSM reporters want to see Michael Mann’s UVa emails now”
    “Here’s something out of left field (literally) and almost too good to be true, but it really is. Get this: 17 news organizations, including NPR, WaPo, AP, now have grown a spine and filed an amicus brief (see download below) to OPPOSE in court Michael Mann’s effort to keep his UVa CLIMATEGATE-related e-mails secret.
    Basically, Mann’s attempt at hiding his emails of work done on public funds and time from public view has backfired, and now is a story that has “legs” in reporter parlance. From Columbia Journalism Review:”.

  8. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    “China facing fresh ‘ghost town’ crisis after developer collapse”
    “China faces the biggest property default on record as credit curbs threaten to break the housing boom, leaving a string of “ghost towns” across the country.”
    *Liberal Justine’s favourite dictator.

  9. Yesterday morning I awoke in Ottawa, it was -28C. This evening, I’m in Rio de Dinheiro and it’s +28C.
    The irony is that I am too hot and cannot find the remote for theAC … Too tired after the journey. I’ll just have to suffer;-(

  10. Well done, Conservative James Flaherty. Thank you for your service.
    “Ontario’s financial house in disarray thanks to the Liberals
    Toronto Sun”
    “Flaherty a “steady hand” during financial crisis
    Toronto Star”
    “Federal finance minister Jim Flaherty, who announced Tuesday he is resigning from cabinet, will be remembered as one of the steady hands who steered the country through the worst financial crisis since the Depression of the 1930s.”

  11. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    “Short Sellers Target Chinese Developers as Rout Deepens”
    “Stock traders have doubled bearish bets against some of the biggest Chinese developers amid growing concern that a weaker real-estate market will curb property sales just as borrowing costs surge.”
    “The implications of falling home prices would be “enormous” because Chinese buyers see property as an investment, Aberdeen’s Elston said. “The prospect of them losing money is a pretty serious eventuality.””
    *Liberal Justine’s favourite dictator.

  12. Neo-AGW Presents: Nightcap Twofer of Red-Green-Eco Gruel.
    Say goodnight, Suzuki. Goodnight Suzuki.
    “SolarCity Freezes Energy-Storage Program as Grid Connections Lag”
    “SolarCity Corp. (SCTY), the biggest developer of U.S. rooftop solar panels, halted efforts to install and connect systems that include batteries for power storage because California’s utilities are reluctant to link them to the electric grid.”
    “Kior Falls After Biofuel Maker Warns of Possible Default”
    “If the company doesn’t receive additional financing, it will “likely” default on its debts and may file for bankruptcy. “We have substantial doubts about our ability to continue as a going concern,” the Pasadena, Texas-based company said in the filing.
    Kior in October received $100 million from Khosla Ventures LLC and Gates Ventures LLC to expand production at the Columbus plant. The company makes transportation fuels from wood waste and non-food crops.”
