The Sound Of Settled Science

Pass the butter.

Fatty foods such as butter and bacon may not actually increase the risk of heart attacks, a comprehensive overview of health research has concluded.
NHS guidelines urging people to eat less “unhealthy” fat might have to be reviewed, say scientists who found no link between saturated fat and heart disease. Official advice also tells people to eat more “healthy” polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3, but the study found that these did not seem to affect risk levels either.

18 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. well then, we all know that cookies aren’t healthy to eat, so I don’t want to accept any.

  2. Here’s a link to a full article on the study
    “Too much fat is bad for you.
    “But, sadly, this analysis suggests there isn’t enough evidence to say that a diet rich in polyunsaturated fats but low in saturated fats reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
    “Alongside taking any necessary medication, the best way to stay heart healthy is to stop smoking, stay active, and ensure our whole diet is healthy – and this means considering not only the fats in our diet but also our intake of salt, sugar and fruit and vegetables.”

  3. Industries and corporate concerns have been crashing each others markets with alarmist medical/health “studies” for decades – it’s a major source of income to the junk science industry – recently they discovered the real gold is in whoring out scientific legitimacy to global alarmist cons.

  4. Went on the Atkins diet to lose a few pounds and never felt better. It also helped with joint stiffness.
    I’ve gotten off the madness of this is bad for you, eat this miracle food or that miracles food or supplement. Everything in moderation and the diet and supplement gurus will be out of business.
    There’s little hope for the drug companies who tell us to keep our cholesterol levels so low we wouldn’t have enough to keep our brains functioning. Remember when eggs were so bad, only have one per week? New study says that’s all bunk, go ahead and have an egg a day!

  5. Occam and Liz J are right. I quit believing the bunk put out by these so called “experts” who are nothing but political activists when they said many years ago that drinking milk and having s*x caused cancer.
    However, they keep passing their ridiculous laws.
    Moderation in all foods.

  6. If you do a little rudimentary research, you find that the origins of this dietary madness is a senate committee set up by the Democrats and chaired by George McGovern (Yep that George McGovern). It listened to testimony from dietary experts from various learned institutions but for unexplained reasons chose to favor Ancel Keys, who had produced The Seven Countries study that concluded that a diet low in animal (saturated) fat protected one against the risk of heart attack. It also showed a correlation with elevated serum cholesterol and increased risk of heart disease mortality. What was not disclosed was that Keys cherry picked the data from a study of 22 countries and only used the seven that supported his hypothesis. He was roundly criticized by other experts but McGovern chose to base the committee’s recommendations of Keys flawed study and indicated that the committee did not have time to wait for the science to get the right answer it had to act now. So it released the report titled “Dietary Goals for the United States” in January 1977. It probably should have been called “Let the Madness Begin”. The recommendations contained in that report suggested that we should eat less fat and more “complex carbs”. More than 40 years later we have a population fatter than ever, with more Coronary Heart Disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and skyrocketing healthcare costs.
    The tide is turning but it has been long overdue. People are beginning to question these government dietary recommendations but the misinformation spread by McGovern and his committee is well entrenched. People like Atkins were personally destroyed by the media and special interests.

  7. I’ve lost 15 lbs in the last few months just by eating only until I feel full even if that means leaving half the food on my plate. I’ve also eaten all the eggs I want knowing what a bunch of bunk the egg scare was. Any food that’s not processed has got to be healthy for us.

  8. “misinformation spread by McGovern and his committee is well entrenched.”
    And therefore nothing will change. Butter and bacon will continue to be demonized as in the past. New information that runs contrary to the status quo will be downplayed, dimissed or totally ignored as the health police will steadfastly refuse to admit they were wrong and will scramble to protect their lucrative industry.
    Second-hand or passive smoke is a perfect example. A recent, comprehensive study which found no connection between second-hand smoke and health is not public knowledge and will probably remain that way. Has anyone seen one iota of evidence that the tobacco Nazis have relaxed their quest for even more draconian measures or have toned down their rhetoric?
    Not bloody likely.

  9. I stopped listening to all these “EXPERTS” when I investigated the alar apple question years. a bunch of profit mongers and food terrorists with no basis in facts!!!!!

  10. Yeah one of the current candidates for US Surgeon General is a noted anti-gun nut. He is having trouble getting confirmed.
    This guy in the past has declared gun safety etc a “health issue”…..and dismisses scholarly studys such as John Lott’s as NRA fantasy…….
    Gotta light up agin…it’s the most effective way to avoid second-hand smoke.

  11. I never stopped eating eggs, butter, whole milk, beef w/fat, etc, and my ‘bad’ cholesterol is low and my ‘good’ cholesterol is high; just where they should be for a healthy person half my age. I’m also lean and fit. What I did stop eating was hydrogenated oils like margarine and products containing hydrogenated oil, corn sugar, and chemical additives. Contemporaries who stopped eating eggs and animal fat and instead ate the other stuff I avoid now have problems with blood sugar, ‘bad’ cholesterol and are overweight. I generally eat what my grandparents ate: real food, and I avoid processed ‘food’. I also get plenty of exercise in clean air.

  12. I eat all the fats I can now. Try full fat greek yogurt , at least 11%. Bypass all those 0%,1%,3% yogurts you see in the store. For the past 18 months I’ve been eating no wheat in any form. My weight has dropped 45 lbs and I no longer have diabetes. 18 months ago I was injecting 26 units a day of NPH insulin.

  13. Autopsy tables for over what? A century?
    Revealed that the cleanest veins and arteries
    extent were almost always found in dead drunks.
    All carefully obfuscated and ignored by the “any
    alcohol is bad, eat your tofu or we’ll have you
    arrested” extremist left wing of the medical grant
    chasers and their approval claque.
    Are you crazy? You’re fourteen and don’t know s–t.
    No medical care for you as an adult unless you sign
    the no booze pledge right here and now, kid. Get it?!”
    Take it easy on the omega input. Some research points
    to eating too much of it speeding up prostate cancer.
    Not eating enough and your old eyes will self destruct.

  14. The salt scare was all about the fact it increases blood pressure.
    Study’s found that this was true, but it only did so short term, and no effect on long term.
    So if your healthy don’t worry about it.
