One of Four Snippets

To me, [Britain] now seems a strange, immoral place. For example, I read articles in the Guardian and the Times this week about the abolition of inherited wealth. The Economist also recently wrote about it. It did not even occur to any of these columnists that they were talking about the property of others. They did not create it. They did not inherit it. They have no just claim to it. Yet they have no moral concerns about proposing its seizure.

Three more can found here.

9 Replies to “One of Four Snippets”

  1. That’s how a monarchy works, technically the Crown owns everything. The same arcane laws exist in Canada. Neither Liberals or Conservatives or NDP have ever done anything to establish personal property laws in Canada.

  2. Don’t strain your eyes looking for morality in statist socialism (AKA Kleptocracy) – there is none, but the reflex of the thief and the remorse of the predator. A system predicated on the theft of others productivity under pain of injury is in pith and substance slavery.
    If you allow the state to become a thief by putting immoral claims on your productivity, where will it stop? If history is allowed to proceed in is demonstrable cycle, next it (the amoral state) will put dissolute claims on your life and become a “redistributor” of life and then claim itself to be god.

  3. He’s upset about what he sees know? Wait until sharia law is THE law,and Magna Carta is said only in deep,dark cellars and forests.Putz.Only a socialist could not see this coming. Eurabia WW3 quickly please, with no CDA help.

  4. “…Eurabia WW3 quickly please, with no CDA help.”
    If you won’t go to war, war will come to you.

  5. Meanwhile, all of the big credit card spenders can rack up debt and no one inherits that when they pass. It’s frustrating to be a responsible person, a wise spender, and see friends who have completely given up on managing their debt. They’ll never own a home, as I do, but they have way more toys and dinners out than me, and have no sign of slowing down.

  6. If this follows through, are these folks majorly affected (wealthy) going to remain in the UK?
    Why would they? their “death tax” is set to be 100% and anywhere else on the planet it’s lower than that.

  7. This has nothing to do with the monarchy, and neither does it mean that technically everything belongs to the Crown. The reason we do not have private property rights inshrined in law is because of Trudeau’s pandering to the NDP at the time. British common law has very clear private property rights, but that or anything else in law or writing does not protect them from communism. This is pure communism, so that is where the blame lies, not with the monarchy.

  8. A few years back, a lecturer at law school calmly declared that although, by statute, a tax that costs more to collect than is realized is unconstitutional, estate taxes continue…..because a powerful leftist element objects to somebody else inheriting any wealth.
    I suspect high taxation of estate taxes are maintained to justify their existence.
    Much like claims of promoting safety are really thinly disguised attempt to obtain and maintain a monopoly on the use of force, by the very same elements.

  9. The culture of the institutional left is fueled by envy, resentment and hatred, resulting in the looters and thugs we see masquerading as progressives, academics, artists, and the media. Statism is their vessel and feudal hell is their destination. They all believe that they will all be members of the ruling elite unaffected by the requisite economic squalor of their own making. Whether it’s the killing fields of Cambodia, the Gulags or the Concentration Camps, it never ends well.
