13 Replies to “Other Peoples’ Money”

  1. “Students will no doubt be pleased to pay for retired professors to winter in Florida.”
    Thanks for the early morning laugh Fred. Sarc at the start of the day is good!

  2. What’s the term for the opposite of the Big Bang?
    Posted by: River Rat on April 1, 2014 11:12 AM | Reply
    That would be “Implode”

  3. Just to add more dung to the heap…
    A client I worked with in the past was a university prof – Head of faculty, tenured, all of that jazz. His annual salary exceeded $150,000.00. He was starting a business – a business that would require him to be heavily involved in the set-up/operations for at least Year 1. When I informed him of this, he said “not a problem.” Apparently he was going to take a 1-year sabbatical from the university… fully paid. And if that weren’t enough, he elaborated and said that he was allowed to take such a sabbatical EVERY SEVEN YEARS!
    Over-funded, over-staffed, overblown, underwhelming education institutes like universities can’t crash soon enough…

  4. That’s standard practice, Just-a-Guy, and has been for years. At one time it allowed academics to get out of the University and do some research in the real world, or to attend another university where they could pile on another degree. The discovery that they could used their sabbatical to enter the world of consulting is more recent.
    They spend their other six years applying for government grants anyway, so in the larger measure of things, it isn’t a big deal.

  5. It is either the Big Crunch, or the heat death of the universe. We’re not sure which, yet.

  6. Living off other people’s money works well enough for freeloading farmers, right rat?

  7. That’s River Rat to you Fill and I wouldn’t know as I’ve always made my own way in this world. You on the other hand get cheaper food because we’re not paid enough to make a decent living from our hard work on the farm. Kinda reminds me of the NEP only in agriculture instead of oil.
