16 Replies to “The Life of the Mind”

  1. At this point is it germaine to remind the tender youth that words have a way of trapping you? Its almost like Koestler’s ‘Darkness at Noon’ should be required reading.

  2. “…Dartmouth’s annual tuition of $65,133 has evidently failed to deter fits of delinquent psychodrama…”
    Ahhhhh, finally! We have found the elusive middle-class of Turdo la Doo.

  3. The world of these students revolves around the almighty I. “I think…”, “I want…”, “I demand…”. There can be no discussion about any important issue. Discussion means listening to others. Listening to others can only mean the diminishing of I. They are proud of their ignorance and arrogance, and see it as deeply psychologically wounding when challenged – a negative word equates to punching them in the face.
    What they really need is a spanking, or to be forced to work in 3rd world conditions for a few months (not meaning any sort of abuse is necessary, only that the work be physical, not in an office setting, and far away from heating/air conditioning) so that they can learn that they might not actually be the be-all and end-all.

  4. Bring back the draft. 2 years of military service and discipline should about do it.
    This is the result of the no spanking upbringing they’ve had. It obviously results in perpetual children. The Bible is right again, “spare the rod and spoil the child”.

  5. But but their teachers always told them not to ‘sit around waiting for change, instead be an agent for change’

  6. Is there anything more pathetic than a mob of youth demanding their rights? The wisdom of youth would fit in a thimble. Never trust anyone under 30.

  7. Dear Young Dartmouth Retards:
    Resume + Google search + keyword “Occupy” = you starve.
    Translation for English majors: One of these days you’re going to be applying to some cismale gendernormist Patriarchist aggressor like myself for a job. Because I’ve got money and you don’t. And I’m going to look you up on the intertubes. If I find out you were one of the Band of Brothers/Sisters/Transwhatsit Others who besieged the president of the college in his office with demands that are completely irrational… I’m not going to hire you. Or any of your family members. Ever. Thirty years from now this sh1t will still be hanging around your neck like a mummified albatross corpse.
    Instant internet karma, and harder to get rid of than real Karma.
    Let the macro-aggression commence!

  8. some cismale gendernormist Patriarchist aggressor like myself for a job. Because I’ve got money and you don’t
    Yup, that’s sums it up nicely. They can behave and become responsible productive adults, or they can starve, I couldn’t care less.
    Two years of mandatory national service after high school, no exceptions. Have the military run it.

  9. Sadly, once the left has been in power a time or two the “two years of mandatory national service” will be Katemavik or peace corps. A recruiting grounds and reinforcement forum for left-lite bubbleheads.
    The idea is noble, but remember that we’re dealing with big-government types here who will relish any opportunity to add to their power base, and will gleefully warp anything that shows signs of being successful into another means of breeding dependence.

  10. Bring back the draft. 2 years of military service and discipline should about do it. River Rat
    But the occupation of Iraq is over, as is Afstan, so the prospect of genuine hardship is nil: what good would it do?
    Now, if they could somehow be drafted into the Marines, they might get straightened out. But only if the DIs can still use their fists when a recruit really steps over the line.

  11. The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!!!
    I imagine even basic training would be a hardship for this bunch and if they were around guns the next generation just might not freed out at the sight of one. Remember, the children are our future.

  12. I agree River Rat, and if it was mandatory there would be legal ramifications for not fulfilling your patriotic duties. Military isn’t just about war it is a service.

  13. Yes it is a service and every time I see someone in uniform or someone I know is a veteran I thank them for their service.
    BTW I’m visiting your province as we speak and just had an Alberta moment on Sunday. I saw a lot of horse trailers at the local arena so went and checked it out. Got to watch the Team Roping finals here. Yee hah!

  14. Though they’ll be back, I suspect.
    Probably for the rest of their lives. Having not been able to get any employment at all from bogus Women studies, or puppeteer classes.Including a useless Art degree.
    These children will be slaves to loans for life, with no hope of work.
    Most likely alcoholic by 30. Not married , playing computer games in their tiny cubicle of a room.
