19 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Starting the Reader Tips off with something a little bit light hearted, a little something we’d hoped for, for so long, something to raise your spirit, lighten your burden, ease your troubles …
    This will be the only thing on the CBC tomorrow, it’ll preempt everything short of the second coming of Trudeau.
    Enjoy it, embrace the love.

  2. Say you want to promote a controversial idea. For example, that the Earth is the center of the Universe.
    Here’s a clever way to do it:
    1. Trick a number of well-known actors and scientists into appearing in your documentary.
    2. Cleverly edit their interviews / voice-overs so that they appear to support your controversial position.
    3. Gain untold publicity when those people repudiate your documentary.
    It’s brilliant, when you think of it. There’s no way they’d even get 1% of the publicity if they were to promote their documentary honestly. But in this day and age, who cares about honesty? 🙁
    Eventually they discredit themselves, except to the conspiracy theory crowd, who are the only ones they’re targeting anyways.

  3. Black Mamba: no might about it, it is a huge deal. It is essentially a giant, easily exploited back door to every “secure” web site on the planet. Every web farm admin I know is going batshit running pen tests on all their servers right now.
    Note to all SDAers: any web site whose contents you care about, test it to see if it’s vulnerable, and change your passwords everywhere anyway, especially banking or financial sites.

  4. About that Heartbleed bug…
    I have searched and searched any article that mentions who might be behind such a massive thing, who would benefit from it, but I get ZERO results…
    Yes a hacker in his mother’s basement – a nobody – could be behind it, or the Chinese or the Russians, yes yes, but… what if it was the NSA?

  5. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    “Canadian embassy in Beijing spending thousands on air filters”
    “As China’s acrid air exacts a mounting health toll, Canada’s embassy in Beijing is pouring taxpayer dollars into purifying pollution, spending $175,000 in the past two years to buy crates of high-end filters for its staff.
    Faced with growing difficulties getting people to Beijing – and keeping them once they arrive – embassy officials are also looking at compensation for workers whose stays in China stand to permanently damage their health.”
    “Beijing to film building sites in new smog control measure”
    “Air quality in cities is of increasing concern to China’s stability-obsessed leaders, anxious to douse potential unrest as a more affluent urban population turns against a growth-at-all-costs economic model that has poisoned much of the country’s air, water and soil.”
    *Liberal Justine’s favourite dictator.

  6. That’s because no one was “behind it”. It’s just a bug. Debian had a weakness in its openssl libraries in 2008 because open source generally has crappy QA and doesn’t attract the best and brightest programmers, exactly.
    Given the way code patches are submitted to the OpenSSL team, I guarantee you they know exactly who uploaded the patch that caused this bug.

  7. Opposite of diversity! Another institution of “higher learning” caves in to political pressure from Muslims.
    Ayaan Hirsi Ali has just released this statement in response to Brandeis University’s decision to rescind her invitation to receive an honorary degree:

    Yesterday Brandeis University decided to withdraw an honorary degree they were to confer upon me next month during their Commencement exercises. I wish to dissociate myself from the university’s statement, which implies that I was in any way consulted about this decision. On the contrary, I was completely shocked when President Frederick Lawrence called me—just a few hours before issuing a public statement—to say that such a decision had been made.

  8. Heartbleed … The Facts
    I’m getting pretty tired of all the halfassed bs being tossed about concerning Heartbleed.
    Heartbleed isn’t a problem with the TLS/SSL technologies that encrypt the internet. It’s not even a problem with how OpenSSL works in theory. It’s just a dumb coding mistake.
    See Also: Lifehacker
    The problem is VULNERABILITY …. web site operators need to determine IF they have been compromised. Then they need to stop the “heartbeat” function from retaining data in the buffers. Users randomly changing passwords will do nothing until the network geeks shut the door. In fact, if I was trying to exploit Heartbeat…. I’d set my filters to find pw resets.

  9. Our CBC on Our CBC.
    “CBC to cut 657 jobs, will no longer compete for professional sports rights” (ourcbc)
    “Ghostery blocked comments powered by Viafoura.”

  10. http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/04/10/us-centralafrica-un-idUSBREA391OE20140410
    Muslims are being killed,when they aren’t killing Christians,so the UN has whipped up a Peacekeeping force of 12,000, in the Central African Republic, some from France and the EU.
    Odd the UN couldn’t be bothered to get a “peacekeeping force” into Ukraine to keep the Russkies out.
    Is this another example of surrounding the wrong building because it’s easier,or are Muslims being killed just more important than Ukrainians.

  11. Justin Trudeau, the auto-attack ad, does it again, claims oil sands should be taxed and regulated (out of existence) so climate change zealots won’t be so against it:
    Ah yes, less than 1% of worldwide emissions (total of Canada is only 1.59% currently) where the growth of China alone dwarfs our output (not to mention pollution). Oh right, we must show “leadership” on the issue, apparently by pandering to childish emotion that ignores that, if they’re right, China will be the main culprit.
    Walk the walk watermelons, and advocate nuclear energy. No, didn’t think so.
