17 Replies to “Rep. Cummings, call your office”

  1. “I am shocked, shocked! To discover that there is illegal gambling occurring at this establishment.”

  2. so he should be charged with contempt of congress, thrown off the committee and out of congress. probably banned for life if I had my way.

  3. A plantation black,Demoncrat, and the letter writer wonders about motivation???

  4. Is this not why the low life tried to shut down the inquiry?
    Did not want to be discovered.
    A well placed ed bag of scum with a silver tongue.

  5. Cummings is a democrat out of Baltimore. A city that was destroyed economically and then driven into the ground by a black democrat city council, just like Detroit, when guys like this get into office they destroy the city for their own gain. This guy is trying to do it at a national level.

  6. Gee, a DemocRat caught lying like a Persian carpet? How amazing. Never seen that before.
    Somebody wake me up when they perp-walk this cretin in chains on MSNBC. Anything short of that, I’m too tired.

  7. So maybe the IRS needs to target Rep Cummings for a nice ‘friendly audit’…
    Hey, all’s fair in love and war…then he can demonstrate that he is ‘beyond reproach’…
    Alternatively, he could take up stand up comedy impersonating a Congressman.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  8. Nothing at all will happen to Cummings. That’s my prediction. As a high level black Democrat, he’s untouchable. And he knows it.

  9. The title “The Honorable…” should never be used in the same sentence as Elijah Cummings or even the word Democrat.

  10. So why is it, that every time a Progg/Demorat makes vile accusations, it turn out to be exactly what they are doing?
    Is it cause they are so used to lying about their intentions, that it just spills out as projection?
    Or because they are so vile, they just assume everyone lacks standards?
    I am still amazed by Obama and the Ontario Liberals.. they have some 40% of voters who approve of them..
    This is the 49% who are less than average intelligence?

  11. I think it’s a TACTIC. A strategy. The Democrats accuse conservatives of doing something that they themselves are willfully doing. The Dems said before the last election that Republicans would try to steal the election. We now know that some Democrats used fraudulent means (voting more than once per citizen, for example) to ensure that Obama would be elected. They tried to suppress the vote (Black Panther intimidation in Texas, for example) while accusing the Republicans of voter suppression. They lie through their teeth while accusing the Republicans of lying. (Look at Harry Reid, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and Obama, himself.) The tactic is used to muddy issues and to cast aspersions on the character of their opponents.

  12. “Nothing at all will happen to Cummings. That’s my prediction. As a high level black Democrat, he’s untouchable. And he knows it.”
    It was Issa that dropped the Gavel on Cummings and prevented him from offering Lerner protection from prosecution. Lerner is now
    toast & that will provide more info on Cummins sleaze.
    Cummings is a true “Snotworm” from Baltimore ..Home of Nancy P. the mother Snotworm

  13. You beat me to it. Wow….of course we won’t hear about this on CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or NBC of the NYT, WaPo, HuffPo or anywhere else. If we do it will be — nothing to see here…move along folks. Hey look Miley Cyrus flashed a boob!

  14. I ben watchin’ this Cummins creep fer quite a time….he has the nerve of a canal horse…..
    I predict he will yell racism……
