23 Replies to “The Canadian MSM vs. The Truth”

  1. Most people who follow the MSM don’t want truth, they want entertainment that validates their preconceived notions. This is true regardless of their political leanings.

  2. From the Justice Dept. website, page titled “Organization of the Department of Justice”:
    “The Department of Justice is a medium-sized department with around 5,000 employees. Roughly one half of departmental staff are lawyers. The other half is made up of a broad range of professionals, including paralegals, social scientists, program managers, communications specialists, administrative services personnel, computer service professionals, and financial officers.”
    Why are all those Justice Dept. employees drafting legislation that doesn’t stand up under close scrutiny? Why are so many Harper government laws being challenged? Yes, I recognize that many of those challenges can be explained by HDS (Harper Derangement Syndrome) but surely part of the problem could be that the legislation is poorly drafted. And who’s responsible for that? I doubt PM Harper has a hand in personally drafting legislation.

  3. The legislation did stand up. The SCOC wasn’t considering the validity of the law at all. It was ruling on clarifying the law as to what “exceptional circumstances” meant. It did NOT set aside the 1 1/2 day maximum provision. It was, as Lilley pointed out, doing exactly what it was asked, and is supposed, to do.

  4. 1) People are STILL using the term ‘media party’? You realize this is an automatic red flag for stupid right? If you use this term, you’re really dumb.
    2) The SCOC has done nothing wrong. Bless them and their efforts to safeguard our justice system from out of control and thoughtless TUFF ON KRIME legislation meant to make Harper’s angry base feel really good about themselves. It’s been tried in America and they are undoing that disaster bit by bit.

  5. The above statement is generally true. Many on the right complain the media has a leftist slant and thus use silly terms like media party while many on the left claim the media has a right wing bias use the term corporate media. While media is not bias free and some like Toronto Star lean left while others like National Post lean right, bias is really in the eye of the beholder. Most people want to hear things that re-affirm their pre-conceived views, not ones that challenge them.

  6. This spinal tap character’s comments are hilarious – his ironic imitation of the pompous vacuity of the left is masterful. Spinal’s adoption of the voice of an early teen is both convincing and nuanced. Full marks.

  7. So, monkey, certain papers do have a bias? Or, is it really in the eye of the beholder? Just want to get it straight, that’s all. And, is bias good or bad? Are some biases superior to others? Or are these thoughts just more eye-beholding mirages? Relativism is a faithless friend.
    If there are competing biases, could one do a count so as to determine if one side had a stacked hand?

  8. Given the fact that most of the “crimes” on the books to incarcerate people are victimless regulations, the less teeth these law have the better.
    The real story here is the seething hatred the demented left media has for anything right of Marx – and their contempt for the truth. Really just who subscribes to the main GTA propaganda rags – those people are consensual zombies.

  9. I should have made it clearer … I was referring to legislation in general, not to this specific ruling. I don’t have a list of all the challenges but it seems thare have been an inordinate number of times this government’s legislation has been brought up before the Supreme Court.

  10. I don’t recall any previous government’s legislation challenged in Supreme Court to the degree this one is. I think we all know the answer as to why this is happening and will continue as long as the Conservatives remain in power.
    We all need to be concerned with lack of truth in reporting,skewing the facts to manipulate opinion, it’s a cancer that eats at the very heart of our democracy.

  11. Hey spineless, a 2010 survey determined that 85%, you do understand numbers I hope, identified at demoKKKraps. I would suggest that same would be so for Canada. That would mean that the “bias” leans well to the left. Try living in the real world for once.

  12. “Harper’s support among Conservatives starting to crumble” writes Chantel Hebert in the TorStar.
    This is another opinion column in the ongoing pile-on to give the impression the Conservatives are crumbling. Negative reporting, half truths go a long way to convince people who do not inform themselves beyond the headlines.

  13. Harper could have used some smarts in the Supreme Court nomination that was torpedoed by the Supreme Court. He should have appointed Judge Marc Nadon to a superior court in Quebec and appointed him to the Supreme Court the next day. Would have been quicker and cleaner. Mind you, he received bad advice from the best legal minds, who apparently did not agree with the Supreme Court.

  14. @ monkey….There is nothing wrong with a newspaper or organization having a bias – provided it occurs in plain sight in Editorials. The problem now is that over the past 40 years ‘news’ reporting became opinion-based. This was a deliberate construct of the CBC and other mainstream media outlets. Others followed suit and thus we received ‘news’ that really wasn’t news but editorial comment disguised as news.
    As an example the leftists/socialists can’t stand shows like Lilley’s, Levant’s or Coren’s or Bill O’Rielly, Hannity on FOX. They say SNN and FOX are biased because of these programs not realizing that the programs are not ‘news’ shows, but editorial shows. Liberals/socialist are so accustomed to disguised ‘news’ that they think the shows I mentioned are news. It really shows just how stupid liberals/socialists (like Spinal Tap are).
    As a reporter I have long studied media and know this from first-hand experience.

  15. I cannot believe that people would claim the media is not biased when we regularly see them running puff pieces on Shiny Pony….who has done nothing and has no skills nor experience that justifies him starting politics at the top. This is an insanity that has been imported from the U.S. with their incestuous politics. Where was the investigation of Layton when he committed his crime? (Imagine if that had been Harper?) Nowhere to be found or he would never have been allowed to run, They conspired to keep their creep in power. The press has destroyed any credibility they may have once had.

  16. The manipulation of public opinion by PM Harper’s adversaries from various segments of society certainly explains why so many challenges of the government’s legislation have taken place, as you suggest. All the more reason for all those 5000+ workers of the Justice Dept. to make doubly sure that whatever legislation is brought forward is SC-proof.

  17. Bias and lying by omission.
    If you rely on the Old Canadian Media for your news, good luck.
    What they “fail” to cover is most revealing.

  18. Some of those “best legal minds” were former members of the Supreme Court.
    From all the judgments I’ve looked at, I’d say most members of the Court over the past 30 years were fully engaged in attempting to demonstrate the maxim that there’s a fine line between genius and stupidity.

  19. Of all of SNN’s editorial programs, I think that Lilley’s is the most consistent and watchable, probably because of his experience as a political reporter. Ezra Levant is sharp and entertaining and certainly gets under the skins of his adversaries, but he likes to play the class clown and often tries to stretch a 7 minute story to the full 22. Coren usually has some good points which he makes superciliously, and Aikin, who is not bad in print, is not as sharp or direct on television.

  20. I prefer media to be as neutral as possible, but I am fine with biases in editorials as long as you have a variety of choices so you can get all sides. It is relative more in the sense of how people label it as different people have different perceptions of what is centrist and right wing.
