8 Replies to “The Rampant Success of Gun Control in Chicago”

  1. There was just recently a story in the Chicago new a few weeks back that had statistics on gun violence and concealed carry permits being issued. The story showed PROOF that despite the gun violence that Chicago suffers from, it is actually significantly lower due to an increase of concealed carry permits that have been issued. This is simply because now the criminal knows that buddy might be carrying and now the criminal is forced to think twice before attempting any funny business.
    I think this is a wonderful concept and I think it would also work wonderers here in Canada. An armed society is a polite society. Canada has come a long way from the tyranny of the liberal rule we endured. PM Harper has increased the right to gun ownership by abolishing the registry. We are now one step closer to being a truly free society where we can now carry our legally owned guns. Already since the abolishment of the gun registry, there has been a huge drop in crime in Canada: almost instantaneously! In fact now Canada has the lowest crime rate in her history ever!

  2. Bill: “Already since the abolishment of the gun registry, there has been a huge drop in crime in Canada: almost instantaneously! In fact now Canada has the lowest crime rate in her history ever!”
    Actually I do not think the long gun registry is destroyed. How did the RCMP know exactly what houses to kick the doors in .. in High River? [Of course, the local RCMP’s houses were left alone.] Sometimes they had to go back, until they found the guns.

  3. They don’t need the gun registry. All gun related permits and hunting licence records are at their disposal.

  4. Bill…..C-68 has NOT been abolished. That is simply a lie. And besides,when was the last time you saw somebody haul a 30.06 out of their pants?? That is what C-68 deals with,making farmers and hunters criminals.
    Notice the so-called Superintendant was appointed by Emanuel. ‘Nuff said.

  5. Perhaps all these demented progs who hate guns so much would be willing to move to gun free Chicago to prove it. Might as well advertise their moral superiority and hatred of self defense by putting a large sign in their window which states their home is a gun free zone – wear an “I’m totally unarmed and proud of it” tee shirt and of course, a gun free symbol beside their telephone listing – be proud of your dementia, wear it like a badge and reap the reward of martyrdom for the “cause”.

  6. What I find really obnoxious is that four people get shot in Kansas by some Lefty nutcase, that’s international news. Everybody from the POTUS on down is “gravely concerned”, the media is screaming for heads to roll, its a Big Deal.
    THIRTY FIVE people get shot in Chicago, that’s f-all. Nobody cares. Whatever. No policies or practices need to be examined, Chief of Police doesn’t need to be fired, its all good.
    I’m sorry, but how stupid would I have to be to let that pass unnoticed?
