Reader Tips

With the hope that Kate won’t banish me to Siberia, tonight we offer a delightful video featuring a pair of older Dutch ladies flying on a plane for the first time. As someone who was very fortunate to have flown more than a little the past 6 months, I must say that I still am thrilled on each & every flight.
Your tips, from any elevation, are much appreciated in the comments!

32 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. That was quite the upgrade they got.
    For the rest of us peons, here’s another SWA inflight safety blurb.
    (I couldn’t make out half of it, but is she saying something about disabling the webcams in the lavatories?)
    via daily rushbo

  2. Denied Trinity–Spadina LPC candidate Christine Innes sues Justin Trudeau for $1.5 million.
    Red Deer oil services company charged with attempted Iran sanctions-busting because O-rings can also be used in the mullahs’ nuclear program.

  3. Re: Dutch ladies flying.
    Thanks–good video.
    Yours Truly
    Alt. 2500 Ft. above sea level.

  4. Truly delightful video Robert, reminds me of my mother in law.
    You never get tired of the ‘thrill of flight’, and the laughter is always infectious.
    Je mut heel veel lache!
    Tot siens!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. Juxtapose, Robert, Juxtapose:
    April, 2009:
    April, 2014:
    Actually, the only things that can be juxtapositioned are the dates on the columns — I guess the best that can be said about Ms. Hebert is that she’s consistent. Reproducing the same column with a few of the names changed says a lot worse about her.

  6. AGW Progress Report.
    Ich Bin Ein Herr Doktor Gott Old King Coal Und Vampire.
    “Utilities all over Germany have ramped up coal use as the nation has watched the mix of coal-generated electricity rise to 45 percent last year, the highest level since 2007.”
    “Coal Returns to German Utilities Replacing Lost Nuclear”
    “What’s a beleaguered utility to do when forced by the government to close its profitable nuclear power plants?
    It turns to lignite, a cheap, soft, muddy-brown colored form of sedimentary rock that spews more greenhouse gases than any other fossil fuel.”

  7. I ran into this once on SWA. I guess it is OK with the company, but when the (at that time) stews were done, a lady in her 60s called the Stews over and showed them her badge. She was an FAA inspector. All she said was “let’s do that over and do it right.” I still thought it was funny. Anything to ease the tension in the passengers, especially on a SWA cattle flight.

  8. PET Cemetery Report: Bullies & Kathy “Wynne’s wife, Jane”.
    Liberalism: It’s not fair.
    “Would-be Liberal candidate sues for slander saying Justin Trudeau called her a bully” (NP)
    “Is Ontario’s shrinking economy and weak private sector ‘dragging down’ Canada?
    How did Ontario go from economic engine of the country to its economic ball and chain. A new study has some ideas” (FP)
    “Ont. premier’s brother-in-law appointed interim CEO of eHealth, Reports”
    “David Rounthwaite, brother of Wynne’s wife, Jane, was appointed to the $210,000-a-year job effective March 7” (canoenews)×366&quality=85

  9. From Forbes, and linked at Instapundit:
    It’s a good article in general, but note the following comment about “China’s basic dictatorship”, as Mr. Trudeau, Jr. referred to it on Lady’s Night:
    “Premier Li Keqiang…works inside a complex, collective political system that is generally unable to meet challenges swiftly.”
    Well, that characterization from Mr. Chang (the author) is 180 degrees different than Mr. Trudeau, Jr.’s characterization (“turn on a dime”, etc.) — demonstrating, again, that Justin not only has inappropriate ideas about what he considers to be admirable regimes, but that he also doesn’t know what he’s talking about on the subject of the regime he admires most. Not ready for prime time…

  10. Mao Stlong* Lepolt.
    *Liberal Justine’s favourite dictator.
    “China Property Collapse Has Begun”
    “China on the take”
    “Chinese premier pledges no short-term fixes as economy falters”
    “Beijing rejects IMF’s hard-landing warning for China’s economy”
    “China GDP Gauge Seen Showing Deeper Slowdown”
    “Chinese Property Developers Stake Out Shares In Commercial Banks,Intensifying Systemic Risks”

  11. More than 100 people have died from the latest Ebola outbreak in West Africa. With no cure or vaccine, it is one of the most deadly of viruses, killing between 60 to 90 percent of those infected. Heath officials in Conakry, the capital of Guinea, have set up isolation centers and are screening at the airport.
    Passengers with flu like symptoms — fever, diarrhea, or joint pain — aren’t allowed to fly.
    “It’s probably one of the more complicated outbreaks because it is occurring in a very densely-populated urban area, unlike previous outbreaks,” he said by phone from Conkary, which has a population of 2 million.
    Dr. Jagatic described it as the biggest known Ebola outbreak an urban area.

  12. Liberalism Afternoon Edition.
    National Socialist-Bolshevik.
    “White supremacist in ‘suicide prevention smock’ when charged” (LATimes)
    “Ontario Premier Wynne seeks $2-million in libel suit against Hudak, Tory MPP” (G-M)

    First year in law school at the University of Calgary
    April 12 … “Equal Rights for all races & identities under the charter”
    Political views … “depends on the issue”
    …. Police chief refers to the murderer’s parents at the end of his news conference. Devastated.

  14. “Ukraine on the verge of major armed conflict”
    “First significant military action in east of country as troops clash with armed pro-Russian gunmen in airfield”
    “Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler And Stalin”
    ‘Now we will live!’… the hungry little boy liked to say … but the food that he saw was only in his imagination.” So the little boy died, together with three million fellow Ukrainians, in the mass starvation that Stalin created in 1933.”

  15. There will be wailing & gnashing of teeth in liberalism’s Beulah Land.
    “It was in 1876 that I wrote ‘Beulah Land.’ I could write on­ly two vers­es and the chor­us, when I was over­come and fell on my face. That was one Sun­day.” (Edgar P. Stites)
    “RCMP drop investigation into Nigel Wright over $90,000 Duffy cheque”
    “Stephen Harper’s former chief of staff Nigel Wright is no longer being investigated by the RCMP over his $90,000 payment to Senator Mike Duffy.
    RCMP spokeswoman Corporal Lucy Shorey said the force has decided the evidence does not support charging Mr. Wright.”

  16. More from Belmont Club re O’narcissist:
    “One reason why Putin has made a special effort to humiliate the president is that his profilers may have pegged Obama as suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. Putin the secret policeman must be thinking: how do you get a narcissist to melt down? Answer: by personally and publicly shaming him, thereby provoking a narcissistic rage.
    That rage can take either of two forms: a reckless act or a withdrawal into a fantasy in which the narcissist remains invincible in some universe of his own.”
    “Thus, a narcissist who regards himself as the benefactor of the poor, a member of the common folk, the representative of the disenfranchised, the champion of the dispossessed against the corrupt elite – is highly unlikely to use violence at first.
    The pacific mask crumbles when the narcissist has become convinced that the very people he purported to speak for, his constituency, his grassroots fans, the prime sources of his narcissistic supply – have turned against him. At first, in a desperate effort to maintain the fiction underlying his chaotic personality, the narcissist strives to explain away the sudden reversal of sentiment. “The people are being duped by (the media, big industry, the military, the elite, etc.)”, “they don’t really know what they are doing”, “following a rude awakening, they will revert to form”, etc.
    When these flimsy attempts to patch a tattered personal mythology fail – the narcissist is injured. Narcissistic injury inevitably leads to narcissistic rage and to a terrifying display of unbridled aggression.”
