The Left Exposes Itself

Charles Krauthammer crossed a line. He declared the American Left totalitarian.
He is correct. Totalitarianism is written into the Left’s DNA. Krauthammer wrote about a left-wing petition “bearing more than 110,000 signatures delivered to the [Washington] Post demanding a ban on any article questioning global warming.”
He concluded:
“I was gratified by the show of intolerance because it perfectly illustrated my argument that the Left is entering a new phase of ideological agitation — no longer trying to win the debate but stopping debate altogether, banishing from public discourse any and all opposition. The proper word for that attitude is totalitarian”
Here is some of what the Left has done in the last week or two.

21 Replies to “The Left Exposes Itself”

  1. Finally, somebody with a prominent voice articulating what most intelligent people have known for decades.
    The right is not without its own brand of intolerance at information and opinions that do not agree with their own. There’s plenty of examples of name-calling on this very blog, for example.
    As long as most of the voices of the right stick to the issues and steer clear of the personalities (name-calling), then it can elevate itself above the schoolyard level.
    Stay classy. We can win this battle of ideas because they have proven to have worked.

  2. The left so likes its purges. Which I figure is the next phase in cleansing America of any taint of capitalism, or the Tea Party.
    Sensitivity camps are about to spring up like diseased blue bells in spring.
    If we are to have any sanity to endure this is the point where we will have to stand up as free people.

  3. Leftists become incandescent when reminded of the socialist roots of Nazism
    “On 16 June 1941, as Hitler readied his forces for Operation Barbarossa, Josef Goebbels looked forward to the new order that the Nazis would impose on a conquered Russia. There would be no come-back, he wrote, for capitalists nor priests nor Tsars. Rather, in the place of debased, Jewish Bolshevism, the Wehrmacht would deliver “der echte Sozialismus”: real socialism.
    Goebbels never doubted that he was a socialist. He understood Nazism to be a better and more plausible form of socialism than that propagated by Lenin. Instead of spreading itself across different nations, it would operate within the unit of the Volk.
    So total is the cultural victory of the modern Left that the merely to recount this fact is jarring. But few at the time would have found it especially contentious. As George Watson put it in The Lost Literature of Socialism:
    It is now clear beyond all reasonable doubt that Hitler and his associates believed they were socialists, and that others, including democratic socialists, thought so too.
    The clue is in the name. Subsequent generations of Leftists have tried to explain away the awkward nomenclature of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party as either a cynical PR stunt or an embarrassing coincidence. In fact, the name meant what it said.
    Hitler told Hermann Rauschning, a Prussian who briefly worked for the Nazis before rejecting them and fleeing the country, that he had admired much of the thinking of the revolutionaries he had known as a young man; but he felt that they had been talkers, not doers. “I have put into practice what these peddlers and pen pushers have timidly begun,” he boasted, adding that “the whole of National Socialism” was “based on Marx”.
    Marx’s error, Hitler believed, had been to foster class war instead of national unity – to set workers against industrialists instead of conscripting both groups into a corporatist order. His aim, he told his economic adviser, Otto Wagener, was to “convert the German Volk to socialism without simply killing off the old individualists” – by which he meant the bankers and factory owners who could, he thought, serve socialism better by generating revenue for the state. “What Marxism, Leninism and Stalinism failed to accomplish,” he told Wagener, “we shall be in a position to achieve.”
    Leftist readers may by now be seething. Whenever I touch on this subject, it elicits an almost berserk reaction from people who think of themselves as progressives and see anti-fascism as part of their ideology.”
    Welcome to the “Obama-Nation(tm)”…in many ways the left lives at the schoolyard level; coercion, intimidation, group think, job loss, lack of cogent analysis, you can add your own at your leisure.
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. you god-er there boy, that’s how Romney won the presidential race, by staying classy. I have news for naïve ppl like you, learn your enemy and then use their own tactics against them, cuz what they fear the most is the methods they use, that’s WHY they use them, capeach!!!

  5. You’re quite free to resort to kintergarten tactics if you like. That type of speech defines personality and betrays an inability to function on an intellectual level. The loss then inevitably comes when the name-calling starts.
    Capice? (notice the correct spelling).

  6. “Stay classy. We can win this battle of ideas because they have proven to have worked.”
    Tell that to Cliven Bundy.
    Whenever anyone’s main debate tactic is screaming at you to shut up, the violence part is coming right up behind it. Its not a battle of ideas. Its just a battle.

  7. Exactly how a lefty would respond. I believe in fighting fire with fire. It’s time the right employs the same tactics as the left. This is a war, not a game.

  8. Several months ago I used the phrase “tyranny of the left” in conversation, and in a couple of posts online.
    If anything, this is an understatement. The leftist mentality that is growing out there is appalling, particularly in some of our universities.
    The spitting, vicious and unfettered hatred against Conservatives that fills comments sections attached to news articles online is so over the top as to defy comprehension, if not actual sanity.
    It used to be popular to call Conservatives “angry”. To hell with that, it pales in the extreme to the dripping venom all too commonly espoused by liberal leftists.
    What’s at stake in all of this is not just democracy, but freedom itself.
    It is becoming a war…and make no mistake, Conservatives did NOT start it, either!!!

  9. I think that what happened in Weyburn also belongs on the list. Not that I necessarily agree with Mssrs Whatcott and Labarbera’s points of view, but I don’t believe that silencing these people would have helped any more than listening respectfully and then either debunking their points or ridiculing their point of view. Of course, apparently “Shut Up” is a perfectly valid debate tactic for those people as well.

  10. This is not news. The left, by its own inverted sense of morality has always been on the side of coercion over free will. The nature of statism is in utilizing its monopoly of the use of force on its resident citizens, all for the “common good”, which can mean whatever is culturally acceptable and permissible given the nature of constitutional limitations and the rule of law or lack thereof. What has changed is that the culture has been handed-over to the looters and thugs of the left (via public education) and they have shredded the constitutional protections with their “progressive” subjectivity. The only question is can liberty survive democratically or will the lights go out before a future revolution re-ignites the flame.

  11. About the only good to come out of the destructive pogroms the left run is that when the social collapse comes (which they are responsible for) the ensuing chaotic maelstrom will grind up most of these mindless self destructive zombies in the natural selection process of surviving – a cleansing of the gene pool as it were.

  12. NME 666 and set you free are both(IMO)half right.
    Being classy is a very important part of communicating the
    conservative agenda. Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon won
    a total of four of the largest presidential landslides in
    history by being classy. They did not however win by sinking
    to the gutter tactics of their political opponents.
    They won by citing truth, facts, and history, delivered with
    good humor and sincerity. GHW Bush could have rode his 95%
    approval rating to a landslide reelection. He did not have to
    call Bill Clinton a dirty rotten draft dodging Marxist-Lennist communist New Left Radical, all he had to do was challenge Clinton’s political ideology. He was too nice a man for the office. He lost!
    George W. Bush on the other hand ran as a new kind of
    conservative, so-call “Compassionate conservative.” He won
    two of the narrowest victories in history. There is a lesson
    to be learned here.
    GW’s dad, Bob Dole, John McCain and Mitt Romney all lost
    because they were afraid to even criticize their political
    opponents. The GOP consultants need to be hanged. Campaign
    to the right in the primary and to the center in the general.
    BULLSHIT! Nixon and Reagan never wavered. GHW Bush won a
    massive landslide riding Reagan’s coat-tails, but got his
    ass stomped by a coke snorting pot smoking communist new-
    left radical. So much for being “Above the fray.”
    That is the tactics of losers! Reagan and Churchill could
    both devastate their opponents with humor and witticisms.
    They did not need to don the brass knuckles, but they did
    know defeat their opponents.
    You need to inform the voters as to what liberals stand for.
    This is how you beat them!

  13. Hans, thanks for yet more ammunition for my next argument with a moonbat to tells me that Nazi’s were ‘right wing’. I suspect that one of the ideas that any detailed examination of the history of WWII is discouraged is because the majority of people would become aware of the socialist origins of the Nazi party. Similarly unknown is the first implementation of medicare and public health programs more advanced than anything in N. America in Germany in the late 1930’s. The book The Nazi War on Cancer is a must read for anyone who harbors suspicions about ‘public health’ programs as most of them have been copied unaltered from the National Socialist model.
    Another factor that gets little publicity is how ordinary people were converted to sadistic concentration camp guards. After WWII, there was awareness of this in that all western militaries put into place programs for soldiers to ignore what were perceived as illegal orders but the reason for such policies now seems to have been forgotten.
    What is important in this war is to determine who are the hard core radicals who will never change and who are the followers who can be turned around. Elimination of the fanatical purveyors of a meme is a centuries old effective strategy and such authoritarian extremist individuals have no place in a free society. As always, there is the complex question of “when is it time to shoot the bastards?”. As the extremist totalitarians become increasingly intent on stamping out liberty, the closer the time for defenders of freedom to pick up their guns and go into battle. Until such time, it’s important to remember that the current repressive system is not designed to deal with huge numbers of individuals who refuse to go along with idiotic regulations. All that one needs to do is to simply refuse to go along with the degree of non-conformity being proportional to the idiocy of the statist regulation.

  14. To REALLY inflame leftists, all you need to do is to make the statement that the political party in Canada today most closely aligned with the Nazis is the NDP. And then quote this which appeared in the January 2, 1939 edition of Time Magazine wherein Hitler was named “Man of the Year” in 1938 by Time Magazine.
    They noted Hitler’s anti-capitalistic economic policies:
    “Most cruel joke of all, however, has been played by Hitler & Co. on those German capitalists and small businessmen who once backed National Socialism as a means of saving Germany’s bourgeois economic structure from radicalism. The Nazi credo that the individual belongs to the state also applies to business. Some businesses have been confiscated outright, on other what amounts to a capital tax has been levied. Profits have been strictly controlled. Some idea of the increasing Governmental control and interference in business could be deduced from the fact that 80% of all building and 50% of all industrial orders in Germany originated last year with the Government. Hard-pressed for food- stuffs as well as funds, the Nazi regime has taken over large estates and in many instances collectivized agriculture, a procedure fundamentally similar to Russian Communism.”
    (Source: Time Magazine; Jaunuary 2, 1939.)

  15. A person can get their point across and legitimately criticize his opponent’s ideas without resorting to name-calling which, to me, betrays a lack of an intelligent argument.
    I say leave the name-calling to the lefties.

  16. Yeah well, there is still that problem, of getting around the problem, that in life, most endeavers, invariably nice guys finish last.
    “Winning ain’t everything…it’s the only thing!”
    Vince Lombarbi
    The winning trait of the DemocRATS/LIBRANOS is that once the writ is dropped they are monolithic, implacable and focused.

  17. “the political party in Canada today most closely aligned with the Nazis is the NDP”
    NDP, NsDaP what’s the difference?
