The Princess and the Pea

President Hanlon apparently felt the students’ pain of what they had called “micro-aggressions,” or the day-to-day psychodramatic angst that these young elites feel are their own versions of the world of the Wal-Mart checker, the roofer in Delano who nails in 105 degree August heat, or the tractor driver who has disked half-mile long rows day in and day out on the farm. If you have never done such things, and you have $60,000 a year to spend on Dartmouth, then I suppose you could conceivably dream up a micro-aggression of being tortured to read ‘women’ for womyn, or having to use either the boys’ or girls’ bathroom.

No, don’t. You mustn’t belittle their suffering. They’re doing it all for us.

18 Replies to “The Princess and the Pea”

  1. If that is the depth of your ‘zeitgeist angst’ and the sum of all your concerns then you have far too much time on your hands.
    Better go help the guy in the tractor furrowing rows, or have a nail gun in your hand as a roofer. At least at the end of the day you can look back and see what you have actually accomplished.
    What exactly do they pay for ‘micro-aggressions’ these days; as I am feeling my inner Hun really needs to do some damage. Ahh,… the shooting range beckons and all will be well with the world!
    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  2. So the kids want “real” (read, “organic”) food, but want a “white-bread” life, all fluffy and bland? Well, “gag me a spoon”! Or is that too aggressive?

  3. There it is again – the “micro aggression” jabberwocky – conditioning self-loathing in the proletariat, is as evil a campus commie pogrom as distorting history for their vile control agendas. Nothing is too depraved for a progressive inquisitor with young minds at their disposal.

  4. NME666 –
    Not that it makes much of a difference, but the $60K probably covers tuition, room and board, books, other fees, and travel to and from Dartmouth at the beginning and end of the academic year and at Christmas (tip for the sleigh driver necessary to get through the snow at Dartmouth in December and January optional).

  5. Also linked by David is the story about the anthropologist Napolean Chagnon. I strongly urge people to buy his latest book “Noble Savages: My Life Among Two Dangerous Tribes—The Yanomamo and the Anthropologists”
    It is a fascinating book that describes the natural state of humans and those who pretend to study humans.

  6. FromDavid’s linked article:

    Chagnon faced numerous challenges simply in gathering material on the Yanomamo, starting with the difficulty of communicating with his subjects. Their language is unwritten and unrelated to any others spoken in South America, a testament to their long isolation. They didn’t even have a clear sense or delineation of individual words when Chagnon began working with them. He struggled to find symbols for sounds in the Yanomamo language that had no equivalent in English. Math was an issue, too. Chagnon was conducting a detailed study that included compiling extensive demographic data to understand how Yanomamo culture operated. But the Yanomamo have no numbers past two, and they don’t use calendars, so they have little idea how old they are, or how far in any unit of measure one village might be from another. Compiling a census of a single village was a time-consuming chore.

  7. The $60,000 tuition is probably used to help fund the udeless entities on campus like the student union and the Israeli apartheid week. So much money syphoned off to go to things that are designed to create useless leftist drones. If the politics and PC BS were not allowed on campus, along with all the stupid clubs and other nonsense, I suspect the school operating costs would be a lot lower. Get rid of all the useless courses like women’s studies and gay/lesbian studies (or any course that ends with the word “studies”) and you will have even further savings. Imagine, a school that exists to actually educate and prepare young people for the real world rather than indoctrinate them into socialism and keep them living in their parent’s basement forever.

  8. It’s probably been said before but most of these people have spent their entire life in a classroom, either in front of or behind a desk. Met a few “professional” students in my life. What a waste of time. 27 and never had a job in his life and therein lies the problem. They’ve never had a real job. The Queen served in the military as did her sons. If work is good enough for the monarchy then it’s certainly good enough for these pansies. Sorry if I’m slightly off topic.

  9. Without actually going there, I’m going to presume my mother’ old adage: “I’ll give you something to really cry about.” would work nicely here.

  10. “Stoicism becomes anathema, and pretentious hypersensitivity becomes a marker of virtue.”
    I thought this comment from the link deserved reposting. We have become so tyrannized by the Warman’s of the world that certain subjects cannot even be discussed any longer due to their “sensitivity”.

  11. How are these warm and fuzzy people going to survive when the reality hits them right between the eyes?
    Being and being led in such lotus land manner can mold the mind into a wholly alternate reality, sort of out of body experience. Maybe just as well.
    Oh my dear, who is going to help them through the day?
    Got it! A little bit of sweet colita haze will fix it.

  12. @ Lev…..fortunately some don’t (suicide is painless)….unfortunately most do and become parasites.

  13. I read the title to this thread and thought it was about Alison Redford..:)
    These kids need a session with Gail Vaz-Oxlade!

  14. “Get rid of useless courses”- Robert L
    No. No. Their job is to sell student LOANS, any filler will do.

  15. I think some people who currently run the university need to be fired and replaced by a Scotsman. Because the correct response to the Special Snowflake Brigade are:
    1. Scream F— YOU!!!! in their faces in a really objectionable Scots accent, and then
    2. Give the wee bairns a Glasgow Kiss.
    Repeat as necessary.
    Pain is the Universe teaching you something.

  16. exactly true.
    It’s no longer about getting a useful education, it’s about getting them chained to the debt wheel as early as possible.
