The Unrelenting Ego of Leftists

Understand that there is a theoretical “optimal” amount of legislation. Too little legislation and there’s bound to be a lot of crime. Too much legislation and you cripple and choke off your private sector. But leftists don’t care about this because to them MORE legislation is ALWAYS better. It makes up for the fact they really don’t have good ideas of governance, they have no game plan, and they make for miserable statesmen.

12 Replies to “The Unrelenting Ego of Leftists”

  1. What I heard.
    The taxpayers are funding schools, so the homophobic schools who hate gays should accept gays.
    My answer.
    You’re not so special. I hate everybody equally.

  2. Too little legislation creates crime?
    Absurd. Absurd.
    Oh. YOU wanta hold the gun now.

  3. Well stated. In order to deal with these petty authoritarians, one needs to tell them to their face that they are useless scum. Failure to do this makes them think that people are in agreement with their perverted need to control things. In just 6 years I’ve seen local hospital administrators who should never have been hired producing huge numbers of unwanted rules which are bringing Vancouver perversions to the interior of BC. I pointedly indicate that I have no intention of abiding by these moonbat regulations when I do my hospital privelages form every year. For now I can’t be replaced but when political correctness if more important than having a competent physician, it’s time to move to a smaller center.
    I’ve stated many times on this site that what is needed is a new branch of government whose only role is the repeal of legislation. What would make this even more interesting if votes for this assembly were weighted as the logarithm of the voters income. This would have the effect of making expensive legislation go away if passed by a legislature where parasite votes are equal to votes of individuals who work for a living. By using the logarithm of ones income, one avoids the possibility of billionaires having undue influence in an election.

  4. What if we went back to square one and our governments only dealt with areas of governance that pertained to them in our Constitution which says:
    The federal Parliament deals, for the most part, with issues concerning Canada as a whole, such as trade between provinces, national defence, criminal law, money, patents and the postal service. It is responsible as well for the Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.
    The provinces have the authority to make laws concerning education, property, civil rights, the administration of justice, hospitals, municipalities and other matters of a local or private nature within the provinces. Federal law allows territories to elect councils with powers similar to those of the provincial legislatures, and citizens of territories thus govern themselves.
    There are also local or municipal governments. They are created under provincial laws and can make bylaws regulating a variety of local matters, such as zoning, smoking, pesticide use, parking, business regulations, and construction permits.
    How much legislation and overlap could we rid ourselves of do you think?

  5. I disagree. The root of this do-gooder sickness is ‘self-loathing’. It is the belief of those on the Left that mankind by nature is untrustworthy, or evil; thus the need for enlightened people and to correct the innate flaws in humanity through progressive policy.
    From that they gain self-esteem by dictating to others a better way to live based on their superior views.
    “Self-loathing” is the key to the leftists mind. You can ask each and everyone if them and they will tell you that “you cannot trust individuals to do the right thing on their own”. I submit that from their point of view they are correct, as they automatically project their own thought process on everyone based on their own inner distrust of themselves.

  6. Legislation expands at the square of the increase of cowardice in the population.

  7. “I’ve stated many times on this site that what is needed is a new branch of government whose only role is the repeal of legislation.”
    Agreed 101% .

  8. I just paid $4,136.00 to the US government, on top of everything else I had already paid in taxes for 2013. It sort of burns when other people get a return, although they had paid no taxes, and then their votes are equal to mine. They can and do vote themselves my money. I like the idea of a weighted vote.

  9. That’s why I went Galt. I made very little last year, had more time to myself to enjoy and got a refund. No more am I working more to support other people and causes/programs that either I cannot get or do not support.
    The only way I’ll pay taxes again is to have a job where I work less than I do now (tough to do) and make more.

  10. Yup, same here. I now work just enough to live comfortably and pay no income taxes. I can’t make them stop, but I can refuse to support their stupidity. Time is more valuable than more money.
    The governments we’ve got are what one can expect when we let lawyers run the country. They exist for the primary purpose of making other lawyers richer by making more legislation. They’re extremely clever and effective parasites.

  11. “Too little legislation and there’s bound to be a lot of crime. Too much legislation and you cripple and choke off your private sector.”
    A balance between form and freedom needs to exist. The form must guide and protect equal access while allowing the maximum freedom.
    There is a point where excess regulations/legislation brings the process of law into disrepute and that is why government needs to understand that they rule by consent, not by threat.
