43 Replies to ““If Vladimir Putin invades Poland, I’ll eat my hat.””

  1. I agree with Totten entirely except for this single sentence:
    “Ukraine poses no national security threat whatsoever to Russia.”
    Ukraine poses a threat to Russian insofar as it is used as a base for US or NATO forces. That Russia will absolutely not tolerate.

  2. Ukraine still is involved in maintenance of the Russian R-36 heavy ICBM, and will
    be for at least another 14 years.
    Westerners, who are pig-ignorant, don’t know that (mostly; it is in Wikipedia).
    I rather suspect that it is known in Russia.

  3. Ukraine is a sovereign country and it is not up to Siberians to tolerate anything or not. It is the Siberian horde that is a threat to all her neighbours in the civilized world not the other way around.

  4. “…and it is not up to Siberians to tolerate anything or not.”
    And they will dispose of their perceived threat as they so choose. What do you propose to do about it? Obama’s solution is lots of hot air. What’s yours, more of the same?

  5. This has been discussed to death already, plenty of options: providing gear and training to Ukrainian forces would be a start, then missile shield in Eastern Europe, help Ukraine with fracking technology, permanent increased deployment to Baltic states and finally a clear notice to Pootin that all pro putinista traitors will be expelled from territories formerly occupied by Soviet Union/Russia if Kremlin meddles again.

  6. You mean “Scythian”, as in those who make messes of their generation.
    As for Poland etc. the Soviet Union moved out of Poland and Austria in the `50s,
    leaving behind a Communist goverment in Poland and a socialist one in Austria.
    There is no evident reason for Russia to move back in.
    We and Finland have learned through the years how to behave circumspectly and
    respectfully towards
    our great Hegemons. The fate of Ukraine shows what happens when the little ones
    attempt to play with the big boys. Ukraine is in the process of being pulled apart
    by the EU, the US, and the Russians – probably more or less what might have
    happened to Canada if Lester Pearson had let Charles de Gaulle get away with his
    “vive le Quebec libre” speech these many years ago.

  7. For four and half decades Poland has been a Kremlin’s puppet. The last Soviet troops moved out of Poland in 1993. As for the rest of the drivel it is not worth addressing.
    Divine sphere of influence blah blah blah.
    Besides, russia ain’t big where it counts. China has Siberia firmly in her sights, mooselimbs are the only russians who breed and do not murder their litter. West should be doing everything to speed up the natural process that russia cannot escape.

  8. Russia will gift Eastern Ukraine (the Uniate part) back to Poland and amalgamate the rest of the traditional Russian Empire land which was set up as an separate administrative district by Lenin in 1922, well before the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union.
    Putin has already encouraged the EU to pay Ukraine’s bills, since Russia is tired of subsidizing the kleptocrats the people keep voting in.
    I’ve been wrong many times before. We’ll see how this theory plays out.

  9. Meanwhile, back in the real world: none in Poland wants a part of Ukraine, none in Ukraine is interested in being a part of Poland.

  10. None in Russia want the Western Ukraine; none in the Western Ukraine (at least members of the Uniate, Waffen SS putsch) want to be ruled by Moscow.
    No longer the breadbasket of Europe thanks to 23 years of mismanagement, how will a tiny new Western Ukraine survive as a vassal of the EU?
    Putin’s already won this one. Let’s hope the end game will not be too ugly.

  11. Regardless of what is left of Ukraine will fare after she is gutted by the Siberians there is absolutely no appetite on either side or Polish Ukrainian border for a merger. Both countries have made considerable efforts to rise above their tortured past but expecting them to live as one is a pipe dream. Neither wants it.
    Oh it is important to make this one as ugly for Pootin as possible, Siberians need to know their place.

  12. Could be wrong, but I’m sensing some Russophopia.
    Napoleon, Hitler; England and France in the Crimean War.
    Yep, Russia should have just laid down their arms and let the European invaders take over, I guess. Don’t they know their place like you suggest in your last phrase?

  13. Read about Volhynia massacres and Operation Wisla before dreaming about a joint Polish Ukrainains State. Those memories are vivid and the story is well known although portrayed quite differently on either side of the border. Poland and Ukraine have a common interest in not being subjugated by the Siberians but that is about all they have in common, both sides understand that and both accept it.

  14. When you say the Siberians, I’m assuming you intend to demonstrate how clever you are. Nice try.
    Russia has been independent for a millennium, the fake state of Ukraine only since 1991.
    Stick, stones and childish putdowns won’t change the fact Russia will be around longer than the failed Ukrainian experiment. No matter how much anybody wishfully thinks.

  15. Rusophobia just like Islamophobia is not a phobia.
    Napoleon was liberating occupied by russians Poland and Lithuania. Pity he failed.
    Hitler and Stalin were best allies, busy with their own imperial plans, until one betrayed the other. Without Stalin, Hitler would never had the resources to invade the Soviet Union.
    As nearly always, Russian imperialism was the root cause.
    “Russia should have just laid down their arms and let the European invaders take over,”
    Well at least you are making a distinction between Russian and European. Good. Russian should not be confused with civilized.

  16. It’s always fun to watch when somebody’s talking to themselves.
    So, Napoleon was so intent on liberating Poland that he was willing to sacrifice 300,000 men near Moscow? What a man!
    No response to the equivalence to Israel’s buffer zone, which still exists … or are you fine with that?

  17. “Russia has been independent for a millennium,”
    And yet Russians have never been free and always eager to lick a boot of whatever tyrant was sending them to subjugate others.
    And no Russia has not been around for a millenium, only since Mongol conquest, they wiped out what was before. Deal with, russians culturally (and mentally) are the descendants of the Mongol horde. This explains quite a bit.
    But yes, russia will be around for a while still, hopefully not that long, whether moselimb or not time will tell. Meanwhile while russians are busy drinking themselves to death and butchering their litter Chinese are slowly colonizing Siberia.

  18. Putin could take the rest of Ukraine and possibly Poland. It’s not like anyone is going to stop him or anything.
    Of course, none of this would be an issue if the former eastern Bloc countries had weapons and defense shields and so forth…

  19. Re Napoleon: Russians defended not their lands but lands they conquered. Portraying them as defenders when people in occupied by them lands greeted French as liberators and joined the fight on the side of the French is typical Russian hypocrisy… just like whining about Hitler that they themselves have enabled.

  20. “No response to the equivalence to Israel’s …”
    Funny you ask, really. Israel needs to protect herself from barbarians, same for Eastern Europe they too need to protect themselves from barbarians from the east.

  21. Yet, in an independent poll, Putin’s approval rating is well above 70%.
    I see there’s the Russophobic suggestion about ‘If they’re killing so many of their own people, what are they capable of doing to us.’ Chicken Little is apparently alive.
    Don’t sweat it, hombre. It’s happening in a land far, far away.

  22. I see.
    So, a nation with more than 1000-year history; a rich contribution to the world in literature, music and science is populated by barbarians?
    Under what definition?
    It’s so much fun discovering your prejudices, isn’t it?

  23. And, you know what?
    The country has some pretty good hockey players, too.
    Putin stands for family values, the country has a 13% flat tax and Putin has a sense of his nation’s greatness.
    You can support Obama’s Cold War rhetoric if you like (not so much Europe, or have you noticed?).
    I can guarantee you are totally ignorant of the issues that are going on in that part of the world and have no understanding of the situation other than ‘Putin is an evil expansionist,’ since that’s your entire line of argument.
    If Vladimir Putin invades Poland, I’ll eat YOUR hat.

  24. “Yet, in an independent poll, Putin’s approval rating is well above 70%.”
    Like I said, a Russian will always worship a tyrant if that tyrant promises him an opportunity to subjugate others, nothing new about it, really.
    “I can guarantee you are totally ignorant of the issues that are going on in that part of the world”
    Funny thing is: I grew up in that port of the world. Understand it perfectly. Have been exposed to pro- russian demagogues like you for long time. The song is always the same. You are not particularly original.
    “So, a nation with more than 1000-year history…”
    1000 years haven’t pass since Mongols conquered those lands and whipped out what was before.
    “a rich contribution to the world in literature, music and science is populated by barbarians?”
    “In 2001, 1.31 million children were born in Russia, while 2.11 million abortions were performed. In 2005, 1.6 million abortions were registered in Russia;[ 20% of these involved girls under the age of 18. Official statistics put the number at 989,000 in 2011, though Russian pro-life activists say that number is much higher.
    As of 2010, the abortion rate was 37.4 abortions per 1000 women aged 15-44 years, the highest of any country reported in UN data.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Russia
    Yes that would make them barbarians in my book. As a matter of fact these statistics alone perfectly illustrate what psychotic barbaric beyond redemption cesspool russia is.
    “Putin has a sense of his nation’s greatness.”
    Just like Ivan the Terrible, Catharine the Horse Lover, Stalin and other great russian leaders before him.
    “If Vladimir Putin invades Poland, “
    He will not do that because Poland is a part of NATO. Pity Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia aren’t.
    “I’ll eat YOUR hat.”
    We’ll add it to a long list of things russians have taken from their betters and destroyed.

  25. Putin’s approval rating is well above 70%. … So, a nation with more than 1000-year history; a rich contribution to the world in literature, music and science is populated by barbarians? … Putin stands for family values, the country has a 13% flat tax and Putin has a sense of his nation’s greatness.
    Good summary. Putin plays chess while the west fumbles at checkers.
    There will always be people who want to meddle in the affairs of other countries. It’s a specific breed of control freak. Of course it’s well known that those who have the least control of their own lives are the ones who try to control the lives of others. Criticizing a country half way around the world is a good distraction from failing to adequately address similar problems at home.

  26. If I see German, French and Italian soldiers fighting to defend Ukraine then I might get concerned. As long as Euros simply bleat about the situation I have little interest. Harper sending 6 jet fighters to Poland were 6 to many. In actual fact I suppose Poland is one of the few countries that does make an effort to defend itself.
    IMO Putin is in a no win situation. He might want to dominate the Ukraine for strategic depth but an unstable Ukraine will cost Russia export revenue as I suspect the Euros will shift as much energy imports as possible away from Russia. The idea that Russia can sell lost Euro energy sales to China are very questionable. I suspect any philosophical alliance between those two died a long time ago. As some once suggested the Russians should be more worried about the Chinese reasserting their territorial claims to parts of Siberia. After all, fair is fair.

  27. syf said: “Yet, in an independent poll, Putin’s approval rating is well above 70%.”
    This assumes any poll done in Russia is “independent”. Just sayin’.
    European history being what it is, Putin’s actions are historically exactly what starts wars over there. A stupid little war over there is likely to have some serious repercussions Over Here.
    On the bright side there will be lots of new jobs making weapons in brand new factories. And hey, maybe the Canadian Forces will finally get helicopters.

  28. “Yet, in an independent poll, Putin’s approval rating is well above 70%.”
    I am sure everyone is eager to tell Putin, The Butcher, exactly what they think of him – Not so much. I am not sure that telling a stranger on the phone that Putin is an asshole is all that wise.

  29. A prime example of analysis overreach inspired by the Chicken Little fear called Russophobia.
    How many people, exactly, has Putin butchered? Stalin, yes, but mostly his own people.
    Did the 93% of Crimeans who voted to re-join Russia do so at the point of a gun, taken from their homes and forced to vote in a secret ballot with somebody standing over them with a rifle? Or did they vote, as one recent immigrant from that part of the world told me, because the once-beautiful part of Russia furthest away from Kiev had fallen into a state of disrepair by the negligent far-away Ukrainian government? I don’t know either, but I tend to believe stories I can confirm from sources close to where this foreign crisis is happening.
    At least Putin’s approval ratings come from a credible source.
    Ignorance is bliss, I suppose. Choose to live in the past if you must, believing the Cold War rhetoric against a godless regime which has not been in control of Russia for 23 years now from a fading superpower (US) whose middle class had disappeared.
    Russia’s middle class may not be as large as the US’s yet, but it’s closing fast.

  30. Let me guess: you’re kosher.
    Since the Russians are a powerful white nation who remain with sense of racial pride, it’s hardly surprising that the Israel lobby (read: United States of America) and its decaying allies should be equal parts terrified and hateful.
    Well don’t worry. Putin likes to throw real nationalists in prison from time to time. But it’s true: at least he does not fiddle while Rome burns, which is an apt summary of “conservative” activities in the West. Oh – that, and making money off the “big issues”; excuse me while I re-up my subscription to National Review and foot another cable bill for Sun semitic-nationalist News Channel.
    Folks, take a lesson from your zionist idols: You might not be interested in Race, but Race is interested in you.

  31. “Did the 93% of Crimeans who voted to re-join Russia do so at the point of a gun, taken from their homes and forced to vote in a secret ballot with somebody standing over them with a rifle? ”
    Those who voted were the 5th column remnants of Tsarist/Soviet occupation. They deserve expulsion and if resist a bullet, such is penalty for treason. In fact, they should have been expelled the moment Ukraine regained her independence. Same goes for those who infest Baltic States.
    The referendum was boycoted by opposition.
    The referendum did not give the voters an option to stay with Ukraine http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/03/11/us-ukraine-crisis-referendum-idUSBREA2A1GR20140311 . Only a hypocrite and a demagogue uses the result of that vote as a proof of anything.

  32. “because the once-beautiful part of Russia”
    Part of Russia only by way of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

  33. “At least Putin’s approval ratings come from a credible source.”
    I have no doubt about that. Russians are not that different from mooselimbs. It ain’t just their leaders folks.

  34. Let me try to understand your proposed Final Solution.
    What seems to be the case that’s presented, if I read you correctly, is to either expel or kill those who voted to reverse Khruschev’s 1954 Crimea error. And, you are quite happy that Lenin created Ukraine in 1922.
    Not sure if you’re familiar with the Wolfowitz Doctrine of 1992, which states:
    We continue to recognize that collectively the conventional forces of the states formerly comprising the Soviet Union retain the most military potential in all of Eurasia; and we do not dismiss the risks to stability in Europe from a nationalist backlash in Russia or efforts to reincorporate into Russia the newly independent republics of Ukraine, Belarus, and possibly others….We must, however, be mindful that democratic change in Russia is not irreversible, and that despite its current travails, Russia will remain the strongest military power in Eurasia and the only power in the world with the capability of destroying the United States.
    Perhaps that explains the US paranoia, expansionism and encroachment of military bases into former buffer zone areas of the Soviet Union. What’s good for Israel today must have been good for the Soviet Union, which created Ukraine and ripped Crimea from its Russian roots.
    In case you are unfamiliar with the imperialist nature of the US’s intentions in the post-Soviet era, The New World Order, perhaps a refresher would be useful.
    Happy reading.

  35. Your understanding is correct although in typical russian fassion you twist the reasoning. Yes I am happy that after centuries of struggle Ukrainians have an independent country. Since Eastern European boundaries have been drawn without the consent of people living there, and all learned how to live there, so should Russians. But no, Russians who themselves are responsible for carving Eastern Europe and subjugating the people living there will never learn to stay within their own borders. Russians have been forcibly relocating Ukrainians, Poles, Tatars, Germans and countless others for centuries. Russians have always, in most brutal ways, dealt with any independence movements and opposition within lands they conquered. Crimea is a perfect example of that. Well, what is good for the goose….
    Kindly understand I am not playing your game. After everything that russians have done to that part of the world for centuries they lost any claims to righteousness. Until they recognize, the breathtaking magnitude of suffering they have inflicted on others and make amends, which of course they never will, they need to muzzled, period.

  36. Not quite sure how stating some historical facts is a game.
    Just the other day, Putin made a statement about the Tatars, basically absolving them of what they had done.
    It’s interesting that the Tatar deportation keeps coming up.
    So, in keeping with my theme of uncovering the historical reasons, here it is. Stalin deported Tatars from Crimea because they were Nazi sympathizers.
    My theory is the inheritors of the neo-nazi philosophy, of which the Waffen SS is their predecessor, bring it up due to their common goal of overthrowing the Soviet Union. That was a pretty noble goal, for sure, since I’m no fan of the Soviet Union of which Russians were the primary victim.
    Hitler never would have allowed an independent Ukraine. If anybody believes that, they truly are delusional since Hitler believed all Slavic people were inferior to the Master Race.
    Fortunately, Hitler lost the war and it became difficult for the Waffen SS veterans to integrate back into the Soviet Union.
    Many of them found their way to Canada, where they constructed building celebrating their nationality. One of those building located in the area I live in, has a bust of the leader of the Waffen SS, those who put on a German uniform.
    My father, who fought in the Red Army, had one such former Waffen SS veteran as his good fishing buddy. Once the war ended, bygones became bygones.
    Fortunately, the Soviet Union no longer exists.
    Unfortunately, your hatred of anything Russian (even though Russians were the largest victims of the Soviets) is an obvious hangover from that era and your capacity for forgiveness seems to be considerably lower than my father and his fishing buddy, may they both rest in peace.

  37. Soviets were russians, these were not aliens teleported from outer space, they were russian. BTW spare me the Stalin was Gerogian, it is not Georgians who celebrate him today, it is russians.
    Long before some Tatars had Nazi sympathies they were being subjugated by russians. Typical russian propaganda, reducing Tatars to Nazis.
    Putin absolved Tatars of their faults. Oh how rich of him! Typical Russian hypocrisy, and who absolved russians of what have they done to Tatars before that?
    As far as soviets killing russians, meaning russians killing russians, a self-cleaning oven in russian tradition is no business of mine, nor does it bother me one bit.
    But you are right on one point. I have no capacity for forgiveness to those who celebrate their genocidal past and want more of it. Had Germans today been marching to a Nazi anthem, the way soldats march to a Soviet one I would hold them in equal contempt.

  38. “Above all, we should acknowledge that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a major geopolitical disaster of the century. As for the Russian nation, it became a genuine drama. Tens of millions of our co-citizens and compatriots found themselves outside Russian territory. ”
    Pop quiz for you: who stated the above words?

  39. So the Tatars, descendants of Genghis Khan’s armies, are the oppressed?
    So, the Slavs who moved from Kievan Rus, who lived in what is now the Ukraine and are the original Russians, moved to the north to escape the Mongol Hordes are the bad guys?
    And because Russia is a nation that overthrew the Mongol Hordes, repelled European invader after European invader, that the Russian people have no right of self-defence?
    Enlighten me, then, so I can find some consistency within your theory. Do you agree that all Jews are legitimate targets to be killed because they are Jewish?

  40. More russian demagogy. Now he is going back to a twisted vision of ancient times to justify the genocide his people perpetrated on Tatars in 1921, then in 1931-33 and finally under pretext of Nazi collaboration the final solution of 1944. And oh the noble Pootin forgave the Tatars so all is fine. How typically russian.
    And how the beaten the invaders, you invaded: Poland, Finland, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and that only during the two short years when you were sending raw materials and food so your buddy Hitler could do his part. Your history of the 19th century and post WWII is full of the same.
    And the ultimate act of hypocrisy, he now compares russians to Jews … that russians routinely oppressed. Pogrom is a russian word you know.
    And get it through your head: you are the decedents of the Mongols. You are Mongols … and that explains quite a lot. And yes, you did not even spare your ancestors who you have mutilated en masse between 1937 and 1939.
