7 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Internet”

  1. Having fun with the Quran would lead to some major fatwas, but the Bible is safe territory. Wonder why that is ?. Islam is supposed to be the religion of peace, yet few dare to challenge that theory. Wonder if Upworthy would be charged with hate speech if he did the same thing to the Quran ? Wonder why we accept this discrepancy in a supposedly free country ? Wonder what happened to Preparation A through G ? Just one of those nights where I wonder too much.

  2. “…Wonder what happened to Preparation A through G ? …”
    Guess what Preparation I is for.

  3. To make your wedding reception the talk of the centuries, save the best till last.

  4. Scientists Say Bad Weather Yesterday After Jesus Died Just One More Sign Climate Change Is Happening

  5. “Having fun with the Quran would lead to some major fatwas, but the Bible is safe territory. Wonder why that is?”
    I suspect that it has something to do with the Left’s alliance with Islam in order to destroy liberal democracy which is based on the Judeo-Christian ethic.
    nold, that was good.
    Another line could be: Christian Terrorist Named Paul Attempts Jailbreak By Crumbling Jail Cell Walls: Guards Terrified.

  6. That was funny.More humour please (O:}
    Getting tired of the grim Muslim mentality.
